Gifts For a 1 Year Old Boy Who Has Everything

From even the time before their birth, children have a knack for being amazing gift magnets. From their own baby shower, through the holidays, birthdays or just because, people love giving little children gifts. Add up all those gift-giving opportunities, and within the first year of a child’s birth, they’ve probably amassed quite a bit of stuff. So what are perfect gifts for a 1 year old boy who has everything, or is the 3rd born and has plenty of hand-me-downs from older siblings?

According to some parents of younger boys, gifts that have a long play life (over a span of multiple ages), are “needs” most people don’t usually gift, or are things to do – not things that take up space – usually are great gifts for a 1 year old boy who has everything.


One time experiences, like a gift to the Zoo, museum or aquarium, or even just the local indoor bounce-house, are amazing gifts. They’re fun for both the child and the parents, get the child out of the house, and even better – wear the child out. Plus they don’t take up room in the house when you’re done! Or get the child a membership to a location the child can enjoy time and time again – it’s the gift that keeps on giving!

With an experience gift, you can’t go wrong. There are so many different experiences to be had, it’s doubtful the child will receive two of the same gift. Do the parents play instruments? Sign the toddler up for a music class. Want to share a personal love of art? Give a gift of a toddler art class. Help the child get ready for the summer with toddler swimming lessons, or offer to take the child out for ice cream and a trip to the park. The child will feel special, and the parents probably wouldn’t mind the free time.

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Gifts For A 1 Year Old Boy Who Has Everything

Educational Gifts

A child can never have too much education. So teaching gifts for a 1-year-old are a great solution so the child can learn while having fun. Not sure where to start? Subscription boxes are just that – boxes that come straight to your door filled with educational and fun activities, books, or toys that change each month. Need some ideas? Check out these 30 subscription boxes ideas for toddlers here.

Want to gift something a little more personal? How about purchasing a customized book? All children love anything personalized, and having his name written into the story will make it a cherished gift for a long time. Make sure you write your own personal note just inside the cover too!

Gifts For A 1 Year Old Boy Who Has Everything

Clothing Gifts

All kids need clothing to wear. Maybe an older child would be slightly disappointed to receive apparel on their birthday, but a 12-month-old is the perfect age for the gift of clothes. He won’t know the difference, and the parents will most likely fully appreciate new clothes. By year 1, most of the larger clothes gifted at the baby shower are long grown out of, so a few items to add to the current season’s wardrobe is great. Just make sure to include the gift receipt in the case the gift doesn’t fit.

Consider purchasing new shoes for the next size up too. Not sure what size to buy? A simple gift card for clothing or shoes is perfect, as the parents can buy what they know the child needs.

And, although not regularly-worn-outside-the-home clothes, dress-up play clothes (think Fireman costume or Chef’s hat) are perfect apparel gifts too. There’s no doubt the child will use them again and again over the next few years of play.

READ MORE: Best Toys for Your One Year Old

Seasonal Gifts

As each season comes around, along with it comes opportunities for special gift-giving. Celebrate all the fun things the new season has to offer with special gifts for a 1 year old specific to winter, spring, summer or fall. For the wintertime, pick up some winter accessories like a hat and some mittens, a new toddler sled, and maybe some indoor snowballs. Spring is the perfect time to wrap up some new waterproof rain boots and raincoat to splash around in on those rainy days. Summer quickly approaching? Fill a beach bucket with some sand tools, a new swimsuit, some bubbles, and sidewalk chalk. Sticking with a theme is always a cute idea for any gift.

Gifts For A 1 Year Old Boy Who Has Everything

Bigger Gifts

Sometimes the favorite gifts are the gifts that make an impact and are BIG. Go in together with a friend or family member on a bigger and more expensive gift that will light up any toddler’s face. A ride-on battery powered car or truck, playhouse, or money towards a swing-set or trampoline (check with the parents first) are some of the best gifts for a 1 year old, sure to get a lot of smiles, play, and love for a long time.

READ MORE: Best Toys for Toddlers
Gifts For A 1 Year Old Boy Who Has Everything

When giving a gift, consider gifting something the child can use as they grow a little older throughout the year. Just because they can’t use it right this moment doesn’t mean it’s not a good gift. In fact, just the opposite. It gives the child the gift experience long after their 1st birthday is over. Children this age grow and change so much between ages 1 and 2, so definitely take advantage of the fact they’re young.

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Show off the child’s first year with these creative monthly baby photo ideas.

Gifts For A 1 Year Old Boy Who Has Everything

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Lauren Austin
Lauren Austin
She's a full-time Financial Coach, professional designer, and part-time home DIYer. As a business owner of Financial Fundaments, and an awesome mom to 3 young kids, she has a full plate but loves every minute of it. Lauren became a Daily Mom to satisfy her need for writing while helping other moms take control of their financial health.

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