Is your Car Seat Ready for an Overseas Move?

Moving overseas can be a wild ride! There are some things you don’t even think about until you need them. Sometimes moms may be too busy with the move to think about car seats overseas. This can be a challenge especially if you are not stationed near a military installation with an exchange. Even then the selection of car seats overseas is not anywhere near what is available stateside.

Below you’ll find some suggestions that will make purchasing a car seat easier as you gear up for your overseas move.

Car Seat Safety

Car Seats Overseas

Find a car seat that you can start using at birth. The Maxi Cosi Magellan Max 5 in 1 car seat you can use from newborn to age 10! Rear-facing is important for kids until they are 40lbs, and you’ll want a car seat that can accommodate that as well. Did you know that some countries overseas require children to be in car seats much longer than common in the US?

You’ll definitely want to find a car seat that’s easy to install. A car seat that allows you to adjust the headrest and not have to rethread the straps is a huge time saver. If you have more than one kid in a car seat, this extra time is almost unbelievably beneficial.

Related: 3 Tips for Car Seat Safety in Real Life

Traveling with Car Seats Overseas

Car Seats Oveseas

Living overseas will be an adventure and you’re going to need to bring the car seat along for the fun. So consider the weight of the car seat you’re buying. You’ll want to find a car seat that’s lightweight and portable.

It’s recommended that car seats be used on airplanes, and since the military will buy a ticket for all children, you might as well bring yours! Plus, sending them as checked baggage is risky to the safety of your car seat. Car seats used on airplanes need to be FAA approved, so add that to your checklist, too.

A comfortable child is a happy child, and that’s what every parent needs in the car, train, or plain. Do yourself – and your child – a favor and get a comfortable, safe car seat.

The Extras

Car Seats Overseas

When you’ve found a seat with the required safety components, you can look for more of the “wants.” Things like cupholders can make a world of difference when traveling. Cupholders can act as toy, paci, and snack storage and in this case, more is always better.

Something else to consider is how easy the car seat is to clean. Car seats that are easy to take off, wash, and have little to no rules on how to wash them are a BIG win in the parenting book. The Maxi Cosi Magellan Max 5 in 1 car seat you can take the fabric off the car seat and not have to rethread the straps!

While the color of the car seat may not seem like not a big deal, it can be. Just like regular seats in the car, if you’re stationed in a country that gets hot you don’t want to have a dark-colored car seat.

Parents around the world balk when they have to fit three car seats across the back seat. Sometimes it prohibits travel by car overseas, and sometimes it requires a new car purchase. So if you’re planning to grow your family while overseas, make sure the car seats you are starting with will fit three across in your current vehicle.

As a mom all you want to do is ensure the safety of your child, you have our suggestions now go out and find the best car seat for your family! Good luck with your upcoming overseas move!

Check out this article on the new weight allotments for Japan

Car Seat Overseas Move

Check out this article on Packing for an OCONUS Move



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Daily Mom Military
Daily Mom Military
Daily Mom Military is a resource dedicated to serving the unique needs of military moms. Through our website, we provide comprehensive advice for all things concerning military lives and families. Our mission is to equip these incredible women with the necessary tools, resources, and community to navigate the challenges of military life. We understand the unique struggles and triumphs that come with being a military mom and strive to be a one-stop-shop for advice, tips, and support.

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