Breastfeeding Must Haves & Nursing Bundle Giveaway!

The Daily Mom team is exclusively pro-breastfeeding, and we have put our heads together to come up with some of our favorite products that help support a healthy breastfeeding lifestyle. Whether you’re looking for tools to help initiate that bond, or are a seasoned mommy who may be looking for things to make it easier, this post has something for everyone- with a chance for one person to win it all at the end!

Breastfeeding Must Haves &Amp; Nursing Bundle Giveaway! 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

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 Boob Design Nursing Dress

Breastfeeding Must Haves &Amp; Nursing Bundle Giveaway! 2 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Every nursing mother needs to have a staple piece of clothing in her wardrobe that is versatile, comfortable, stylish, and (most importantly to nursing moms) practical! Boob Design took all of those things into consideration when creating their high quality and gorgeous clothing. Boob Design dresses can carry you throughout your entire pregnancy, and transition seamlessly into the perfect dress that you can easily and discreetly nurse your little one wearing.

Boob Design is known for their gorgeous patterns, and color usage. Even when you are tasked with dressing your slightly awkward postpartum body, everything about Boob Design dresses is perfect. The hemlines are flattering, the flow of the dresses take all body shapes into consideration, and the quality of the material and craftsmanship does not go unnoticed.

With a simple lift of the panel, you can nourish your child while not worrying about modesty, or struggling with a cover. You don’t have to stretch your neckline, or hassle with wearing anything underneath. Truly genius!

Still not convinced? Take a look at when we featured Boob Design’s Summer Apparel, Spring Maternity & Nursing Wear, and Nursing Clothes to Obsess Over.

Breastfeeding Must Haves &Amp; Nursing Bundle Giveaway! 3 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

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The First Years Breastflow Memory Pump

Breastfeeding Must Haves &Amp; Nursing Bundle Giveaway! 4 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Whether you pump from necessity or just because you want a night out with your man and need someone else to watch your little one, you know that pumping can be time consuming and monotonous. Enter The First Years with their intuitive Memory Pump. This pump is not only an amazing double electric pump, but it boasts some unprecedented features.

  • A unique handle that allows for one handed, double pumping
  • A digital touch screen that records up to 10 pumping sessions including dates, times, and even milk volume
  • The ability to set your own speed and suction for maximum comfort

This pump will elevate your thinking from the basic pumps of the past to the iPhone era. While you should already be impressed by the distinguished features of this high-tech The First Years pump, let us impress you further.

The First Years Memory Pump comes with a tote bag to carry all of the necessities, a cooler bag and ice pack to keep milk fresh, and two Breastflow bottles with nipples, caps and storage lids. And because The First Years knows that every woman is not the same, they offer two sizes of Flexi-fit breast shields!

Now, is there anything more you could want from a breast pump? We didn’t think so.

Breastfeeding Must Haves &Amp; Nursing Bundle Giveaway! 5 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

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Born Free Bliss Feeding Pillow

Breastfeeding Must Haves &Amp; Nursing Bundle Giveaway! 6 Daily Mom, Magazine For FamiliesAt Daily Mom we like to say that the Bliss is the best of both worlds. It has height and convenience where other nursing pillows only have height or convenience. It offers 3 different height stages for you and baby to be completely comfortable and secure.

  1. Use all 3 components for your newborn’s feeding times. The feeding pillow, Nurture Boost, and newborn mat provide the right height and firmness to keep your little one alert while he is getting the nourishment he needs in those first weeks.
  2. Take off the firm, newborn mat when your little one gets a little bigger and can lay comfortably on the feeding pillow. The Nurture Boost provides the perfect incline beneath the pillow to support your baby.
  3. Eventually you can remove the Nurture Boost incline and simply used the feeding pillow on which to rest your nursing babe.

Not only do you want this versatile pillow and its two assisting components; you also want to dress it up with Born Free’s chic slipcovers!

Breastfeeding Must Haves &Amp; Nursing Bundle Giveaway! 7 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

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Earth Mama Angel Baby Breastfeeding Essentials Bundle 

Breastfeeding Must Haves &Amp; Nursing Bundle Giveaway! 8 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Some women experience natural discomfort when it comes to establishing a breastfeeding relationship with their young nursling. Luckily, Earth Mama Angel Baby has thought of everything, and created quality, organic products to assist moms in any phase of nursing.

This bundle is a must-have for every mommy-to-be, as well as a lifesaver for currently breastfeeding moms.. It is also a thoughtful, and practical baby shower gift. The bundle includes:

  • All-natural, lanolin free nipple butter, which glides on easily to help prevent and soothe dry, cracked nipples.
  • Gel-free breast packs that you can use either warm, or cold. The unique shape will allow all shapes and sizes to use the product to ease breasts that are sore from either engorgement or mastitis.
  • 100% USDA organic milkmaid tea that contains herbs proven to stimulate the healthy production of breastmilk. This tea can be useful when you are waiting for your milk to come in initially, or if you notice a dip in your supply down the road.
  • All these products come packaged in a certified organic cotton re-usable tote bag, which would discreetly allow you to transport all your breastfeeding essentials when you’re on the go.

The Earth Mama Angel Baby company takes a stand by being a breastfeeding advocacy company, and offers many different resources for parents through products and information on their website (such as this free downloadable e-book, A Comprehensive Guide to Herbs and Breastfeeding.)

