Pinterest Hack: Paint-Be-Gone

For the past two years, my son has insisted on being a firefighter for Halloween. As we were getting closer to Halloween last year, a new costume idea popped into his head. He wanted to be a robot, and he also had ideas about what his costume was supposed to look like. This mom needed a Pinterest hack.

I set out one Sunday afternoon and began spray painting the boxes for his costume. The paint, of course, was getting all over my hands. I didn’t think much of it as I was painting because I was just trying to get it finished. I went in to wash my hands, but it wasn’t coming off! All the scrubbing I tried was doing nothing to remove the paint. Oh, and did I mention we had our family pictures later that afternoon? I needed the paint gone ASAP!

Pinterst Hack: Paint-Be-Gone

I turned to my trusted friend, Pinterest, again and began searching for hacks to remove paint from my hands. I came across a pin from the blog Mom4Real titled “How to Remove Spray Paint From your Skin — No Chemicals!”


The Paint Remover

It was a simple concoction of 1/2 cup coconut oil and 1/2 cup baking soda. I had both in my pantry, so I quickly mixed them together. 

Pinterest Hack: Paint-Be-Gone

Once it was mixed, I just scrubbed the mixture all over my paint-stained hands. I did have to do a little extra scrubbing around my nails, but the blogger suggested using an old toothbrush for some of those harder-to-reach areas.

Pinterest Hack: Paint-Be-Gone

As an added perk from this Pinterest hack, the coconut oil made my hands really soft! This is definitely a great concoction to keep on hand.

Pinterest Hack: Paint-Be-Gone

In the end, my little guy was ecstatic about his costume. Maybe he will just wear this one again next year…

Pinterest Hack: Paint-Be-Gone

Need your own DIY costume? Find it in Last Minute DIY Halloween Costumes.
Pinterest Hack: Paint-Be-Gone

Photo Credits: Eastern Sky Photography

Daily Mom Military
Daily Mom Military
Daily Mom Military is a resource dedicated to serving the unique needs of military moms. Through our website, we provide comprehensive advice for all things concerning military lives and families. Our mission is to equip these incredible women with the necessary tools, resources, and community to navigate the challenges of military life. We understand the unique struggles and triumphs that come with being a military mom and strive to be a one-stop-shop for advice, tips, and support.

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