6 Kitchen Hacks

Have you ever said to yourself “Why didn’t I think of that”? Of course you have. We all have! We’ve all come across that ingenious idea for which we’d love to take credit. But in the end, does it really matter? You’ve discovered a way to save yourself time, money and most importantly your sanity, and that’s what really matters. We’ve compiled a list of 6 handy tips to use in the kitchen to make your life just a little bit easier.

Non-Stick Knives Collage

1. Turn your knives upside down in the block. Some blocks are designed to store the knives horizontally to minimize dulling, but if your block uses the standard vertical storing, flip them over before putting them away.
2. Combine water and olive oil to make your own Non-stick cooking spray. It will last longer, be healthier and save you money-now who doesn’t like the sound of that?

3. Use a tension rod under the kitchen sink to hang your spray bottle cleaners. It allows the bottom of the cabinet to be kept open for any baskets, bins or boxes. Make sure it is nice and secure- you don’t want the rod slipping and dropping the bottles.

Olive Oil Ice Cubes Pan Edit Collage

4. Fill an ice cube tray with your preferred cooking oil and seasoning herbs, and place in the freezer. Grab a cube or two for fast and easy cooking. If you make more than one flavor, use masking tape to label them on the tray.

Menu Holder 2 Edit

5. Tape an index divider with pockets to the inside of a cabinet for storing take-out menus. This frees up room in your drawer or on the shelf of your cabinet.


6. Soak a sponge with water and place in a zip-lock baggie. Store in the freezer and use to keep food items in your lunch bag cool or as an ice pack for an injury. For a more solid pack, keep as much water in the sponge as you can. For a more flexible pack, wring out some of the water before freezing.

You can find the majority of these items around the house, and those that have to be purchased have minimal cost! We’d love to hear what amazing discoveries you have made to save you money and make your life easier!

Corinne is a part time hairstylist and a full time wife and mom from Pennsylvania. When she's not at work or chasing after her wild-child, she's busy tackling her latest craft or sewing project. She loves inspiring people to tap into their right-brain creativity. You can check out her girls' clothing at CeceLynn Design.

Scheduling Tasks: Unlocking Flexibility and Fun in Your Household With 5...

Scheduling tasks for your family can feel like a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right approach, you can create a system that works for everyone in your household. Assigning chores, creating menus, maintaining a family calendar, and doing other things to bring order to your daily lives can make everyone feel happier. Read on to learn how you can start scheduling tasks and becoming a more organized parent.