Breastfeeding Must Haves &Amp; Nursing Bundle Giveaway! 9 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

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Kiinde Twist Breastfeeding Starter Kit 

Breastfeeding Must Haves &Amp; Nursing Bundle Giveaway! 10 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Just when you thought you had to once again pour your pumped milk into bags, freeze, thaw then put it back into a bottle to feed your baby, Kiinde comes along with the ultimate collection and storage kit for the nursing mom!

What’s included?

  • 20 Twist pouches
  • 2 nipple cleaning brushes
  • 2 feeding bottles and 2 nipples with cases
  • 1 bag storage holder (It fits right into your freezer!)
  • 8 pump adapters that fit most major pump brands

The Twist pouches snap right into the Squeeze natural feeding bottles. This eliminates the need to pour from bottle to bag and back again! They store right in the Keeper for easy storage and freezing.

The Slow flow Active Latch nipples are easy to clean and provide the right speed of flow for your little one at each stage of their infancy!

Breastfeeding Must Haves &Amp; Nursing Bundle Giveaway! 11 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

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 Undercover Mama Nursing Tank

Breastfeeding Must Haves &Amp; Nursing Bundle Giveaway! 12 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Building a wardrobe of nursing clothes can be overwhelming and expensive, especially after you just stored away your pricey bundle of maternity wear. Most women just opt for a few good nursing tops and bras, and continually alternate between the same boring look day after day, while their pre-pregnancy wardrobe collects dust in their closets.

Undercover Mama has created a unique solution! Their wide variety of tank tops are designed to wear under your normal clothing with your favorite nursing bra. Simply attach the top to your bra with one of the two included hooks and put your favorite shirt on over top of it. When you’re ready to nurse your little one, pull up your regular shirt, unhook the Undercover top and nurse with the assurance that your entire lower body will not be exposed.

Undercover Mama tank tops are different than regular nursing tank tops in two ways:

  1. Unlike the non-existent breast support that regular nursing tops provide, you can wear your Undercover Mama top with your favorite supportive nursing bra.
  2. Undercover Mama tops give you the flexibility to wear your regular clothes and still be able to nurse inconspicuously.

Undercover Mama offers:

Breastfeeding Must Haves &Amp; Nursing Bundle Giveaway! 13 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

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Breastfeeding Must Haves &Amp; Nursing Bundle Giveaway! 14 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

 BiOmega DHA Vitamins

The brain is made up mostly of fat, and infants need a lot of healthy fat in their diets to help their precious brains grow and develop. DHA and EPA are fatty acids found in fish that can be a wonderful, healthy aid to getting those good fats into our bodies to help our brains develop properly. You may have noticed that DHA is a popular additive in many infant formulas available today. While DHA and EPA can be found naturally in breast milk, sometimes our bodies need a little help providing enough vitamins to both our bodies and our breastfed little ones. Eating a diet high in DHA and EPA can mean eating lots of healthy fish. But for those of us who don’t have the time to cook, or maybe don’t enjoy eating fish this can be tricky. That’s where BiOmega vitamins come in.

Omegas can be a vital part of your breast feeding tool bag. BiOmega vitamins from Usana contain both DHA and EPA to support memory and learning. BiOmega stands out from other DHA supplements with the added benefit of vitamin D and the infusion of lemon oil to eliminate the fishy aftertaste experienced with many other fish oil supplements. Due to the high tech purification process, you don’t need to worry about toxins that can be found in fish ending up in your body. BiOmega vitamins are considered some of the purest, high quality fish oil supplements available today.

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Making Mamas Milk & More Lactation Cookies

Breastfeeding Must Haves &Amp; Nursing Bundle Giveaway! 15 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Many of these items are tapered to moms who are just beginning their breastfeeding journeys. However, one of the most difficult times may be down the road if you ever struggle with your milk production. Many moms face this trial when they initially return to work, or have to pump while being away from their baby. There are herbs on the market that have been proven to help overcome breast milk production obstacles, but popping pills all day may leave you feeling discouraged, and defeated. There is a much more fun (and tasty!) option available!

Making Mamas Milk & More specializes in baking all of those breastmilk stimulating herbs and materials into one, perfectly delicious cookie. This company is directed 100% from a work at home mom, who genuinely loves helping women achieve their breastfeeding goals. She has many different seasonal flavors available such as:

  • Oatmeal Chocolate Chip
  • Oatmeal Raisin
  • Oatmeal Cranberry White Chocolate Chip
  • Oatmeal Butterscotch
  • Oatmeal Pumpkin Spice

All of the cookies are made with 100% organic ingredients, and most can even be customized for dietary restrictions such as dairy free, gluten free, and vegan.

Instead of popping yet another capsule, pack one of these yummy treats in your work lunch box. You’ll be helping your supply, while enjoying every single second.

Breastfeeding Must Haves &Amp; Nursing Bundle Giveaway! 16 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

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Nursing Bundle Giveaway

One lucky person gets the opportunity to win all of the above mentioned items in one amazing giveaway bundle! 

To enter, log in to rafflecopter. Mandatory entries include signing up for the Daily Mom weekly newsletter, and leaving a comment answering the listed question below. Bonus entries include uploading a breastfeeding photo to the Daily Mom Facebook page and following the brand pages on Facebook and Twitter.

For a chance to win 100 additional entries to this giveaway, please enter into out Breastfeeding Photo contest on Facebook!

