Creating a positive home for your children is not only beneficial to their development, but it instills qualities like confidence, compassion, patience, and kindness, among others. Home life largely influences a child and shapes them into who they will become, so it’s important to set a positive tone and create an environment where they can flourish. Today, we’re giving you five ways to build a positive home, and how it can benefit your children long-term.Creating a positive environment at home is one of the most important things you can do for your children. In the age of social media, it’s easy to struggle with things like confidence and self-esteem. By maintaining a positive home life, you will set your children up for success not only in the way they view themselves, but in the way they treat others.
1. Positive Praise
It’s important to recognize your child for a job well done. It boosts their confidence, shows them that you care, and helps promote good behavior. Even as an adult, it feels good to hear words of affirmation, and can mean even more to a child. Children raised with positive reinforcement learn that they can feel good about their accomplishments, and will likely motivate them to repeat good behavior.
2. Show them affection
Giving your child hugs, kisses, and snuggles not only gives them a sense of love and bonding, it gives them a sense of security. According to a study from UCLA, affection and unconditional love can make children not only free of stress, but emotionally happier. Studies have also shown that children with affectionate parents had better brain development, with a larger hippocampus — the part of the brain that controls memory, learning capabilities, and responses to stress. Showing affection will make them more comfortable expressing emotions, which may aid in the process of working through future troubles.
3. Display their artwork

Hanging their artwork is such a simple way to give your child confidence and let them know that their creative efforts are valued. You can set up a space in your home dedicated to their art, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be limited to the refrigerator. Think about hanging their work in a place where they frequently play. By placing it closer to their eye level, they can also enjoy their efforts and see it often. Try hanging it on a string with clothes pins, making it a cute display that is also easy to switch out the work and keep it updated. Another alternative is framing it and hanging it in a prominent place in your home. Get creative!
4. Give them your Time
With so much technology at our fingertips, it’s easy to get sucked into screen time. Make an effort to set aside quality time to connect with your child on a daily basis. You can play a board game, bake something together, do a project with them, or even just talk. It’s important to put your phone away and turn off the TV to ensure meaningful, uninterrupted time together. In the winter, keep your house warm and toasty and find fun things to do together. These special moments lead to developing deeper relationships with children that you both will appreciate. We all have crazy, busy lives, so think about creating a ritual or routine — maybe after dinner or before bed, when the day is ending and things seem to be more calm. Find what works for you and your family, and make it happen.
5. Encourage Self Love
Sometimes it’s easy to look in the mirror and see all the physical things we want to change about ourselves. We all do it at some point or another, but it’s important to remember that when we talk negatively about ourselves, our children are listening. These comments influence them whether we realize it or not. Saying things like, “I have so many wrinkles,” and “I wish my nose was smaller,” or “Why did I even buy this outfit, it looks so bad on me” can lead to body image issues for children later in life. If they constantly hear you putting yourself down, there’s a good chance they will adapt that same behavior. Make a conscious effort to avoid negative words about yourself, or anyone else. Encourage self love. This will instill confidence and make them feel valued; we are all different, after all, and that is a beautiful thing.
These five ways to build a positive home are sure to lead your children to success in the future. By implementing these in your daily life, your children will learn positive behavior and life skills, not only just during their childhood, but for their future. Love this article? Help support Daily Mom through our Patreon page.
For more, check out our post on 4 Things Kids Don’t Need — And What to Give Them Instead.
Photo credits: Kristen Love