Notes To New Parents: Advice Chock Full of Wisdom and Well Wishes

New parents advice flows from the mouths of experienced mothers and fathers like water on a mountain waterfall. Although advice often is filled with wisdom and well wishes, it can be overwhelming to new parents. Everyone seems to have advice on how to best take care of a new baby and how best to raise children. The advice comes from moms, grandmas, aunts, dads, grandpas, and even friends and relatives without children. After all, we all were a child at one point, right?

New Parents Advice Chock Full Of Wisdom And Well Wishes

How do new parents sort through all the advice and information? New parents are bombarded with information from doctors, books, and Internet parenting blogs, let alone well-meaning in-person friends and family, not to mention far-away relatives and social media friends, too. Daily Mom conducted an informal survey of friends and family and selected the best parenting advice for new parents to share with you. This advice comes from moms and dads in their 20s up to their 70s.

Our advice: Listen to all the advice given to you. Pick what works best for you and your baby, as well as you and your entire family. You know your baby better than anyone else.

New Parents Advice About Mother’s Intuition

New Parents Advice Chock Full Of Wisdom And Well Wishes

Your title changes the moment you give birth or adopt, you become a Mom, Mama, and Mommy. Trust your gut when it comes to taking care of your little love. New parents advice from experienced parents declares repeatedly that a mother’s intuition is nothing to scoff about.

Trust yourself you will always know your baby best.  – Melissa

All babies are different! Don’t compare one to the other. Love them no matter what! Let the grandparents be grandparents! – Jackie

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Kids are strong and tough, don’t worry so much about breaking them. – Carl

Remember babies are not standard issues. All are unique. Don’t sweat the small stuff, just laugh and carry on. – Susan

Every mom and baby pair is different. You do what works for you and your baby. – Susie

Advice Experienced Moms Give When They Learn Someone Is Becoming a Parent

New Parents Advice Chock Full Of Wisdom And Well Wishes

Love and snuggles go hand-in-hand with babies, but so do late nights, messy diapers, and lots of crying. New parents advice encourages first-time Moms and first-time dads to ask for help from friends and family. Raising children really does take a village, you are not alone. Throughout your baby’s childhood, she will be taught by family, friends, neighbors, teachers, coaches, scout leaders, clergy, and more. All of those people are in your village with you as you raise your baby.

Show your love. You can never cuddle and love them too much! – Shirley

This will be the hardest yet most rewarding job of your life. Take in every bit of it because time truly does fly. – Melissa

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The days are long, but the years are short. – Tracy

Be patient with yourself, and be brave enough to ask for help. And, don’t forget to enjoy the little moments. – Wendy

Give grace. Grace as a caregiver and grace for the baby. Trust your instincts. Ask for help. Let them sleep. Most of all, this too shall pass, so try to enjoy every moment as much as possible. The crying, and the sleepless nights, are all worth it to watch them grow and become incredible people. Even then, grace. – Brittany.

New Parents Advice About Self Care

New Parents Advice Chock Full Of Wisdom And Well Wishes

Being a new parent is tough. It is tiring. Do not try to fly solo with just you and your husband. New parent advice stresses that self-care for a new mom should be a priority, as well as keeping your relationship with your spouse. Of course, self-care and dating your spouse are not easy with a new baby. It takes work and the support of friends and family. Surround yourself with good people. Welcome them into your family.

Make sure to take care of yourself as well as your babies. Rest, hobbies, and friends are important for Moms, too. – Rachel

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Share the workload. Let Dad take care of the baby, too. My husband does bath time every night with our son. – Kori

Find other moms! If you have to, start your own group, but don’t isolate. Moms need other moms. – Lisa

Ask for help, if you need it. – Lloyd

New Parents Advice About Getting Baby to Sleep

New Parents Advice Chock Full Of Wisdom And Well Wishes

Have you heard that you should sleep before the baby comes because you won’t get any sleep later? Sleepless nights. Late-night feedings. Midnight diaper changes. Somehow we trudge through those nights as the baby grows from a tiny newborn to a busy toddler. It is important to take care of yourself while taking care of the baby. Be sure to fuel your body with healthy foods and exercise so you stay strong and healthy. Your baby is depending on you.

Get plenty of rest before the baby arrives! – Mike

When you think the baby is asleep, count to 100 before you try to put him down. – Eric

Sleep while the baby sleeps may be cliché, but boy is it true – Tracy

Enjoy the Moment, Be Present

New Parents Advice Chock Full Of Wisdom And Well Wishes

Put your phone down, and be fully present. Step away from the laptop, and unplug. It is OK to just take care of your baby. It is OK to enjoy a walk with a toddler looking at insects and picking up leaves. It is OK to build a tower out of Legos with your kiddos. It is OK to enjoy a smoothie date with your teen. Make moments matter. Take time for quality time. Sometimes making time is looking for shortcuts from experienced parents.

Slow down. Be patient with yourself. Be brave enough to ask for help. And don’t forget to enjoy the little moments. – Wendy

Soak up and love on your baby as much as you can. They grow way too fast, you’ll wish you would’ve spent more time with them. – Kori

If you don’t want to sit in pee and poop from a leaky diaper, then change your baby as soon as you know he peed or pooped. It’s gross to wait. Another tip: room temperature formula, if you can’t breastfeed, is the best way to save you time so you don’t have to heat bottles. – Melanie

Keep your sense of humor. I remember one day, I was exhausted leaving the grocery store juggling a cart and a six-month-old, and a 22-month-old, and an older lady approached me and advised me to treasure these days, telling me I would miss them in the future. – Tracy

New parents advice is full of wisdom and well wishes. Sometimes it’s tough to soak it in, appreciate it, and learn from it as a new parent. Sometimes it feels like everyone else thinks they know best for you and your baby. That’s not the case, new babies are a promise of hope for the future. Everyone wants to help with a baby in one way or another.

The days truly are long when you are in the trenches of raising children whether they are babies, preschoolers, school-aged, or teenagers. But somehow, the years fly by and they transform into young adults in a blink of an eye. Take pause moms and dads of new babies soak in all in. New parents advice is gifted with much love and congratulations.

Photo Credits: Pexels, Unsplash, and Pixabay.

Check out Daily Mom’s article about 5 Things a New Mom Needs That are Helpful and Unique for more advice, tips, and tricks for new parents.

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New Parents Advice Chock Full Of Wisdom And Well Wishes



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Carla J. Eskew
Carla J. Eskew
Carla J. Eskew is a freelance writer, wife, and mom of two children who are nine years apart. She is a Scout leader with 17 years of experience in Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. She serves as a volunteer at school, church, and with the homeless population. She loves road trips, sightseeing, camping, Pilates, and her black standard poodle, Midnight Shadow.

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