Welcome Ava!

Welcome Ava! 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

The Daily Mom baby boom continues with the recent birth of beautiful baby girl Ava! Writer Rockie, her husband Arash, and 23 month old big sister Avene welcomed Ava into the world on May 24, 2014. Ava was born at 6:02am weighing 7.8 pounds and measuring 20 inches long.

Rockie’s birth experience with Ava was completely different than her first birth to big sister Avene. Last time she left the hospital feeling let down and upset with her birthing experience, but with Ava she feels like she finally got the labor and delivery she wanted. Rockie says, “This time it was even faster than last time. I wasn’t forced into anything and everyone in the room from the nurses to the doctor were so accepting and respectful of all my decisions. I’ve even healed differently! It’s crazy. ”

Welcome Ava! 2 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

When asked how she is adapting to being a mother of two (under the age of two!), Rockie admits that there is definitely a learning curve and adjustment period. The first week was the hardest time as there was a lot of crying by both little girls (and mom), but as Rocking exclaims, “like everything else, it passes.” Now the family is finally settling into their new rhythm.

As far as having a second child goes, many times the greatest concern is how the older sibling will respond. Rockie says that big sister Avene is slowly adjusting to their new little addition. “She is a very compassionate and loving child and loves to be around babies and kids. She loves to hug her sister and run to soothe her as soon as she cries. However she’s not even 2 yet so she has her moments where she wants mommy exclusively to herself.”

Welcome Ava! 3 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

As for one of the toughest questions of all to answer, “What is your favorite thing about being a mother?,” Rockie explains, “There are so many things I love about being a mom…the love that just keeps growing and growing inside of me and I don’t even know how, being able to provide for my kids without ever wanting anything or expecting anything from them. Learning to be a kid again and cherishing every little tiny moment.”

Welcome to the world beautiful Ava!
Please join us in congratulating Rockie & family!

Photo Credit: Rockie Road

Ariel is a working mom of two (expecting baby #3 next July!) who is married to her high school sweetheart. When she isn’t at the office or playing with her young kiddos, you can find her writing on her personal blog, Dreams To Do. Ariel is a lover of inspirational words, photography, coffee, reality TV, and of course, her family. You can connect with Ariel on Twitter and Facebook.

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