Contest is open to United States residents only. If you are still unsure how to enter, please contact

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To hear Daily Mom’s personal breastfeeding stories, check out this post: Our Breastfeeding Journeys

Photo Credits: The Art of Making a Baby, Hinge Photography, The Memoirs of Megan, With a Red Bird on My Shoulder, Little Miss Eclectic Photography



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Megan lives in Michigan with her husband, daughter, and son. Her days are spent hanging out and doing family projects on her real-life farm, and spending time on the Great Lakes. She loves swimming, celebrity gossip, University of Michigan and Denver Broncos football, trashy reality TV, and writing. In addition to being a Mommy and self-proclaimed urban-farmer, she owns a photography business located in Southeast Michigan, Memoirs Photography, and is a partner in a niche Michigan wedding photographer team called Mulberry & Sage.


  1. I’m hoping that breast feeding is a great bonding experience for my and my baby. One month until my due date!!

  2. I am currently breastfeeding my 19 month old and I am 16 weeks pregnant. I got lucky and it came reallh naturally with my son and he is nowhere near weaning yet. I am going to breastfeed my next baby who is due in February and I am really hoping that it goes as smoothly as it did with my son.

  3. Breastfeeding has not been easy. My 37weeker was a great nurser was awesome at birth n for thefirst couple of days. But her sleepyness finally caught up with her. There havebeen tears of anger confusion, exhaustion and hunger from the both of us. I’ve come to terms with having to supplement after seeing a lactation consultant that gave my husband and I the tools to establish nursing while working on getting her growing right. She’s 2 1/2 weeks now and our journey is still at the intro. It’s a struggle everyday but the good nursing sessions keep me going.

  4. I almost fear breast feeding more than delivery because I’ve heard a few stories about how difficult/painful it can be for some women. But I very much hope for success – maybe all these goodies will help 🙂

  5. I breastfed my 1st born for 10 month then got an infection and she weened herself. I am still going strong with my second born at 8 months!

  6. Six weeks to go until we meet our little girl, and I am nervous about breastfeeding, but really hopeful that I’ll be able to do so without any major problems or complications. I have several mom friends who have raved about the intimacy of breastfeeding (not to mention, of course, all the health benefits for mom and baby), and I’m so excited to start!

  7. From all that I have read and heard breastfeeding is not easy. I hope that when it comes time for me to have kids I will have the patience to work through any difficulty and know that it will work out with a little persistence. I also hope that I am willing and able to ask for help when I need it.

  8. I’m due in four weeks. I’ve lost two pregnancies, all within the first trimester, so my husband and I are beyond excited to meet our little boy in four (or so weeks). I hope to breastfeed for as long as he’s willing to nurse. My plan is to let him lead. I’ve heard horror stories about breastfeeding, so I’m doing my best to ignore all those, and just hope for the best.

  9. I have nursed my first child, and I am really hoping to nurse my second as well. I’m a full-time working mom, so my breastfeeding story always involves a lot of pumping. With my first child, that was 4 sessions per day for 40 minutes per day at work in order to meet his needs. I’m really hoping that it comes more easily with my second.

  10. I am currently 24 weeks pregnant with my first baby. I’m nervous, but so excited! Planning to exclusively breast feed for the first 6+ months, so I’m really hoping for success in that area. This bundle would be a HUGE help as this is my first time!

  11. I’m not due until October but I’m hoping to have a positive breastfeeding and pumping experience. I’ll admit to being a little nervous about it though.

  12. I’m hoping to establish a great breastfeeding relationship with my future daughter. These products look like they would be wonderful help!

  13. Awesome collection of stuff! As a first time mama, I would cry with thankfulness to get even ONE of the items listed. This is the sort of convenient stuff that I drool over, but the budget does not allow.

  14. I am expecting my first baby this fall. I have heard so many stories about how hard breastfeeding will be (at least in the beginning) so I am not really sure what to expect. I really hope that my little girl and I can find our rhythm sooner rather than later and that my poor boobs don’t get too roughed up in the process. I am prepared to give it my best effort and to suffer through any pain required to feed my baby! I know it might come naturally or take a lot of work so I am trying not to set expectations for myself.

  15. I nursed my first for 7 months, and 4 of those months I was working. I pumped at work a lot. I am due with my second in March, and I hope to nurse him/her until age 1. Nursing was difficult in the beginning, but I came to love it. It was a very empowering feeling to be able to give my baby all that she needed directly from my body.

  16. I knew from the get-go that breastfeeding was something I wanted to do after I had my little girl. The first couple of days, my little girl and I bonded over the sweet moments of breastfeeding. That quickly changed when her poor latch and my lack of knowledge of a good one became an interaction filled with tears, pain and anxiety – soreness and cracked skin had entered the picture. Luckily, I had a great doula, who taught my daughter and I how things are properly done and by the week’s end we were on the upswing of things. The compilation of these little moments breastfeeding my daughter four months later is something that I will forever cherish.

  17. My first baby is due in Dec. I am set on trying to nurse. I have lined up a few of my close girlfriends that have been successful at breastfeeding, and asked that they be my support system on this journey.

  18. I haven’t started breastfeeding yet, but I hope to have a long and successful breastfeeding journey with my first son who is due in November!

  19. I was lucky; breastfeeding came very, very easily to my son and I. I loved most every minute of it. However, I got pregnant when he was 7 months old, and my supply dropped severely despite my best tries to keep it up. He is happy on formula, but I feel sad that we couldn’t make to at least a year.

  20. I am currently breastfeeding my 4M LO. He has Tongue ties and an upper lip tie which made it very difficult to BF at first. We had a rocky start with BFing and had may lactation cookies and pumping sessions.

  21. It was definitely a struggle in the beginning with latching issues and mastitis but I am going on 9 months breastfeeding my son and have donated over 300 oz of my frozen milk (my son is not a huge fan of frozen milk). I am happy that I had the support of my husband as well as support from social media (mom groups, lactation consultants) which has definitely helped me through this process. I love the bonding that we have when I nurse him.

