Photography Guide 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Whether you are a mom of one or six, you want to be able to take amazing pictures of your family. Looking back and being able to remember those precious family moments is very important. We are here to help make this less of a challenge with a complete guide to photography. You will find steps to taking the perfect picture, but also great projects that you can start with your family. Don’t forget to smile and have fun!

First Steps of Photography

You may have no idea where to start! Well, our photography tutorials on getting to know your camera and learning how to operate it will really help you begin this process. You will learn the basics and then you can go from there!

Lessons: Lighting and Composition

Now that you know the basics, find out more about the lighting and environment you need for a fantastic photo!  

Being Photographed

You may have the correct settings, lighting and environment for a terrific photo of your family. There is always something else that you need to consider – the people who are in front of the camera. Sometimes you need a little more help to get them to feel comfortable about being photographed or to help them smile!

Types of Photography

Maybe you love taking photographs of your family and that is all you bought your camera for. Or, maybe you want to try to do portraits of yourself or others. There are so many things that you can photograph besides people – find some great posts here on expanding your photography skills.  

Photographing Children

Taking a photograph of your baby is a lot different than taking one of a toddler running around. Photographing children can be challenging in itself, but creating the perfect time and place to do this can be almost impossible. Lucky for you, we have some great posts regarding many ways of photographing the varying ages of your children.  

Projects During Seasons and Holidays

Throughout the year, you have so many different times that are special for your family. Find ways to celebrate but also help memorialize these great holidays!

Editing & Organization

Taking the photographs is the first step, but editing and organizing completes those special memories. Find some great tips and tricks to both!

We hope that you found some information to get you started on many years of beautiful memory making. Check back for even more great tutorials and posts on photography and learn even more!