7 Items To Consider For Your Hospital Bag


Packing your hospital bag can be exciting, especially if you’re a first time mom. But as a first time mom you may not know what to expect. You can find plenty of checklists online to help you pack for yourself, your partner, and your baby (check out Daily Mom’s own Hospital Bag Necessities list). But below are 7 things to consider packing which are not on most lists.

7 Things You Need in Your Hospital Bag

1. Fine grit nail file

Babies fingernails are often long at birth, and some hospitals will not cut them for you and some babies protest wearing gloves. It may also be nerve wracking to try to cut them with baby nail scissors, so we suggest bringing a fine-grit nail file to file them down so your little one doesn’t scratch up his or her face (especially if you have a newborn photographer coming).


2. BB Cream

Some women like to pack a full set of makeup while others may prefer not to be bothered. A happy medium is a BB cream with good coverage. You may not feel up to putting on a full face of makeup after giving birth, but it can be very nice to freshen up when you get a chance and feel more put together for those first family photos (and if you plan to be in any of your newborn’s professional photos).

3. A black cotton robe

Many hospital back checklists suggest your own pajamas or robe so you can feel more comfortable and at home rather than wondering if your hospital gown is open in the back every time you get up. If you plan to breastfeed it’ll be much easier to give your baby access to your breast than most hospital gowns that tie on the side. Consider buying a cheap cotton robe that can be easily laundered frequently in the first few postpartum days and weeks. You’ll also want to opt for a solid black print which will hide any unsightly stains.

4. Hand sanitizer

Hospitals usually have hand sanitizer pumps on the walls, but if you’ll be expecting visitors it is easier to just keep a small bottle of sanitizer on your bed stand. This way you can just offer a dab to guests rather than making a deal of having them go wash and sanitize their hands first.

5. White noise machine or phone/tablet app

If you have an easily portable white noise machine that you’ll be using in your nursery, consider packing it in your hospital bag. Or just download an app to your phone or tablet. If your baby is rooming-in with you during your stay, soothing white noise that helps baby sleep can be a lifesaver in that first day or two when you’ll likely be starved of sleep.


6. A blank piece of paper

When your baby’s footprints are taken for his/her birth certificate, your nurse may offer to stamp your babies feet in your baby book as well (or if not, you can just ask). You can bring your baby book if there is a blank page for footprints or just simply bring a white or light colored piece of paper. Your baby’s footprints are a great piece to frame and hang in the nursery or give to grandparents as a gift.

7. A folder

Bring along a folder to keep important paperwork (baby’s birth certificate, insurance forms, prescriptions, etc.) all in one place and from getting bent in your bags.

7 Items To Consider For Your Hospital Bag 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Check out more articles on pregnancy in our EXPECT: Pregnancy category!

Photo credit: The Whimsical Photographer

Laura is a wife and a new mom living on the East Coast. She and her husband welcomed their first child in September 2013. She has a passion for photography and an incurable case of Wanderlust. In her spare time she enjoys blogging about photography, travel, married life, and motherhood at The Whimsical Photographer.


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