Welcome Marley Layne

Welcome Marley Layne 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Our sixth Daily Mom baby arrived to writer Danielle, her husband Stephen and son Graeme. They welcomed their baby girl Marley Layne February 9, 2014, and unlike her brother, she came very fast and quick; just over 5 minutes!

When asked how it feels to have two kids under the age of two, Danielle had these encouraging words to say, “Having two under two is more difficult and easier at the same time. There are definitely overwhelming moments where I wonder how anyone could possibly manage more than two! But at the same time, it seems like Marley just fell right into place in our family. She is so easy-going and sweet. She goes with the flow, adapting to whatever is going on around her whether it be loud and crazy or quiet and calm. And I’ve changed too. I worry less about every little thing with her. I find myself going with the flow more often as well – something I have had great trouble with in the past.”

Welcome Marley Layne 2 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

We are so happy to hear that big brother Graeme has also adapted so well to the role of older brother, “Graeme fell in love with her instantly. He dotes on her, talks to her, holds her hand and sits by me and gently rubs her head while I’m nursing her.”

Welcome Marley Layne 3 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

When asked if there have been any challenges, she replied, “The biggest challenge for me is dealing with my own feelings of guilt. When I’m with her, I feel like I’m not spending enough quality time with Graeme. But I also feel like I had so much more time to focus on him when he was a baby than I do with her. So often, when I’m overwhelmed, I find myself sitting down with them both snuggled in my arms, and I think this is all they need. My love is enough.”

Congratulations Danielle, Stephen and Graeme! We are all so happy for you and your beautiful addition!

Photo Credits: With A Red Bird On My Shoulder

Rockie, is a makeup junkie, living north of the border with her husband and exclusively breastfed baby girl! She dreams to one day live in a sunnier and warmer city, but for now, tries to see the beauty in snow and the cold weather.She loves learning new things and enjoys the unexpected surprises life has to offer. You can catch snippets of her life at her blog, Life Unexpected, and follow her on Pinterest and Twitter.

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