Hot Baby Gear for Cool Climates

 Hot Baby Gear For Cool Climates 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Shop the winter gear sales now to get ready for next winter!


eing trapped inside all winter is hard. It’s even harder when you have a little one! It’s difficult, if not close to impossible, to do some of the things you normally love. Your stroller and baby carrier grow dusty with neglect as the cold wind blows. Even just bundling up to get to the car is an act of great skill. You know how to dress yourself appropriately for the weather, but how warm is your little one?

We don’t like being cold but we also don’t like being trapped inside all winter long! That’s why we searched high and low for the coolest – warmest – cold weather baby gear that could take us from cabin fever to snowy play date! Even as the weather warms up in some of the country, this cool gear is useful for cool spring days, and thinking ahead for fall – grab the end of season gear now while it may be on sale!

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Megan V.
Megan V.
Megan is a fashion industry drop-out turned stay-at-home-mom to a baby girl named Luna. Her days are filled with creative endeavors such as embroidery, calligraphy and photography in between changing diapers and nursing sessions. She has a passion for all things handmade, eco-friendly, unique and modern. You can peek more into her life and projects at her blog, Lilac Saloon, and follow her on Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram!

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