  22. I wasn’t able to nurse my first, he flat out refused! My second I had a better grasp on what nursing really meant and I was much more relaxed. My third, well she was a pro from day day and I was so upset when she self weened at 8 months when I was 3 months pregnant. I can’t wait to nurse again with number 4!!!

  23. I would love to try the undercover mama shirt and the cookies…i struggle with low supply, but we have made it to 6 months with no supplements and baby girl still resists anything but breast milk. –Kellyn

  24. I breastfed my 1st for 10 months, my 2nd for 15 months (3 of which I was pregnant for), and my 3rd is only 6 weeks old but we’re doing well so far! 😉

  25. After a bumpy start (she had some jaundice issues that made her a sluggish feeder in the early days), I had a great breastfeeding experience with my daughter–she weaned at 17 months. I’m looking forward to taking what I learned feeding her and using that knowledge to forge a good breastfeeding relationship with my son, who should be showing up any day now!

  26. I am due this November and I am hoping to gain as much information about breast feeding so that I can do what is the best for my little girl. I’m excited to start my journey:)

  27. I am breastfeeding my first. He is almost 10 months old, and we are still going strong. It was tough for me the first 6 weeks, but I set small goals and milestones and that helped in my success. And, now I’m hoping we can make to 18-24 months!

  28. I have wanted to breastfeed since I knew I was pregnant. I just decided I was going to do it. Then I found out from friends that it wasn’t going to be “a walk in the park” so I started researching. Everything I read told me to expect it to be really difficult for the first 6 weeks as you and baby both learn a new skill. I successfully nursed my son shortly after he was born and continued to do so with no problems. I love nursing! It is great for both my son and me.

  29. Before I had my first child, breastfeeding never even crossed my mind for when I would have my future children. I didn’t start to think about breastfeeding until I became pregnant. When I was pregnant with my first child my boyfriend was the one who helped me make the choice and I am so glad he pushed me! It was the hardest thing I went through but also the most rewarding. My third child just turned one and I’m still breastfeeding! I was lucky enough to exclusively breastfeed all my kids!

  30. I’m currently EBF my third child. With my first two, my milk supply disappeared by 5 and 7.5 months, respectively. I am really hoping to make it to a year with this baby! He is 3 months old and we’re going strong. I have been pumping and freezing as much as possible, close to 300oz in the freezer! I think this giveaway would really help me reach my goal, thanks for opportunity!

  31. My daughter was born 16 weeks early. I pumped exclusively for the 4 months she was in the NICU. I had a great supply so we tried breastfeeding. Unfortunately, she couldn’t figure out how to latch and suck/swallow/breathe. So I continued pumping under shortly before she came home. The stress dried up my supply and after 4 months, I had nothing. My entire freezer stash was useless because we found out I have too much lipase in my breastmilk.

    I’m currently pregnant with number 2. I have everything possible crossed that can figure out breastfeeding together.

  32. I breastfed my son (now 18 months) until he was 8 months old, but we had to stop before my goal of 15 months because of issues with supply related to working. I’m now breastfeeding our new daughter (2 weeks old!) and everything is going great. So much easier the second time around! Hoping to make it at least 1 yr.

  33. Cant wait for my bundle of joy to be here so I want to breastfeed all the way without stopping because I had done it with my 1st child but the milk supply wasn’t coming out so this will for sure work for me.

  34. With my first son, it was a rocky start. He wouldn’t latch at first and then when he did, it hurt really bad. It got easier and we made it to a year! I am expecting and hope it is a better start but the same bond

  35. nursing didn’t come easily but managed with my daughter for 11 months and now my son has gotten through 4 weeks but still difficulties

  36. I breastfed my daughter for 9 months. I even survived through having mastitis and having to have a laceration and drainage to take care of the resulting breast abscess. This was at 2 months. I can’t wait to breastfeed our newest addition arriving in February, our Rainbow baby 🙂

  37. My daughter Catherine was born at 9:55am on a Saturday morning. She was too sleepy to nurse for the first couple of days, so I pumped what few drops of colostrum I could and fed them to her with my fingers. I cried every day, worried I wouldn’t be able to breastfeed. If only I’d known then what I know now – that she and I were both learning and that nature would make sure it all worked out. The first time I breastfed in public was at a favorite brunch spot in my city. She was only a month or two old and had begun crying and I knew she was hungry. I was able to feed her while eating my own brunch. Anyone who’s breastfed a newborn knows how difficult that can be when she isn’t very strong and relies on mom to hold everything in place for her. That morning I felt very empowered! One of my favorite times of day is the morning, when we’re still both half asleep and I pull my girl into bed with her daddy and me to snuggle up for her sleepy morning feed. Breastfeeding my daughter has truly changed my life and identity. To me, it’s one of the greatest privileges of motherhood. I always want to set a positive example as a breastfeeding mom, so other moms might feel encouraged to try it. Also, I’ve lusted after boob design clothes since becoming pregnant, but never let myself spend the money on them. I’d love to win this! There will be many babies to come and I will be sure to use it all. Thank you for the opportunity to enter!

  38. My first set of twins, now 2-1/2 years old, were breastfed for 5-1/2 months. I was so stressed out all the time about not making enough milk, so I stopped earlier than I wanted to, just to relieve the stress! I’m currently pregnant with twins again, and I refuse to stress about supply this time – I WILL make it to a year (or more)! My biggest goal this time around is to get a handle on tandem nursing. I never quite got the hang of it with my first set of twins, and I really think that it could have made a difference!

