4 Benefits of Fenugreek That You Should Know About

Fenugreek is an herb similar to clover, which smells and tastes a lot like maple syrup. It is native to the Mediterranean, as well...

How to Get Fit and Make Friends

Making friends as a child is a lot easier than making friends once you are an adult. If you’ve moved to a new city,...

12 Helpful Ways to Find Time for a Workout when the...

Finding time for a workout can be a serious challenge, especially with babies, younger kids, or when older kids are home from school. That...

Can Intermittent Fasting Help You Lose Weight?

The buzz of intermittent fasting is still going strong.  Some claim they lose weight, others claim intermittent fasting helps them focus better and there...

We Are Not Postpartum Depression. We Are Human.

I've been thinking a lot lately about how far I've come as a mother. After my first daughter was born seven years ago, I...


Ladies, are you wondering why your man has developed a scratchy face or a silly mustahce? Men, are you looking for a good reason...

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Seasonal Allergies

We are proud to be working with CVS Pharmacy to help spread the word about how to #BeGreater with #SensimistAtCVS. All opinions expressed are...

Mold in Your Home? What You Need to Know

Mold is one of those words that sends shivers down the spine of a home owner. You know it is a serious issue that...

Vaccines During Pregnancy: The Important Decision To Take The COVID-19 Vaccine

There is a lot of controversy and concern surrounding getting COVID-19 vaccines during pregnancy. The vaccine is new. It was developed very quickly to...

Yes, Eating Healthy During the Holiday Season is Possible

The military loves a great get together and there’s no shortage of them during the holiday season. Although let’s face it, engaging in social...

How to Use Crystals: Advice on Sourcing, Care, & Styling Tips...

So you want crystals, but don’t know where to start. It’s a growing trend and it seems like everyone has them, but it’s easy to...

6 Surprising Foods You Can Freeze

Freezing full meals or ingredients gives you the flexibility to buy in bulk or save money when there’s a sale. Freezing comes in handy...

In the Know: Taking the Scary out of Colonoscopy

Colonoscopy. When you hear that word, is your reflex to clinch? You aren’t alone. The fear of the unknown, the hassle of the prep...

When the Military Treatment Facility Wants You Back

When you found out that you would be seeing your new Primary Care Manager (PCM) off-base, you were shocked, then intrigued. TRICARE Prime patients...

Living With An Attitude Of Gratitude

Most people would say they want to be happy and be grateful for everything they have in their life, big, or small, and those...

The Menstrual Cup Insert Guide To Make Period Care Simple &...

As women, menstruation is a big part of our lives. Between the ages of 12 and 52, a woman will have around 480 periods! But...

Tips for Prepping Your House for Cold and Flu Season

So, the kids have made it this far in elementary school without a touch of lice or an absence to their name? Score! For...

20+ Best Date Ideas for Rainy Days to Create Unforgettable Experiences

There’s nothing like planning a fun date night idea and getting excited to enjoy a romantic evening with your special someone, only to be...

Ditch the Soda for These Supplements for Mental Clarity

As we head straight to the New Year, many of us are exploring what we can do to help us create healthier bodies. Everywhere...

7 Healthy Foods to Eat Every Day

When you are trying to be healthy it is important to eat a variety of healthy foods in order to have a healthy and...

Does Your Nursing Baby Have a Food Allergy?

When my second son was born, he cried. He cried all the time. Sometimes, he cried for up to eight hours straight. I was...

Why Natural Deodorant Wins and 4 Tips to Get Your Pits...

While there’s an entire world of stigma around woke and cancel cultures, we can probably all agree that it’s high time hygiene companies wake...

So You Want to Be a Spartan?

There are few things more motivating for a mother to work out than that pesky baby weight still hugging those hips. Yet, as frustrating...

Benefits of Aromatherapy and the Best Essential Oils for Each One

Aromatherapy and the use of essential oils have been around for centuries. That is because essential oils are pretty amazing. They can help improve...

Is an Online Period Tracker Still Safe – Especially When it...

When it comes to our bodies and our health, we want to make sure that we’re doing everything we can to stay healthy and...

Seek Challenging Friends, Be a Challenging Friend

“If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you.” Fred DeVito said that, and like a lot of great quotes, it can apply to...

Pet Allergens: Facts and Tips

If you have pets, you probably consider them part of the family. Your beautiful feline is your late night companion as you work behind...

Preparing for Plastic Surgery? Here’s What You Need to Do First

If you are planning to have plastic surgery done in the future, you may have many questions going through your head. One may be...

Why Do I Feel Like a Tired Mom All the Time?

If you are a mom, no one needs to tell you that being a mom is exhausting. No matter how old your kids are,...

Benefits of Folic Acid Everyone Should Know

Most people who have been pregnant or are trying to get pregnant have been told to take folic acid. Maybe you knew why and...

22 Best Gifts to Promote Healthy Living at Home

Winter is a beautiful season, but it also brings a lot of health challenges, especially when it comes to staying healthy. The cold weather...

Stress Management Tips: 6 Steps to Manage Stress in the Midst...

Parents and military spouses live with a lot of stress. Every day stress management tips can help alleviate some of the stress that this...

Health and Happiness Tips Directly to You

Do you feel like there is always new information out there when it comes to staying healthy and fit? You want to make the...

10 Recipes With 10 Ingredients Or Less: Quick Meals for Busy...

Every mom feels that cooking for the family is a daunting task. Nowadays, with the constraints of work, school, and other commitments, it can...