Dog walking will be extra exciting as you celebrate National Walk Your Dog Week with your favorite furry friend. National Walk Your Dog Week is Oct. 1-7, 2021.
The goal of National Walk Your Dog Week is to improve the health and well-being of dogs across America. Colleen Paige, a celebrity pet lifestyle expert, and animal advocate started the October dog walking festivities in 2010.
It started as a one-day holiday on October 1, but Paige now promotes it as a week-long dog walking celebration so owners can set goals to get into a walking routine.
Dog Walking Benefits for Your Dog
Your four-legged friend will enjoy numerous health benefits from dog walking with you. A dog who exercises is a happier, better-behaved pet.

Dog Walking Leads to Improved Health for Your Dog
Your pup will be active, fit, and trim if taken on a daily walk. Regular walks maintain your dog’s healthy weight. Most dogs enjoy at least 30 minutes and up to two hours of physical activity per day, according to PetMD. The length of your dog walking depends on the breed of the dog, age, and physical health. If you have not been walking your dog, start slowly with a 10 to 15-minute walk in the morning and another before dinner.
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Dog Walking Leads to a Well-Behaved Dog

Dogs who enjoy daily walks with their humans are better behaved. They need exercise and stimulation just like people. Dogs who exercise regularly are less likely to perform destructive behaviors. Dogs who are left alone all day sometimes act out in aggressive or destructive ways.
Dog Walking Benefits for Both You and Your Dog

Of course, the best part of owning a dog is the unconditional love given in tail wags, slobbery kisses, and snuggles. But taking a walk with your dog benefits both you and your four-legged friend.
Daily walks are a treat for your pup. When dog walking becomes routine, many dogs seem to be able to read a clock letting their human know it is time for their walk. Spending quality time together increases the bond between you and your dog. The fresh air both on a warm summer day and on a cold winter morning will relax both you and your dog.
Take the dog walking time to unplug from the world – focus on your dog, on nature, on the world around you. Dog walking can be a digital reprieve for you – a true break in your day to be present. Be certain, your dog will enjoy the extra attention.
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Health Benefits for You When Dog Walking
Your pooch will be happy to hear that you will gain numerous health benefits by walking her each day. For humans, walking can ease joint pain, increase immune systems and counteract weight-promoting genes, according to Harvard Health Publishing at Harvard Health Medical School. A 15-minute walk can even help curb your sweet tooth. For most people, walking is something you have done since about age 1. Now, it’s time to get in the habit of taking a daily walk with your dog.
More Ways to Enjoy Dog Walking
Take A New Path – Of course, dogs love routine, but every now and then let your dog pick a new path so she can enjoy new smells and new scenery. It’s great for both you and your dog to explore different parks, paths, and neighborhoods. Shake up your routine. Be adventurous. You might even hop in the car and visit a state park or forest preserve a bit farther from home. Who knows who you will meet or what new places you will discover.
Change the Pace – Just as you change your dog-walking location, be sure to change the pace. It can be for a short time but it keeps your dogs on their toes. And, it strengthens the bond as you and your dog learn to listen to each other.
Training Opportunity – Dog walking can be the perfect opportunity for a training session. Bring a few quality training treats. Practice commands like sit and stay. Dogs enjoy learning commands. When dogs know commands it keeps them safer when they listen if there is a car or a new person.
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Change Up Partners – If more than one human lives in the house then everyone should take turns dog walking. This helps your dog bond with each family member. It also allows each family member to enjoy the benefits of walking 30 minutes a day for themselves, too. Younger children can walk the dog with your supervision, which will help them develop healthy habits for themselves and their future pets.

Take Photos, Be Silly – Not every day and not every walk, but be sure to take photos with your pooch. Snap some selfies with her. Have her pose next to your neighbor’s gorgeous flower bed or sit on the bench at the park for a nice portrait. Sing to your dog. Talk to your dog. Treat your dog as your friend, because she loves you no matter what.
So, if you already walk your dog each day, then snap a photo during National Walk Your Dog Week to celebrate. And, if you do not already enjoy walks with your four-legged furry friend, Oct. 1 is the perfect time for your first short walk. Set a goal for the week and enjoy the outdoors. The benefits you gain from walking for you and your dog are priceless.
Want to Read More?
Check out this amazing article that will give you great tips! Puppy Checklist: 3 Essentials For Bringing Your New Dog Home
Sources: National Walk Your Dog Week, PetMd, and Harvard Health Publishing at Harvard Health Medical School
Photo Credits: Unsplash, Pexels, Pixabay
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