15 Unique Gender Reveal Ideas

Gender reveals have become a thing unto itself. Some people want a huge production of finding out the gender of their baby and others prefer low-key, unique gender reveal ideas. Either way, you can make it special for you and your family no matter how big or small, close or far away you are from those you want to share this moment with. Here are 15 unique gender reveal ideas that most people have not heard of!

Virtual Unique Gender Reveal Ideas

15 Unique Gender Reveal Ideas

1. If you are looking for a unique gender reveal idea, but have family and friends that are not able to be there in person. This candle will turn blue or pink depending as it burns.  This is great to send to long-distance family and friends who are not able to be there in person.

2. Give each guest a mystery packet of colored drink mix. As guests pour it into a bottle or a clear cup of water it will change to blue or pink to reveal the gender. Just make sure all guests do it at the same time! You can be creative and call it “Baby Dust” or “Stork Sprinkles”. This one is easy to send to guests ahead of time too for virtual gender reveal ideas.

3. Provide color-changing straws and have guests place them in drinks at the same time to find out the gender of your baby. This a good option for couples who need a last-minute idea or don’t want to go through too much fuss. You can even send these to guests and do a virtual gender reveal as well! Straws are available in pink or blue and magically change color in an ice-cold drink.

Read More: 11 Steps To Prepare Dad For A New Baby

Messy & Fun Unique Gender Reveal Ideas

15 Unique Gender Reveal Ideas

4. Fill balloons with blue or pink confetti for gender reveal darts. Have enough for most guests to be able to pop one and have someone keep a tally of how many pink and blue ones there are. This reveal is best to do outside where clean up will be easier.

5. Set off fireworks of either pink or blue color. You can either get sparklers or bigger fireworks that explode in the sky. This is a unique gender reveal idea that is fun for a summertime reveal. If your area allows them of course!

6. Gender reveal using paint. As you prepare to paint your little one’s nursery, use a can of paint to reveal the gender! Handprints on mama’s growing belly or an all-out paint fight are also fun and unique ways to announce your new baby’s gender. Just make sure you have someone else there to take pictures if you have a paint fight!

7. Egg roulette, is exactly what you are thinking and you can make this as messy or clean as you wish. Hard boil 11 eggs, plus take one raw egg and dye that the correct color of the gender. Make sure there are 6 blue and 6 pink eggs. Parents to be will take turns cracking eggs to find the one that is raw. If the parents to be are up for it, they can crack it over their own or each other’s heads!

8. Put a balloon on a target with pink or blue paint inside. Using a bow and arrow have the dad to be, hit the target to reveal the sex of the baby. Be sure to have the target far enough away from guests to avoid getting splattered with paint!

Unique Gender Reveal Ideas for Large Groups

15 Unique Gender Reveal Ideas

9. Play a game of charades acting out different movies, songs or shows, and guests have to figure out what it all means. For example, “My Girl” or “About a Boy”. Fun for movie buffs!

10. Fill a large jar or vase with pink and blue candies. Put in more pink or blue ones pending on the gender. Have guests guess the number of candies. The person closest to the correct number wins a prize and the gender is revealed for all!

11. Create a gender reveal riddle, to play with your guests to reveal the gender of your baby. This idea is great for those that enjoy a little game and want a clever way to reveal the gender of their baby. Make it as long as you want, to keep your guests playing along!

12. Decorate fortune cookies with pink and blue frosting and fill the cookies with a slip of paper that says “It’s a girl” or “It’s a boy.” Have guests open them at the same time to reveal the gender of your baby. Not only do the cookies look cute, but it also doubles as a dessert.

Read More: How To Throw A Virtual Baby Shower

13. Do your family and friends have a regular game night? Create a Jeopardy game spelling out the gender of the baby in a unique way. Instead of saying “It’s a girl!” you can say “Nut-Free” or “Girls Have More Fun”. Get creative and make a game out of it!

14. Make a “Bow or Bow Ties?” trivia board and have your guests ask you baby or parenting-related trivia questions. For example: “What was the most common baby girl name last year?” you can throw in a few funny questions as well, “Should you feed your baby chocolate milk at a month old?”. If the person gets it right, they get to draw a pink bow or a blue bowtie out of a bag and put it up on the board (there will be more of the correct color). Once you’re out of bows and bowties, the gender will be revealed!

15. Get shirts printed for some guests that spell out what the gender is. Take a group photo and then display it for mom and dad to see. This is best done as a surprise to mom and dad so when they see the picture they are just as surprised as everyone else!

At the end of the day, no matter how you reveal the gender of your baby it will be a surprise to all. Whether you go big or small, the fun will be had by everyone. Some may think they know, but all will enjoy finding out! These unique gender reveal ideas are great for anyone who is looking for an out of the box idea.

Check out this article on How To Swaddle Your Baby Like A Pro.

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15 Unique Gender Reveal Ideas

Photo Credits: Unsplash.com



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Sabra Ritter
Sabra Ritterhttp://www.mybeautifulchaosblog.com
Sabra is mom, event designer extraordinaire, explorer, writer, hostess with the mostesses and chef for her family. She has been writing for Daily Mom for over 4 years, sharing her wisdom and experiences with her two little girls and life along the way. From breastfeeding, postpartum anxiety to staying happily married during the trials of newborn life, sleep deprivation, working full time and volunteering more than she probably should, she candidly shares her own experiences on the topics you most want to hear about. You can find her spending time with her family, learning new things and exploring everything northern Arizona has to offer her.

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