  39. I hope that breastfeeding will be an option for me due to medications I take due to a chronic disease.

  40. I am currently nursing my second child, who is 8 weeks old. I nursed my first until he was 13 months old and it was great for our family.

  41. Breastfeeding was a struggle with my first child at first but with my second it has been very easy (it was very natural for my second). Despite the struggle early on with my first we still made it 13 or 14 months and I hope to make it at least to a year this time to and I am confident that we will. With both it was/is a great experience that I wouldn’t trade for the world because not only am I giving the best food but it also has been a great bonding experience.

  42. With my first I had to go back to work when she was just six weeks old, in less than 3 weeks I had completely dried up. It was heart breaking having to make the switch. This time around I was able to stay home and I also educated myself. It was something I really devoted my time to making really happen. My son is five months old now and we are still going strong! However, I’m getting ready to start back to school and am completely terrified that I will dry up again. I’m certain there are many things in this prize pack that could really help the experience!

  43. I’m awaiting our 3rd baby late this fall. Breastfeeding my first two were wonderful experiences and even though it’s a lot of hard work I’m excited to nourish and bond with my next one in the same way.

  44. I have a 2 year old daughter that I breast fed for 9 months. I was devastated that my milk dried up at 9 months, but recognize mistakes that I made along the way. I am not due with baby #2 any time now and I am hoping to learn from my mistakes and be able to breast feed him for at least 1 year!! This prize package would definitely help me!!

  45. I had a rough start breastfeeding my first. It hurt to breastfeed for the first 10 weeks. I wanted to give up. My husband was very supportive and eventually it got easier. I am hope this next one will go a lot smoother.

  46. I was really nervous about breastfeeding my first baby, I knew it was something I wanted to do but I heard lots of horror stories about how hard it would be, or how much it would hurt, but I was a lucky one. Breastfeeding came really natural to both me and my daughter. Of course there was a little pain at first and occasionally getting engorged, but other than that it was a breeze. My second little babe is due in January. I would love to win this package! We dont have a ton of money so I only had a hand pump last time. I would LOVE that electric pump and all the other goodies!

  47. I already commented, but used an email thats different that what is on the rafflecopper. I am not sure if that matters, but just in case, The other comment by Lindsay with the email pug07002 @ byui. Edu is me. Would hate to miss out because of something like that!

  48. I had severe PPD after my oldest was born. It ruined any chance we had at a successful breastfeeding relationship. For my youngest, I made sure to have a support system in place should I encounter the same complications. We’re going strong at 3 months!

  49. My breastfeeding story makes me sad yet happy. My story involves my third and fourth sons. I never breastfed my first or second babies due to lack of knowledge of breastfeeding. When I delivered my now 2 year old, I knew right away I wanted to give it a try. I remember that from the first time I nursed my son, it felt very uncomfortable. I left the hospital with broken and bleeding nipples. My milk never came in like it should and he had an improper latch for the first 6 weeks. Breastfeeding was excruciating, and I was always in pain, bleeding, and bawling. No matter what, I stuck with it. I also started having nipple blanching or nipple vasospasm (VERY painful). Once his latch was corrected, it went away. I ended up taking medications (one of which I fought tooth and nail to get), to increase supply. They all helped a bit, but not like I had imagined. Shortly after taking one, my son developed “tics.” From birth until he weaned, my son had to be supplemented with formula because I could not give him all he needed. After a round of mastitis at 16 months, my little, sweet boy weaned himself. I was so proud of my accomplishment and perseverance for those 16 wonderful months. I am now breastfeeding my 11 week old, and I’m once again having an awful time with supply. I vowed not to take medications because of the emotional and physical battles. I also don’t want anything getting into my baby’s system like I believe it did before. He has had to be supplemented from the very beginning but he most definitely loves “Mommy’s milk.” I am so heartbroken that I cannot supply him with all he needs, but I’m glad for the special bond we share and the love we have for eachother. Breastfeeding is amazing!

  50. Breastfeeding was a very natural thing with my daughter and me. I was very lucky that we didn’t have latch or supply issues. I had persistent plugged ducts, but I got good at quickly dealing with them, so it hasn’t been too bad. She loves nursing and it’s such a joy for me that we’ve been so successful with it.

  51. I will begin my adventures I’m breastfeeding my third child I love the bond and live that it brings to my whole family. Also what it can teach my other children about it!

  52. I’ve gotten very lucky with breastfeeding both times. My milk came in fast and I had no latch or other issues. The problem I had is one that isn’t talked about as much-an oversupply! I know it’s a blessing, but watching your baby gag on your super fast let down is awful, plus breastfeeding gets really messy this way!

  53. i’m BFing my 8 week old daughter and BF my first born daughter for a year. So many great new products since I first started 2.5 years ago!

  54. I tried to breastfeed with my daughter but failed. I hope this time around that I can overcome the obstacle I had first time around.

  55. With my first, I had a rough start and supply issues and did not get along with the pump. I hope with my next (we’re trying now!) I can be more relaxed and not so anxious about breastfeeding.

  56. I look forward to nursing my second baby starting this November. Winning this giveaway would really help!

  57. I’m still nursing my 9 month old and loving it! I didn’t originally plan to nurse this long, but I don’t see any reason to stop. It’s healthier for my baby, it burns calories, it’s a sweet time to bond with my girl, and it’s free!

  58. My breastfeeding journey has had its share of challenges: my son being a month old before he was back up to his birth weight, him having a stage 3 tongue tie that wasn’t lasered until he was 4 months old, me finding out that I have IGT and will always have to supplement with donor milk, my son being underweight for most of his first year of life (no fat rolls until he was about 10.5 months). BUT, above all, I have loved and cherished every day that I get to nurse him. That is a special bond that only I can share with him and I wouldn’t trade it for the world!

