The 52 Week Money Challenge: Save $1378 This Year

Many have seen their savings dwindle with rising prices and inflation. Things just cost more and we weren't all ready for it. And while...

10 Luxury Beauty Products Worth the Splurge

With so many makeup brands and products it’s hard to know: what’s worth the splurge and what isn’t? New products are constantly being launched...

Powerful Relief: How To Treat Sunburn Fast In 6 Steps

It's summer and sunburns happen, but summer calls for adventures in the sun, not sitting around performing internet searches for "how to treat sunburn...

Unlocking Ancient Chinese Healing With Gua Sha Techniques and Their Amazing...

The mind-body connection is an essential part of holistic healing and it is only becoming more widely accepted. One of the most powerful ancient...

Infrared Sauna at Home? It’s Not As Impossible As It Seems!

Thanks to celebrities like Lady Gaga and Gwyneth Paltrow, infrared sauna at home is more popular than ever before. Lots of people are even...
Servicewomen & Miscarriage Causes: Toxic Exposure In The Military Can Affect Motherhood

How to Care for the Caregiver: Tips from a Coastguardsman

Cancer. One word from a doctor is all it took to thrust a hardworking Coast Guard pilot trying to finish flight school into the...

4 Ways to Crush Planning for the New Year

New is often associated with a fresh start. A new year is the most common way we think about it, a new year with 12...

Holiday Hacks for a Happier, Healthier, Holiday You

The holidays seem to start earlier and earlier each year, and as soon as that first PSL drops at Starbucks it's off to the...

5 Super Stylish Spring Nail Art Trends to Help Say Bye-bye...

Spring has sprung and it's time to ditch the winter blues and embrace the new season with some fresh and fun spring nail art....

10 Remarkable Benefits to Yoga that Can Improve Your Life

The benefits to yoga are hard to deny. The fact that yoga has been practiced for over 5,000 years speaks to that. Whole books...

How Mindmapping Can Help You Easily Think Through Any Situation

Mindmapping is a quick and easy way to brainstorm your thoughts about a topic. It is meant to be an organic process that allows...

2 Easy Methods for Micro French Nails at Home

Do you love having your nails done but don’t like the time it takes to get them done at the salon? The micro French...

10 Crucial Tips for Branding a Business and Why It’s Important...

We've all heard the phrase “If you can't beat them, join them,” but have we ever taken the time to consider what it means...

6 Surefire Steps To Delegate A Task And Stop Overwhelm

Stress is an epidemic right now among professionals and moms. Unsurprisingly, after the last few years, Gallup reports workplace stress is at an all-time...

The Moon Made Me Do It: Moon Energies and 7 Wild...

Ever stop and wonder why there is so much lore surrounding full moons, or why people say things like the moon made me do...

PinkBlush Maternity – Spring Summer 2016

It’s not easy to be pregnant in the summer, but there’s nothing like some amazing new maternity clothing to help perk you right up!...

Understanding Different Types of Workplace Discrimination, Harassment & Retaliation: An In-Depth...

In today's modern society, where diversity and inclusion are touted as important values, it may shock many that workplace discrimination is still prevalent. Unveiling...

Smart Advice for Creating Positive Habits

Much ink has been spilled about the power of habit. Good, bad, or indifferent, habits shape our daily routines and can even influence decisions. Your...

How to Look More Awake with Makeup

Everybody knows when you become a mom, you pretty much just throw sleep out the window. Thankfully, there are a few makeup tricks to...

6 Breastfeeding Tips for Low Milk Supply

Let’s face it ladies- sometimes breastfeeding is hard and one of the biggest challenges many moms face is low milk supply. Of course, there...

5 Things You Need to Know When Running with Dogs

When you're looking for motivation to get out there and log some miles, nothing beats heading out the door with your best 4-legged friend....

The 2 Most Important Fitness Tips: Taking a Break and Embracing...

Many fitness tips focus on all the workout strategies, exercise ideas, staying committed, and sticking to it. It may be shocking and seem conflicting...

12 Effective Ways to Improve Lumbar Strength and Stretches for Flexibility

As life continues with busy schedules and a never-ending to-do list lingers, we know how difficult it may be to consistently make time for...

How To Start a Blog: Jumpstart Your Amazing Blogging Journey in...

In a world full of blogs, standing out and finding success can seem daunting. How can one blog compete with the thousands of others...

5 Simple Steps To Intentionally Create The Life Worth Living That...

When you’re a type-A, linear thinker who’s grown up in a field like law as I have, thinking about your future life worth living...

DIY Manicure At Home: 4 Tips To Make Gel Nails Beautiful

If you want to give yourself a fabulous gel manicure at home, it is easier than you may think! Having a manicure can make you feel far more put together. Since having children, with COVID and all the other things one must do, who has time to go to the nail salon for two hours? Self-care is so important. So, take time for you and give yourself a gel manicure at home that you can enjoy for two to three weeks.

5 Important Tips for Setting Boundaries in Your Life

It becomes too easy for some people to say “yes” to too many things. That is because setting boundaries for yourself can be hard,...

Medicinal Mushrooms: 3 Powerful Benefits, Types, and Sources

Medicinal mushrooms have historically played important roles in many ancient cultures. They aren’t new, modern, or trendy despite current fads and a resurfacing of...

The Pros Of Procrastination: Yes, They Exist

Tomorrow: (noun)--a mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation, and achievement is stored. AKA: A place where procrastination thrives. But don't be...

Resume Writers: 3 Best Reasons You Need One Now

Most business professionals will tell you that keeping your resume updated is one of the best things you can do for your career. As...

Happiness Hacks

We live in a time where we’re not only constantly on the go, physically, but also mentally —running around inside our own heads. We are...

Going to a Crowded Place and What to do if You...

    Do you have a trip to a theme park or the beach coming up? Going to places where the crowds of people are thick...

Everything You Need To Know About 5 Fitness Classes You’ve Wanted...

Maybe you have wanted to try a few new fitness classes but are too intimidated because you have no idea what it is about....

4 Ways to Stop Struggling With Life During a Slower Phase

Sometimes, being a mom—especially a professional mom—can make you feel like you're struggling with life a bit. Last week, my youngest needed to go...

Retro Wedding Vans: 8 Creative Ideas to Get Hitched

Planning a wedding? Retro wedding vans are a popular choice for transportation because they add a touch of nostalgia and excitement to the event....

Smarter Cat Owners Are Turning to PetSnowy Self-cleaning Litter Box &...

Cats are finicky creatures, and as guardians of our feline friends, we strive to provide them with an environment that meets their standards. When...