Living Like a Local: Fort Gordon, Georgia

Fort Gordon, Georgia is nestled in the beautiful land of peaches, college football, and golf. For some, it’s a dream duty station, for others it’s a culture shock. But beyond the khaki shorts and Masters logoed everything, you’ll find a treasure of a community — one that supports the military, but lets you grow outside of it.

Living Like A Local Fort Gordon

All About that Golf

Chances are you’ve heard about Augusta, Georgia on one sports channel or another —probably in late March or early April. The hype is legit. Each year, an exclusive selection of golfers, including the top players of the year, descend upon Augusta. The Masters is a week-long event that seriously takes over the town. It’s such an influx of people that the locals scatter. They rent out their houses, they jack up their prices at local restaurants, and there is not a hotel room to be found.

Pro tip: If your orders have you reporting within a week of the Masters, ask for an exception, you won’t be able to find lodging anywhere, including on post.

Living Like A Local Fort Gordon

In the Middle of Nowhere, but Two Hours from Everything

Augusta and Fort Gordon are neatly located just a few miles off of I-20, which makes them easy to find. And while the area is bustling with restaurants, concerts, and a minor league baseball team, it still has a small-town feel. The best part about its location is that while it is in the middle of nowhere, it’s two (or three) hours from everything. Places you can visit easily for the day include Atlanta, Charlotte, Charleston, and Savannah.

Pro tip: Don’t think you have to travel everywhere else to enjoy the local area. Augusta and its surrounding towns have everything you need, including an airport!

Living Like A Local Fort Gordon

Put Away the Bat Signal

Fort Gordon is home to the cyber and signal corps of the U.S. Army, but it has components from all branches thanks to NSA Georgia. You’ll see students ranging from those in initial training to senior NCOs and baby lieutenants to senior captains. With this diverse community, you’ll want to join some of the inclusive groups in the area, including the Fort Gordon Spouses’ and Civilians’ Club, the local Team RWB chapter, and maybe even the Junior League. Getting involved in your community is what makes each duty station fun!

Pro tip: This is still the south, with means tradition is strong. Don’t wear jeans to the country club, and don’t wear white after Labor Day!

Living Like A Local Fort Gordon

Good Eats

Downtown Augusta is going through a period of regentrification, and the benefits are awesome. There are so many wonderful restaurants downtown that you’ll struggle to find enough time to enjoy them all. For a farm-to-table experience with over 70 brews on tap, try The Hive. Craving a really gosh-dern good hamburger? Then head to either of Farmhaus Burgers locations. One fun and unique place is Tako Sushi in the Surrey Center. There’s no shortage of great restaurants, and some of them are located in Evans. Popping up in the Riverwood Plantation is Ironwood Tavern, and in Evans proper, is the award-winning steak joint called T-Bonz.

Now you are ready to explore Augusta and Fort Gordon. See you around!

Hoping to check some national parks off your bucket list while you’re stationed at Fort Gordon? Be sure to first snag your free America the Beautiful National Park Pass.

Living Like A Local Fort Gordon

Photo Credits: Amy Yandell | Rebecca Alwine



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Daily Mom Military
Daily Mom Military is a resource dedicated to serving the unique needs of military moms. Through our website, we provide comprehensive advice for all things concerning military lives and families. Our mission is to equip these incredible women with the necessary tools, resources, and community to navigate the challenges of military life. We understand the unique struggles and triumphs that come with being a military mom and strive to be a one-stop-shop for advice, tips, and support.

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