  59. I have a two year old and a 4 week old. I breastfed my 2 year old for 17 months (my milk dried up when I got pregnant again) and am currently breastfeeding my infant. I’d love to win this!

  60. My nursling is 7.5 months and going strong! We had a bumpy road in the beginning, between her stay in the nicu and my high blood pressure problems, to over supply issues. But we pushed through, and have made it this far with no formula supplement!

  61. I am nursing my 2nd child right now and I hope to be able to nurse her as long as I did with my son. I nursed him until he was 2.5 and I hope to do the same with my daughter. I am having issues right now with latch and supply but am working on fixing it. This giveaway would help me so much!

  62. After the first six, excruciating weeks, I loved my nursing relationship with my baby. We went on to nurse for a year and a half! I hope I get the opportunity to do it again someday.

  63. I am almost at a year of exclusively breastfeeding my second and have loved this journey. I am really proud that I have been able to give my children all of the benefits that come with BF!

  64. Pregnant with #2 I would love all this breastfeeding gear! I breastfed with my first for 10 months and hope to do it longer with this next baby.

  65. The first 2 weeks of breast feeding was very painful for me. I cried through every feeding. During the middle of the night I would try to convince my partner that my daughter wasn’t hungry, that she needed him, but in fact, she needed me. It just hurt so badly. I received great advice from Lactation Consultants and doulas and now my daughter is 10 months old and still breast feeding! I love it! It makes me happy that I can provide her with comfort and nourishment anytime she needs it.

  66. I have made a career of caring for children, though I have none of my own (yet! soon, hopefully!) I adore how babies root toward the breast…you just know that they know that that’s where the best source of nourishment for them is! I’ve been fortunate to have fantastic role models in my community, who have normalized the practice of breastfeeding, contrary to uninformed persons who haven’t been educated on the social, emotional, and physical benefits of breastfeeding for mothers and their children. It’s something that I can’t wait to experience first hand!

  67. I’m a first time mom, my daughter is now 20 months old. In the beginning, we were having a latch problem with bf-ing and I thought for sure we won’t last long. But we kept trying and didn’t give up. And now we are still bf-ing strong! Its the best feeling ever.

  68. My son has been breastfeeding for 14+ months and I love that I can bond and soothe him still at any time

  69. Breastfeeding my daughter was a struggle, because I had supply issues and we battled thrush for almost three months. Breastfeeding my son was was easier, because I was more aware of my supply issues and educated about how to help it.

  70. I am expecting in december and plan to breastfeed. I hope that mine will be a success story. Thanks for the giveaway

  71. Currently 13 weeks along with our second. Hoping to be able to breastfeed longer with this one. I only made it 4 months with my first before my milk dried up.

  72. I am a first time Mom and just quit my job to move closer to family. So, I have the great honor with being home full time with my daughter! With the excitement, there is still much anxiety! But, I am sure my husband and I will make it work! 🙂

  73. I had a hard time with breastfeeding so I had to supplement until I just went straight to formula. Some great items that I would love to gift at baby showers!

  74. I was blessed with 3 amazingly talented breastfeeding babies. The first baby I was very nervous about and had cracked nipples for months, but fought through it made it to 10 months! My second baby was easier because I think I was less nervous. I stopped breastfeeding at 9 months so I could pump for my newborn niece, because my sister had such terrible mastitis she was in the hospital with an iv antibiotics. My third baby was the most ambitious, and literally was sucking before her mouth made it to the nipple!

  75. I had a pretty rough breastfeeding experience with my little one… she was in the NICU for two weeks and unable to breastfeed for many reasons, and once she could breastfeed, the excruciating pain never went away (due to medical reasons of my own). I ended up pumping for about a year! I’m hoping for almost everything to go differently with my next child. 🙂

  76. I tried so hard to breastfeed my first daughter and she just wouldn’t latch on and now with my second daughter it is completely different, I haven’t had any problems. We are doing great!

  77. i’m going on baby number 2 next month..with my daughter she wasn’t latching on right but after a week she got the hang of it…i breastfed for 5 months i wanted to breastfeed longer but with her teeth coming out so soon she was biting me and that really hurted…lol..

  78. I am just finishing up my breastfeeding journey with my 1 year old. I can’t wait to do it again with my next baby!

  79. I struggled a lot at first, even had to supplement, but now we’re totally on breastmilk at 10 weeks. 🙂

  80. baby girl is almost 8 months and we are going strong! she is doing well with solids that we are introducing slowly and i am so proud of the two of us!

  81. Breast feeding is not and has never been fun for me. My daughter just isn’t into it and it only causes her to scream and me to get mad. That emotional bond that people talk about…not happening. That being said, I KNOW that it’s the best for her health so I continue to pump and offer her to nurse as often as I can. Some days she’s fine and will but most days it’s the bottle for her. I do hope that if I decide to have another child, the experience will be better. Until them, we bond over other things and that’s good enough for me!

  82. I’m a first time mom at 39 and scheduled for a c section on Monday! My baby boy is breech, and even though I wanted a natural birth, a c section it is! I’ve been a bit concerned about how breasfeeding is going to go since a section presents a few challenges. This prize sounds like it definitely would get me off on the right track!

  83. I’m expecting my first baby in January and I’m totally committed to exclusive breastfeeding for at least the first year, possibly two years. I’m actually really excited about it! I expect it will be challenging at first, but I’m hopeful it will turn out to be a terrific bonding experience with my baby.

