Military Kids and Guns: Discussing Their World

Certain opinions and luxuries exist in the civilian world that just can’t logistically survive in the military community. Oh, you’ve lived in that house...

Finding Your Zen When Your Spouse Works Late

It's 4 p.m. and the countdown to dinner, bath, and bedtime is on! Knowing your spouse is close to being home to tag-team the...

How To: Be a Preschool Supermom

  As school registration begins in the spring, so does the parent responsibilities for next school year.  Being a Super Pre-School Mom is totally attainable...

How to Prepare Your Child for a Sibling

Preparing for the arrival of a new baby can be overwhelming and even more so when it isn't your first child. Instead of just...

5 Important Things I Learned Growing Up Military

The dandelion is the official flower of the military child because it can sprout anywhere, goes where the wind takes it, and adapts to...

36 Tongue Twisters To Tease Everyone From Toddlers to Teens

Tongue twisters test your talent to talk terrifically through words that twist, turn and tease your tongue. Tongue twisters strengthen mouth muscles and English...

What is Sensory Processing Disorder?

Healthy and happy…That’s what every good parent wishes for their child. But what happens when your child is struggling? What if they are displaying...

15 Fun Road Trip Games to Keep You and the Kids...

You're packing up the car and you know the drive ahead is going to be a long one. While most people may groan about...

10 Parenting Lessons To Learn from The Walking Dead

Raise your hand if you love The Walking Dead! We are big fans here at Daily Mom. We’ve been watching for years. For many...

Fun and Creative Easter Egg Hunt Ideas & Scavenger Hunt Clues...

Why is a Great Easter Hunt a Cherished Tradition? A super exciting Easter egg search isn't just a quick thrill, but a beloved custom that...

How Mind Wandering and Creativity Can Positively Impact Your Child

Typically, when you hear about kids with ADHD or even just kids with a tendency to daydream or let their mind wander, you most...

Moms With Depression Can Lean On Their Partners

When you’re coping with depression as a mother, whether it’s situational depression (meaning a friend or loved one has died, or maybe you’re getting...

All that Candy: An Expert’s Guide to Indulging in Halloween the...

Halloween is one of the best holidays of the year. What’s not to love: fun costumes, perfect weather, friends, family, late bedtimes, and candy....

7 Time Out Alternatives

“Time out” is the discipline method of choice for thousands of parents. For many, sending their child to time out when they act out...

Amber Teething Necklaces: Do They Work and Are They Safe?

Natural parenting. It's what the 21st century is all about. Organic fruits and vegetables, grass-fed beef, cage-free chickens, and homeopathic pain remedies. None of...

11 Creative Dr. Seuss Crafts Ignite Imaginations Making Learning to Read...

Dr. Seuss crafts bring literary characters to life. Creating arts and crafts projects with preschool and elementary school-aged children strengthens and builds their love...

How To: Introduce Your Child To A Swimming Pool

As the snow melts, and the leaves turn green, now is a good time to think about introducing your child to a swimming pool....

Encourage Education: Developing a Growth-Mindset in your child this Summer

Summer is a time for exploration and adventure, but that does not mean education stops. Our children are always learning no matter the time,...

The Pink Shell Resort: Ending Your Summer With An Amazing Vacation...

There is no better way to close out summer break than with one last family vacation in the Sunshine State! The Pink Shell Beach...

9 Tips for Navigating Deployment with School Age Children

Preparing for a deployment is an emotional and stressful series of events. Trying to navigate the all the stressors of deployment with school age...

Best Baby Products of 2024 for Essential Baby Registry

Welcome to Daily Mom's Best Baby Products of 2024, your ultimate guide to the best baby products that will make your parental journey as...

Smart Ways To Teach Your Kids To Use Social Media

As a parent, there are a lot of scary things out there that you have to deal with one day.  From the first time,...
How To Plan The Perfect {hassle Free} Party For Your Kid’s Birthday

6 Ways to Celebrate Your Baby’s 1st Birthday That Aren’t Cake-Smashing

The adorable props are set, a first birthday candle has been bought, the balloons tied to the mailbox gently sway, and gifts are being...

The Importance of Physical Play 

Our sedentary lifestyle in the United States is literally killing our children. As a society we need to begin focusing on the importance of play....

5 Amazing and Easy Service Projects for Little Kids

This list of service projects for kids will break down several ideas that you can accomplish with your little ones. They will provide great conversation points to help you talk naturally with your kiddos about giving. Plus, they can be a lot of fun, too!

Why every neighborhood needs a Little Free Library

While the age old adage may be true that 'fences make good neighbors', courteous and conscientious neighbors can become some of your best friends....

A Teacher’s Roundup of the Best Books for Beginning Readers

Many parents would agree that helping their child learn to read is one of the most important developmental milestones in a young child’s life....

5 Ways to Ease the Emotional Burden of Motherhood

Motherhood is a glorious, exhilarating, and fulfilling journey. It’s also exhausting. When a mother says she’s tired, she’s not really telling the whole story....

8 Awesome Adventures You Must Experience When You Visit Chattanooga, Tennessee

Chattanooga, Tennessee is a bustling city with a cool college town vibe just 2 hours outside of Atlanta, Georgia. Whether you are looking for...


In this digital information age, many people may dismiss the advantage of library attendance. Clearly, hopping on the internet for information while in your...

The Best Late Summer Baby Gear To Keep Your Little Ones...

Just in time for September's baby safety month, it's time to pick up the best summer baby gear to keep your little one cool,...

Please Stop Stereotyping My Sons

From the minute my oldest son was born, the threats began…veiled and in a joking manner mind you, but offensive nonetheless. Friends of ours,...

33 New Year’s Jokes to Tickle Your Kids’ Funny Bone

Ring in 2022 with laughter as you celebrate with sparkling cider and New Year’s jokes with your family. Humor teaches children to be in...

Benefits of Babywearing For Young New Moms

The most significant benefits of babywearing include keeping your baby within your presence during those early days (and months) and helping your baby relax...

Creative Monthly Baby Pictures Capture Baby’s 1st Year

Monthly baby pictures capture memories for years to come, while you can share them on social media instantly with friends and family. The trend...

Family Travel Must Haves for Tropical Trips

Are you getting ready for a family adventure on a tropical island somewhere and you aren't sure what travel must haves you will need?...

The 6 Spiritual Awakening Stages: Your Essential Guide to Understanding Conscious...

An Invitation to Understand the Spiritual Awakening Stages Have you ever stopped to contemplate the profound shifts in consciousness that can occur during a spiritual...