Why a Jogging Stroller is the Only Stroller You Need

As a new mom (or even a new-again mom) you can be inundated with all the options for baby gear for you and your little one. One of the biggest and most expensive purchases you will make is a new stroller. There are so many different options available to you at a wide variety of price ranges, and it can be hard to decipher which one best fits your needs. If you are an active family who loves to be outdoors and exploring, or simply loves to take runs around the neighborhood, a jogging stroller might be on your list.

Many families often purchase a jogging stroller in addition to another “regular” stroller. But is the regular stroller necessary if you are considering a jogging stroller? What is the difference? Honestly, not much.

The Difference Between a Jogging Stroller and a Regular Stroller

A “regular stroller” is often categorized by the number of wheels. It often has four sets of wheels, while a jogging stroller only has three. In both types of strollers, often, the seats will recline, there will be a canopy to protect from the sun, and there will be a bottom basket underneath to hold toys, snacks, or other items. The biggest difference is the wheels. A jogging strollers three wheels are usually air-filled and rubber for a smooth ride. The front wheel will have the option to lock into place which is recommended when you are running. Otherwise, it can be unlocked when walking for easier maneuvering around turns and bends.

Why A Jogging Stroller Is The Only Stroller You Need

A jogging stroller like the new BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 offers parents the ability to go from a regular stroller to a jogging stroller easily. It has all the comforts of a regular stroller like a comfortable, reclining seat for your little one, a large under-storage basket, a large canopy, and easy maneuverability. And with the flick of a button, the front wheel will lock so you can enjoy your runs, hikes, or other outdoor activities safely and easily.

Things to Look for in a Jogging Stroller

Jogging strollers, much like regular strollers, have their own unique set of features depending on the brand. But if you are an active family who will be using your stroller for more than just walks around the block there are some things you might want to consider. The BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 offers all of these features that will make it easier for you to run, walk, hike, or simply do errands with your little one in tow:

  • Adjustable handle– The BOB Revolution Flex 3.0’s adjustable handle allows you to put the handle in a place that is comfortable for whoever is pushing the stroller. Fast-action movement like jogging or running is safer when the handlebar is in a comfortable position.
  • Front locking wheel– The front wheel of the BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 locks in place, which is recommended for running or jogging.
  • Foot brake– The foot brake on the BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 allows you to lock the stroller in place when stopped so it can’t roll away.
  • Safety strap- The BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 has a safety strap that goes around your wrist when running or jogging, so that if you accidentally let go of the handlebar the stroller won’t continue to roll away.
  • 5-point harness system– Having a harness system in place for your child keeps them safer, especially when the stroller is moving fast. The BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 has a protective 5-point harness system making it safer for your little one.

Tips to Staying Active with Your BOB Revolution Flex 3.0

If you love to be outside and stay active with your kids, a jogging stroller is a must-have. With little ones, there’s a lot to think about before heading outside, but luckily the new BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 has a lot of extras that help make mom life easier. Now that you’re ready to tackle the outdoors, here are some fun ways to stay active with your little one in tow.

Get Your Run in Early

The BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 is a great jogging stroller to have for those early morning jogs (once baby has proper head and neck control – usually around 8 months old). The extra large UPF 50+ canopy helps to protect your child from the morning sun, and the mountain bike suspension helps make running off-road feel smooth.

Why A Jogging Stroller Is The Only Stroller You Need

The heat can sneak up on you quickly, especially during the summer months, so if you want to get a quick run in make sure that you start early to avoid the hottest part of the day. Pushing a stroller can make a run even harder, so make sure you push the right stroller. The light-weight titanium of the BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 makes pushing a stroller seem like nothing, even when you have a big kid sitting inside of it.

Discover a New Playground

A trip to the playground is a great way to get the kids out of the house and get the extra energy and jiggles out. Plus, it almost always guarantees a nap! You may be able to meet up with some friends or make new mom friends when you go looking for a new playground.

Why A Jogging Stroller Is The Only Stroller You Need

The BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 has plenty of room for all of the things you need to take with you on your playground trip. The two inner pockets give your child a place to hold their snack cup, water cup, or favorite toy. The back outer pouch adds even more storage space for books, extra snacks, and sunscreen. You can also add some accessories, like the single handlebar console for you that provides space for drinks, keys, and your phone or a snack tray for them.

Tip: Use the Playground Buddy app to discover new playgrounds in your city.

Take it to the Beach

If you live near the beach or are planning a family trip, the BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 is the perfect stroller to take with you. The bike-style tires make it easier to navigate sandy beaches, and simply locking the front wheel will make it easier to traverse over the sand to the perfect spot in front of the water. Once you’re there you can play pirates and see who can find the most beach treasure at low tide, or look for sand dollars, sea glass, and seashells. You can even make a list of each item before visiting the beach and have a contest to see who finds the best treasure.

The large under storage basket means you’ll have plenty of room underneath for all the beach gear and the treasures your kids collect along the way. And, the SPF 50+ canopy can help keep babies who are too young for sunscreen tucked safely away from the sun.

Enjoy a Hike

Hiking with your children is free, easy, and gets your children outside. Start out slow, especially if you’re still recovering from childbirth, and build your endurance. Finding a trail that’s handicap accessible and stroller friendly is a good first step to hiking with your children this summer.

Why A Jogging Stroller Is The Only Stroller You Need

Bringing a baby carrier and your BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 is a great idea. No mom wants to be in the woods with children who won’t walk anymore. With the storage room underneath the BOB Revolution Flex 3.0, you can pack snacks, diapers, wipes, water, and bug spray.

Tip: Visit the website AllTrails.com or download their app to help locate trails near you.

Additional Accessories for Your Jogging Stroller

There are some additional accessories for the BOB Revolution Flex 3.0. These add-ons make it easier to enjoy all the activities available to you and generally make every day uses of your BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 much more convenient.

  • Infant seat adapter– Many jogging strollers are not recommended to be used by babies under six months old. However, the BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 offers infant seat adapters that allow you to safely place your baby’s car seat on top of the stroller making it safer and more comfortable for them. Be sure to look up the seat adapter for your child’s car seat as BOB Gear provides different adapters for different car seat brands. (Note: only walk – never jog or run – when your baby is in an infant car seat attached to the stroller.)
  • Snack trays- The BOB Revolution Flex 3.0’s snack tray holds your child’s snacks, drinks, and toys.
  • Handlebar console– The BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 does not come with a handlebar console, so it is a good idea to purchase one. The handlebar console gives two spots for drinks and a place to hold your phone or keys in a zippered pouch.
  • Toy holders and straps for kids- One things kids love to do when they are in the stroller is to throw their toys out. Toy straps that attach to the harness or inner pockets of the BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 help prevent you from having to stop every two minutes to pick up a rogue toy or snack cup.
  • Stroller fans– Riding in a stroller can be hot, especially during the summer months when you’re out and about. The BOB Revolution Flex 3.0’s breathable material helps keep your child cool while in the stroller, but an additional stroller fan will ensure their optimal comfort.

BOB Revolution Flex 3.0

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If you are an active family in search of a new stroller, a jogging stroller was probably already on your must-have list. But with the BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 there is no need to purchase an additional “regular” stroller. Jogging strollers like the BOB Revolution Flex 3.0 provide everything you need in both a regular stroller and a jogging stroller whether you are running errands or running around the block for your daily steps.

Check out this article on Running in the Dark- 10 Tips to Keep You Safe.

Why A Jogging Stroller Is The Only Stroller You Need
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