What To Do With Your Dress After The Wedding

What To Do With Your Dress After The Wedding 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Why do we let our wedding dresses sit, almost forgotten, in a closet after it’s been used?

Here are a few ideas of what to do with your dress after it has served it main purpose.

Gift the gown– Give your wedding dress a life far beyond you. Gift the dress to someone who cannot afford their own, ask that they pay it forward as well to further the impact.

Photos with friends Once all of your friends are married, get the girls together for a fun photo shoot! Have everyone put their dress on and go somewhere fun, such as a beach or park. This is a great way to highlight everyone’s different styles together.

Photos with daughter in dress– Your daughter might not want to take her walk down the aisle in your dress. But that doesn’t mean you can’t create some memories of your special girl in your special dress. Get your daughter to try the dress on at a young age (around 2–5 years old) and snap some shots. Imagine how adorable a set of pictures would be of each of your daughters in your wedding dress.

Frame it– Art can be very pricey, well, so can a wedding dress. Save some money and have the dress cleaned and framed to preserve it forever. Hang the framing in a large closet or in a personal space of yours, such as an office.

Trash it Most of us have seen images of brave souls playing on the beach or jumping off a cliff into water, all while wearing their wedding dress! These images are such a fun way to capture the joy and excitement of your wedding day. If you have no future plans for the dress, it’s okay if things get a little wet and messy.

Keepsake necklace Take a small piece of the fabric from your wedding dress and epoxy it to a necklace or locket. This necklace would make a lovely family heirloom for years to come. Not very crafty? No need to worry, this Etsy shop can take care of it for you.

Amanda lives in Ohio with her fiancé and one year old son. She enjoys spending her days listening to amazing music while teaching her son awesomely bad dance moves. Her hobbies change monthly, but she stays constantly focused on clean eating, being green and spending as much time outdoors as possible.

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