Worldschooling with The Wild Bradburys: Bringing History to Life When You Travel

For years, I have heard people say how much they disliked history growing up. It was my least favorite subject in school seems to be a very popular opinion. When learning is a series of memorizing dates and names, it is boring. History is losing its hold in the mainstream classroom. It will be cut out in years to come. There is a way to create a love of this subject for your children by bringing history to life. Maybe, you’ll learn to love it again too.

Bringing History to Life

Throughout the world, history is inches from modern life. It is everywhere! Most of the planet courses and pulses through immense amounts of ancient history that a lot of people do not know is there. For example, throughout Greece and Italy, every time a new subway line is dug, another archaeology site is uncovered. This is not typically an issue in the United States due to its relative youth, but the history is still there. No matter what your topic of interest, there is something to see and explore in close proximity to you.

Worldschooling With The Wild Bradburys: Bringing History To Life When You Travel

If the Civil War is your American History preference then the East Coast is covered in fascinating, patriotism inspiring locations to explore that are FREE. From reenactments to open battlefields and everything in between. The possibilities are endless for your children to learn. The subject matter that these places evoke is vast. From slavery and Civil Rights to architecture and medical treatment. You and your family can, in theory, learn everything you’ve ever wanted to know in regards to life and war during the 17th century; all sparked by a few stops in the Eastern United States.

The Midwest has its own claims to fame in regards to the Civil War, but what you will find the most of is beautifully preserved Native American history. California is full of Missions, Gold Rush, Wild West, and the list goes on. Every single U.S. state offers something wonderful – if you’re willing to seek it out.

Worldschooling With The Wild Bradburys: Bringing History To Life When You Travel

Where Do You Start?

The question that gets asked the most is, “Where do I start?” followed quickly by “How do you find these place?” The process is rather simple. Google. Not kidding, at all. We live in an age where googling “Historical Landmarks along route 66” brings up hundreds of results. Not every stop is mind-blowing, but with enough early research, they can be. Here’s one example, when PCS-ing from California to North Carolina, led to an amazing visit to Meteor Crater. There were so many things to do in the “inbetween states” that always seem to be so long and boring.

No matter which way you’re criss-crossing the country, driving through West Texas and New Mexico can send shivers up your spine. Long, hot hours in the car with kids? No thanks! But with some research, you can find stops like Cadillac Graveyard in Western Texas, which can spark great conversations about art as a creative movement and art history.

Worldschooling With The Wild Bradburys: Bringing History To Life When You Travel

Letting the History Guide your Travels

History is a great reason to stop in places you’d never consider otherwise. (Even if you aren’t a history buff.) Rome, for example, is a destination entirely based on seeing history. Nobody visits Rome for the cultural exchange. It is too touristy for that. People go to Rome to see the buildings and places where world-changing events took place. History comes to life in Rome.

Kids get a lot of their opinions from us, as their parents. Try getting a little more excited about the historical significance of the little things, like the installation you’re living near, or the person for whom the street you live on is named. Bringing history to life by going out and seeing it, will teach them a deep appreciation for history. So, get out there.

Check out this article on Worldschooling with the Wild Bradburys: Travel the US Like a Pro

Worldschooling With The Wild Bradburys: Bringing History To Life When You Travel



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Photo Credits: Lydia Bradbury

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