  84. With my first I hardly produced on one side and was unable to pump. This time I am hoping everything will go smoothly, especially without my husband supporting me during the hardest nursing stretch as he is deployed.

  85. I hope my child is able to be breast fed, and that I don’t have any problems with it. My sister and mom didn’t have any problems, but it is always a fear.

  86. I was able to breastfeed for a year with my first and I’d like to try for longer with the one I’m expecting now.

  87. After a terribly rocky start to breastfeeding my 1st son, I never thought I would be where I am today! I am currently expecting baby #3 and nursing baby #2 who is just over a year. It was such a wonderful experience to nurse my 1st and 2nd son tandem. It was a fantastic way for them to bond and show love so early on. I can’t wait for my babies to meet our new baby later this year! It would be wonderful to have this package to get us ready!! Thanks for the opportunity.

  88. My first son is 5 years old now, and I breastfed him for 7 months. I was not very informed about breastfeeding. Someone told me along the way that I should stop breastfeeding once my baby had teeth. So I did. (No good reason!) My second son came and I was more informed and supported in regards to breastfeeding. I nursed him for 2 years! It was a wonderful breastfeeding experience. He self-weaned on his 2nd birthday. It was wonderful. My 3rd son is due in December and I plan to breastfeed until he self-weans as well!

  89. I never knew how much I was going to enjoy breastfeeding. I always knew I wanted to breastfeed my son because of the health benefits and the bonding. I had oversupply issues, overactive letdown, and mastitis but despite it all I know that I am doing what is best for him and I am going to be sad when the day comes that he doesn’t breastfeed anymore.

  90. I’m getting ready to have my first little bundle in November and I’m so excited for him to get here. I plan on breast feeding for many reason and the top one of it being so healthy for him and for me. This package would help out so much since at this point there is no real baby shower planned for our precious little guy. Our Church is having a small shower and all going in on one big gift so thing to help with breast feeding are pretty much out of the picture. This would just be such a blessing. Love it!

  91. I have been so so lucky to have an incredible breastfeeding relationship with my baby girl! She is now 8 months old and while trying some solids, she still depends on my milk for comfort and food. I am so thankful that we have had such a wonderful experience and I am looking foward to nursing her for a long time!

  92. I have high hopes for breastfeeding my baby. This is what I am most nervous about, but am determined! – Ashley O.

  93. I was lucky enough to be able to breastfeed my 1st for a full year and build a 3 month freezer stash. I am hoping to feed longer and stash more this time around and these all look to be very helpful and convenient!

  94. Breastfeeding is one of my passions now, I am such a big advocate. My little girl is 13 months and still breastfeeds many many times per day. I am so excited about this giveaway!

  95. I had a rough time breastfeeding my son, but we ended up making it 18 months. I am now breastfeeding my daughter who is almost 6 months. It has been so much easier this time around. I have so much milk that I have been able to donate over 300 oz. to other babies who need it. I am planning on nursing her until she weans herself and I am enjoying every minute of it.

  96. I’m 3 weeks away from my due date and this would be PERFECT for those first few weeks of trying to learn nursing!!

  97. I have been researching like crazy so I’ll have the knowledge to set our breastfeeding relationship up for success when it begins, and handle any issues that may arise. My “goal” is to breastfeed for at least two years, hopefully longer, and all of these products look like they could be extremely helpful.

  98. I’m hoping to be able to breast feed when my little one is here. I know it’s such an important part of a baby’s development and will save the wallet from being drained from buying formula 🙂

  99. I am a new first time mommy to a beautiful girl, Ellie! She is 5 months old and I have thankfully been able to breast feed her since birth! It hasn’t been an easy road though. She is a wonderful eater and she latched on right away but I’ve had mastitis three times already. My OB advised that I quit breast feeding after my second bout when she was only 10weeks old for fear of becoming resistant to antibiotics. I was devastated with the idea of not breast feeding so I immediately started researching ways to prevent mastitis and that’s when I found the blog, the art of making a baby, which has since lead me to daily mom!! You girls are wonderful! Thanks for all of your posts!! You helped me stay strong and continue to breast feed my daughter even with my own doctor trying to talk me out of it!! Thank you!!

  100. Nursed my first past a year until she decided it was time to stop. Just gave birth to my second child and hoping to do the same!!

  101. Our breastfeeding journey didn’t begin easily, but it has certainly becoming something very beautiful and rewarding. From his early days in the NICU and difficulties associated with a shallow latch, the first month of feedings dragged miserably. Then, once freed from formula supplementation, my son is now exclusively breastfeeding and has been for months! I love these moments spent feeding him. It’s a beautifiul gift to help my son easily drift to sleep, all while feeling comforted, loved & fed.

  102. My I have been breastfeeding my son for 18 months now! I have reached my personal goal and I am so proud of the two of us! Our beginning wasn’t easy with engorgement, OAL, oversupply, clogged ducts, vasospasms and blanching. The hospital LCs weren’t any help so Dr. Google and I helped me fix these issues. We were able to donate 3,000 oz to 9 local moms and babies! Next time, I plan to attempt to break the world record for the most breastmilk donated!

  103. I hope that in the future, the process is swift and easy and I will be able to feed my child without any inconveniences!

  104. I nursed my daughter for almost 2 years before she weaned herself. I miss it, but am glad for a few months to myself before the second little one arrives!

  105. I am still in the preconception phase, but 100% want to breastfeed. I love all the useful information and the breastfeeding pride shown here.

