7 Simple Ways To Look & Feel Your Best


Tired, bags under your eyes, dry skin? We know. We’ve been there. Being a mom isn’t easy work, and it can definitely take a toll on how you look and feel.  Read on for 7 ways to help you look and feel your VERY best!

7 Simple Ways To Look And Feel Your Best


It takes a variety of different things to help us LOOK fabulous, but as busy moms, we don’t always have time to incorporate more of anything into our daily schedules. The following, are simple things you can do everyday to boost your confidence and look your best.

1. Keep Hydrated:

  • You’ve all heard it before but it is so very important to keep hydrated. The body is made up of almost 70% water, so it just makes sense. Throughout the day make sure you’re keeping up with your 8 glasses of water per day. Drink a glass of water before bed, and before you get out of bed in the morning.
    Want to try a new eco-friendly bottle? Buy one of these EarthLust products.

2. Moisturize your skin:

  • When choosing a moisturizer make sure it fits with your skin type. Assess your skin and find out which of the following categories you fit into: Oily, dry, combination, or normal. Often people make the mistake of choosing the wrong product for their skin. Find a really great all-natural moisturizer. Chemicals can dry out your skin, so try to keep it as natural as possible . Be sure to wash, tone and moisturize your face before you go to sleep and when you wake up. One of our favorites is this Bee Friendly facial cream. Another thing to keep in mind is if you are outdoors a lot you may want to consider a facial cream with an SPF.


3. Apply concealer:

  • There are a few main areas of the face that need the attention of your concealer. The main one we all know is under the eyes, but here are some other places you should apply it: puffy areas, blemishes, dark spots, and any other red areas. Using your finger is the best way to apply concealer. Try putting a little bit on your clean index finger and apply to all of the above areas by dabbing until well blended.  We love this Desert Essence certified organic concealer.


4. Use some powder:

  • Apply a very light, translucent powder. Use this hypoallergenic and fragrance free Powder by Marcelle. Powder is especially useful if you know you will be taking pictures. It will make your face appear less shiny with a nice matte finish, and will keep your makeup in place for a lot longer.

5. Utilize that blush:

  • Put on a radiant blush. Everyone needs a little color in their face! This blush by Cheeky Cosmetics is great! Apply your blush by first smiling, working the apples of your cheeks, and working up the cheekbone to your temples. Be careful not to over do it, and choose a hue that is flattering for your skin tone.

6. Brighten those Eyes:

  • Grab a really great eyelash curler and get to it. This will make your eyes appear bigger. After that, apply your favorite Mascara. It will help to thicken those lashes and make them appear longer. You may even want to apply two coats for that extra effect. A waterproof mascara is always great to keep on hand, but remember it can be tougher to remove.

7. Add some color:

  • Apply a lip gloss or chapstick that has a pop of color to brighten up that beautiful face! Have a look at this 100% natural lip gloss from Burt’s Bees. Believe it or not, there is a right way to apply lip gloss, and a wrong way. Most people will apply a gloss similar to the way they apply a lipstick. Left to right, and then top and bottom. Try putting your gloss directly in the middle of your lips on the top and bottom. Then rub your lips together and this should give you the perfect amount of gloss!
    Remember: Less is more when it comes to makeup.



Now that you look amazing, you need to feel amazing. Again, there are many things we can do, but let’s be real, we just don’t have a lot of time. To help yourself relax and feel good, try incorporating one of these activities into your daily routine.

1. Do something relaxing:

  • Why not designate yourself half an hour each night for a nice hot bath? Add some of these all natural bath salts by Hugo Naturals and enjoy a glass of wine or your favorite book. We all have different things that help us relax. For one person, it may be enjoying a nice latte alone. For another, it could be joining a team and playing a sport. Find what helps you relax and indulge in it.


2. Take some time for you:

  • Yes, all moms need to be alone once in a while. It’s not just you feeling that way. We understand this is sometimes hard to do because we just have too much to do, don’t we? It is so important for YOU to get some “me” time. Leave your little one with your partner, or any other person you trust, and get out of the house for a bit–even if it’s just a little walk, or going to see a movie with a friend. Everything counts. There are a number of benefits to being alone such as: rebooting your brain, finding your inner voice again, helping to increase productivity, and it allows you time to think deeply. All of these things can help to enhance your relationship with yourself, your family, and your friends.

7 Simple Ways To Look &Amp; Feel Your Best 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

3. Cut yourself some slack:

  • Leave the chores and cooking behind. Okay, we don’t mean forever but moms can’t always do it all. It’s okay to leave them for a day or two if you’re feeling extremely tired and overwhelmed. Another option is to just get a little bit done each day. For example, one day you can work on the laundry, and the next day the cleaning. Its better to set little goals for yourself that you can achieve each day.

4. Get a Massage:

  • This one is specific but moms can have such intense tightness in their bodies as a result of their everyday duties. It’s true that getting a massage can be expensive, but a lot of colleges and universities offer discounted massages by their students. Why not take advantage of this? A massage is a great way to help you feel good and get the peace and quiet you’ve been oh-so-patient for.

5. Take a nap:

  • A lot of us mom’s often dream of having a little nap, but it can be a difficult thing to do. We have so much on our minds and so much to do. We have to remember that even a 10 minute nap can do wonders for a tired mom! Have someone you know come over (Yes, it’s ok to do that!) while you take a nap. You can also do your best to rest while your little one sleeps. Again, every little bit counts.

6. Get some exercise

  • You may be exhausted at the utter thought of this, but it does help. Going for a 20 minute run will make you feel so good after, we promise! If you dont like to run, just go for a brisk walk. Remember, physical activity can incude anything that gets that body moving, and it is recommended that you get physical at least twice a week.

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7. Get out with the kids

  • Going out with your little one can be just as relaxing as spending time alone. In fact, you will probably enjoy this even more. Take the baby to the park and bring along your camera. You can have a mini photo shoot and learn some stuff in the process!
Remember: You always want to eat a well balanced diet to keep you on your toes! Eating well works wonders for a mom who wants to look and feel refreshed!

Looking and feeling good will naturally bring out an amazing confidence in yourself that we hope you and others will notice. Don’t feel guilty about needing some time to yourself. Sometimes, you just need to have a few moments to re-charge, re-energize and re-focus. After all, you deserve it.


Make sure to check out this post on Tips for Making More Time For You

This post is meant for educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace medical advice from your physician, doctor or health care professional. Please read our terms of use for more information.

Photo Credits: 1 Lauren Hardy Blog, 2 Mike Trostle, 3 The Art of Making a Baby 4 Meditation Music 5 Living Fitness

Lauren Hardy
Lauren Hardyhttp://laurenhardyblog.com
Lauren is a new mom living in Toronto, Canada. When she is not at home being a mom, she is working full time as a model, playing competitive baseball, and working on her personal blog. In her "spare" time, Lauren is aspiring to become a childbirth educator. You can find her at Lauren Hardy Blog

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