Welcome Quinton James!



Our very first Daily Mom baby has arrived! In case you didn’t know, many of us here at Daily Mom are pregnant. We have a baby due nearly every month for the next 6 months! Our first little munchkin was born less than a month ago and — wow — he’s a cutie!

Our writer, Elle, and her husband Stephen, welcomed their first baby, son Quinton James, at 8:27 pm on September 13. Quinton weighed 7 lbs 14 oz and was 20 inches long.

Welcome Quinton James! 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Elle’s little bundle of Friday the 13th joy came five days later than his due date. When he finally entered the world, Elle says, “they put him on my belly and it felt like ‘wow you really are real!’ and at the same time it was like I recognized him and had known him forever.”

Small Coral Separator

So far Elle says being a mom is a whirlwind of learning what her baby needs and how to give it to him.  She loves having her little McNugget doze off in her arms, hearing all the little squeaks, grunts, and sounds he makes, and seeing her husband hold him and talk to him.

Congrats, Elle & Stephen!


Krista lives in New York with her husband and their 3 year old daughter. In October, they welcomed a second baby, a boy! She teaches English at a local college and loves to read, shop, and cook. She enjoys blogging about motherhood at The Quinntessential Mommy. You can contact her via email, twitter or visit her blog.


  1. Congratulations proud parents xx

    Speechless !!

    I gave birth to a beautiful bouncing baby boy on 14th September 2013 at 0803 weighing 6lb 10..

    We named him Quinton-Rafe

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