TTC: 8 Tips for Surviving the Two Week Wait


For those trying to conceive, the two-week wait between ovulation and that moment when a pregnancy test might be able to provide reliable feedback is complete torture for many.

For those couples yearning to see those two pink lines flash across the test screen indicating pregnancy, they are plagued with an array of emotions ranging from impatience, anxiety, and sadness until that time. Nothing will truly take away such emotions, but here are some coping strategies that may help a couple trying to conceive make it through those dreadful fourteen days.

1. Stay away from the Computer – Especially Social Media

Ttc: 8 Tips For Surviving The Two Week Wait 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

For those who have been trying to conceive, going into Facebook can be a stinging reminder of what you don’t have. The baby pictures and baby announcements are enough to trigger some severe sadness. Try to avoid sites that can trigger such emotions. You’ll do yourself a favor by doing so.

2. Keep Yourself Busy

If you find yourself frequently thinking about the two-week wait, try keeping yourself busy. Whether it’s finding a new hobby, hitting the pavement (or boxing bag), or keeping the house in tip-top shape, it’ll help distract you from thinking about what’s really on your mind.

3. Try Meditation or another Relaxation Technique

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To help cleanse your mind of the range of emotions you’re experiencing, consider meditation or another method of relaxation. It can help keep your mind focused on the things you have complete control over versus the things that are out of your hands.

4. Accept that what is Done is Done

You have probably done enough research on periods and ovulation tracking to help set yourself up for success when trying to conceive. What’s important to remember is that you have to accept that you tried your best. Accept that what is done is done. Don’t dwell in the past, but instead hope for the future — a positive pregnancy test.

5. Stop Obsessing

Save yourself the torture of obsessing about the “what ifs.” Avoid jumping on search engines looking for resources to identify possible early signs of pregnancy. Two weeks is a long time to wait, but realistically it’s really hard to positively know for sure if you’re pregnant before then, so save yourself the stress.

6. Seek Support from your Spouse

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It’s important to remember that you and your spouse are going through this fertility journey together. Choose to lean on each other for support and encouragement when times are difficult instead of pushing away from each other. Fertility battles can be very trying on couples so it’s important to strengthen your bond through coping with this issue together.

7. Write About It

Something that has been known to help those trying to conceive is writing about it. Create a journal describing your journey and write about the struggles associated with trying to conceive. Consider giving it to your child one day as it was your first measure of love you had for them.

8. Think Positively

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When the trying gets tough, it may be hard to remain positive, but it’s imperative to try. Easier said than done, right? Think about all of the things you do have instead of focusing on the things you may not have. For those who are experiencing secondary infertility, keep in mind that you already have one ‘miracle.’ Don’t focus all of your energy on what you want. Focus your energy on what you have.

Though the two-week wait can negatively affect couples trying to conceive, it’s important to focus on things that you can do to help pass the time without yanking your hair out or eating tubs of ice cream. By leaning on your spouse for support and focusing on things to keep your mind off the obvious, you’re able to keep the anxiety at bay and focus on all of the good in your life.

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If you are in the process of trying to have a baby, here are some Important Things to Consider Before TTC.

Photo credits: Scott Webb, Kevin Schmitz, Carli Jean,  Becca Tapert on Unsplash



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Danielle Jones
Danielle Jones
Danielle lives Kalamazoo, MI with her husband, Jason and their very active, goofy and curious toddler, Braxton. They also have two non-ferocious and loving pit bulls. When Danielle isn’t writing, she is working as a recruiter and also runs a photography business (Two Clicks Photography and Design) with her sister. Her interests include fitness, healthy eating, cooking, wine, reading, photography, exploring beautiful state of Michigan, and spending time with family. She is a hardcore Spartans, Lions, Tigers and Red Wings fan and can talk sports all day long. You can find her blog here: and visit her photography page at Follow her on Instagram: danielle_jones and twitter: @ daniseitzjones.

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