For the past two years, my son has insisted on being a firefighter for Halloween. As we were getting closer to Halloween last year, a new costume idea popped into his head. He wanted to be a robot, and he also had ideas about what his costume was supposed to look like. This mom needed a Pinterest hack.
I set out one Sunday afternoon and began spray painting the boxes for his costume. The paint, of course, was getting all over my hands. I didn’t think much of it as I was painting because I was just trying to get it finished. I went in to wash my hands, but it wasn’t coming off! All the scrubbing I tried was doing nothing to remove the paint. Oh, and did I mention we had our family pictures later that afternoon? I needed the paint gone ASAP!
I turned to my trusted friend, Pinterest, again and began searching for hacks to remove paint from my hands. I came across a pin from the blog Mom4Real titled “How to Remove Spray Paint From your Skin — No Chemicals!”
The Paint Remover
It was a simple concoction of 1/2 cup coconut oil and 1/2 cup baking soda. I had both in my pantry, so I quickly mixed them together.
Once it was mixed, I just scrubbed the mixture all over my paint-stained hands. I did have to do a little extra scrubbing around my nails, but the blogger suggested using an old toothbrush for some of those harder-to-reach areas.
As an added perk from this Pinterest hack, the coconut oil made my hands really soft! This is definitely a great concoction to keep on hand.
In the end, my little guy was ecstatic about his costume. Maybe he will just wear this one again next year…
Photo Credits: Eastern Sky Photography