  106. I’m so glad Daily Mom supports breastfeeding! I pumped exclusively with my first for a year, and hope to be able to nurse or pump again this time around for at least that long.

  107. I had a relatively easy breastfeeding experience with my first baby, save for some supply issues in the first few weeks. I’m hoping to have another good experience with our second!

  108. I breasted my first for 15 months. It was a great experience. I will breast feed any future children too.

  109. I’m currently bf my 8 month old and plan/hope to go beyond 1 year. Mothers milk tea and fenugreek capsules saved me with my very low milk suppy in the beginning. So glad I learned about that option. Wouldnt mind trying those cookies too!!

  110. I don’t have a particular story yet. … expecting baby #1 in January! I’m excited to nurse our bsby girl and am sure I will have some hilarious stories to share for next time 🙂

  111. I did not breastfeed my first child after a rocky start to his life, and I regret not being more prepared to offer it to him. I hope with this next baby I can feel confident enough to breastfeed (and prepared enough with items like these!) so that I can make time for just mommy and baby in the midst of our crazy toddler-centric household 🙂

  112. Although my son had to be supplemented when he was born bc of low blood sugar and still is bc my supply never fully recovered from mastitis and supplementing , we are still breastfeeding 3 mos later and hoping to continue for much longer

  113. My milk didn’t come in right away, and so three days after birth, my baby had lost 15% of her body weight. My midwife prescribed a juice mixture using Rehydrat and Black Thornberry Elixir. I had to drink 2 liters for two days, and literally by the first night, my milk came in. Within two days, baby was gaining more than enough. Our latch has been perfect.

  114. I don’t have a nursing story yet but I’ve had so many friends have a “rough time” with breastfeeding that I’m preparing myself for anything. I will try my best and think only the most positive thoughts that my supply will come in and be enough! Thank you for the opportunity to win these great products to make the process easier. 🙂

  115. I am currently breast feeding my second. We are struggling a bit with supply though. Hope this resolves itself soon.

  116. I am currently breastfeeding my 22 month old daughter and plan to keep going until she is ready to stop! We are TTC another baby and I would love to be able to tandem nurse them!
    jbang0331 at yahoo dot com

  117. With our first child, my milk dried up at 6 months (seemingly overnight) and she drank my whole freezer supply in one evening. I was devastated. I did tons of research and learned that I was supposed to be feeding on demand to keep my supply up. So for baby #2, that’s what I did. We made it till 18 months. Baby number 3 nursed till 13 months when I became pregnant with baby #4. I weaned #3 because I became so tender that if felt like I was being cut with knives when he nursed. Baby number 4 is currently breastfeeding strong at 14 months.

  118. I breastfed my first-born for 12 months and my second-born until 15 months. My third is now almost 2 weeks old and a preemie and I’m hoping to making it just as long!

  119. I struggled breastfeeding with my first we had latch issues and I have inverted nipples; I am hoping with the next I can be much more successful. Thanks for the chance.

  120. Baby was in the nicu so bottles of pumped colostrum and milk to start with. Started breastfeeding a couple days later with the help of a nipple shield and was fine. As he grew up though we had attention span problems and I had random pain that lactation consults couldn’t figure out.

  121. I hope I can make it a year this time. Last time I fed my daughter until 9 months, but grew tired of pumping at work. I’d like to make it at least 12 months this time around.

  122. My son is five months old and has been EBF, minus about six ounces of formula ONCE. I would love to have more convenience with pumping; and if not a better supply, a consistent supply. I plan on BF for as long as possible and I’d love to have an a system that helps me accomplish that, and have it be the best BM I can possibly produce.

  123. I tried with my first daughter for two weeks and gave up because of the pain and I experienced the bleeding. I had no idea it was because of an incorrect latch i thought it was just normal & decided I wanted to stop. Guess I should have asked somebody….but I am having another girl in December & i definitely think im ready to take breastfeeding all the way, I did not like the formula way at all.

  124. I don’t have a personal breastfeeding story yet, but my sister has so much milk that we’ve affectionately termed her breastfeeding experience “drippy nipple.”

  125. I am still breastfeeding my 23 month old and will be tandum nursing when baby #6 comes in December. I can’t wait to experience dual nursing for the first time. I’m sure there will be some challenges but I’m ready for the adventure!

  126. We recently found out we’re going to be needing most of these items again 🙂 I’ve always wanted a Boon dress and a new nursing pilow. Breast feeding my first was tough since she was premature but it was worth all of the effort we both put in.

  127. I am so excited to breastfeed, I have heard so many positive things and I am especially looking forward to the bonding. I am a little worried about the first 6 weeks or so– it looks like this bundle might make it easier to make it through!

  128. I started my journey 4 years ago with my first child it was a tough road as I had a c section. I tried to exclusivly breastfeed but he had reflux and trouble gaining weight and I ended u supplementing and sadley he self weaned at 8 months. When my 2nd son was born at 36 weeks there was no doubt I wanted to EBF, it still wasn’t easy but we did it he was EBF for 15 months 🙂 My daughter was born a month ago and I think we have this nursing thing down it’s been gong great so far 😀

    -Jenn McClearn ,

  129. I tried really hard to be able to nurse my daughter. I’m hoping it will be better when I have my second child.

  130. If I won, this would be a gift for my wife for our next child. So I don’t have any breastfeeding story 🙂

  131. I know breast feeding is difficult. I have had some people tell me it is the hardest thing they have ever done and known many to quit. I am determined to breast feed. I know it will be harder than almost anything I have done but I also know that it is one of the best things a mother can do for her child. I will breastfeed.

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