Why You Should Bake A Christmas Birthday Cake for Jesus &...

Christmas birthday cake celebrates Jesus with a beautiful tradition that children enjoy from an early age. What better way to teach children about the...

8 Great Games for Family Reunions

Over the last few generations, people are moving more often. Making the times when kids grow up next door to their cousins and down...

Politics for Kids: How to Approach Politics With Your Children

As a parent, it can feel overwhelming to talk about politics with your kids. That is because when it comes to politics for kids...

Springtime activities with your toddler

Now that we are well into spring and summer is approaching, it is time to get outside and take advantage of the beautiful weather...

5 Unique Ways To De-Stress As A SAHM

  STRESS – let it go, and we’ll say it again – let it go! A world where you live (yes, the home with the little relaxation-suckers,...

How to Start a Journal: A Guide for Parents

It’s pretty cliché, but as every mother knows, our children grow up way too fast! Before we know it, they have switched from crawling...

Simple and Nutritious Postpartum Meals to Keep You Going During Busy...

Postpartum life is no easy task and postpartum meals should be as simple as possible! Between the sleepless nights, the seemingly endless diaper changes,...

Couple’s Therapy and 4 simple considerations to Reduce Relationship Woes

Having children can put a strain on your marriage and couple's therapy has become more popular to find ways to get on the same...

C-Section: Recovery Essentials

Trying to plan and perfectly prepare for all of the details of our babies birth is a natural part of pregnancy. We don’t often...


The holidays are upon us. We are all busy decorating, shopping, baking, celebrating and visiting family. Reminders of Santa and his elves are all...

5 Tips for Raising an LGBTQ Ally

As parents, we want to raise good humans. Parents want their kids to grow up to be kind, thoughtful people. For a lot of...

Spouse Spotlight: Meg Flanagan of MilKidsEd

MilKidsEd fearless leader and Massachusetts-born Meg Flanagan wears many hats. She's Mom, a runner, teacher, avid reader, maker of fabulous soups, wife, military spouse,...

Family Therapy: The Benefits and Reasons to Consider

As a society, we’ve come a long way with de-stigmatizing mental health issues, but we still have room to grow. Therapy can help anyone...

Planning for the Future: Assisted Living Care

We moved my grandmother (Mom’s Mom) into an assisted living facility yesterday. It is a beautiful place filled to the brim with Christmas trees,...

Why Moms Need Sex

Sex: It feels great for some; other times, it may feel more dutiful than pleasurable and satisfying. If you are thinking that a “duty” has...

What to Expect from the Upper Elementary Years

Your little kids are growing up before your eyes! Today we discuss what to expect once it's time to move onto the upper elementary...

16 Gift Ideas that Don’t Conform to Gender Stereotypes for Mom

Most of our gift-giving conforms to gender stereotypes. There is nothing wrong with giving mom a new handbag, some new cookware, or some expensive...

Why Adult Children Need Their Parents More than Ever

Parents. What is the deal about needing our parents? As a young adult, I envisioned that one day I would not need my parents...

Making a Family Tradition While Traveling

We all remember the family trips we took as children. Chances are that when you were younger, your parents loaded everyone into a station...

Pregnancy-Safe Fitness

Photo Credit:The Art of Making a Baby Y ou were a fitness guru, yoga body-pretzel, or maybe just the occasional treadmill jogger before pregnancy...


Lunch is an essential part of the school day. A nutritious lunch can give your children the energy they need to stay focused, pay...

15 Best Toys for Active Kids Indoor Play

Playing outside in the fresh air and sun is great for everyone of every age, but sometime's it's just not possible. Whether it's raining,...

Fall Outfits for Women You’ll Want to Wear On Repeat

If you're like us, being "cheugy" is hardly one of your top concerns. In fact, if you're a mom, skinny jeans and leggings are...

The Top 25 Kids Journals To Inspire Your Child’s Creativity

Journaling is not just for adults. In fact, journaling is a great way for kids to express themselves and feed their creativity. In an...

8 Easy Ways to Engage a New Big Sibling

If you’re pregnant with your second child, you may be wondering what life will be like once the new baby arrives. Will you be able...

26 Great Mother’s Day Gifts For Today’s Fashionable Mom

Great Mother’s Day gifts are those that show your appreciation towards your Mother and make her feel loved and cherished all year round. If...

5 Things to Consider When Choosing Healthy Snacks for Back-to-School

“Hey mom, can I have a snack?”  Sound familiar? That is likely the first question your child asks the minute they come home from a...

Family Dinner Traditions to Get Your Kids Talking

Over the years, the tradition of sitting down to eat dinner as a family has slowly eroded away as American societal norms become more...

Creating a Registry for Baby #2

Are you of the mindset that each child is deserving of their own baby shower, regardless of their birth order? Check out our suggestions...

Reconciling the past and the present: Remembering a loved one with...

Grieving is a challenging process. One of the many difficulties in the grieving process is the fear of forgetting a loved one. As a...

2 Holiday Parties for Military Spouses Tired of Military Holiday Parties

The last two months of the year — with the rapid fire of military holiday parties — are the Mandatory Fun Olympics. You don't need to look...

8 things to do before your baby heads off to college

The summer before college is an amazing and beautiful time. While you may be working to cope through that your baby is officially (unless...

The Truth About Shipping to APO/DPO/FPO Addresses

You know what they say about people who assume things: They avoid shipping to APO/DPO/FPO addresses because they assume it’s too hard. OK, so...

Finding your way out of a Rut

  There comes a time in everyone’s life where they, unfortunately, fall into a rut. Ruts can be a result of many things, but sometimes...

3 Ways I Benefited From Taking A Break From Social Media...

The moment I found out I was pregnant, my relationship with social media shifted. I thought "maybe taking a break from social media may...

Pros & Cons of Introvert Characteristics Related to Positive Parenting

As parenting becomes more and more of a challenge for today’s busy families, the importance of understanding our own personalities and how they affect...

Maximize Your Human Design Centers: The 9 Human Design Energy Centers...

Nine Centers of Human Design In human design, the intricacies of our being are mapped out in a way that blends science, spirituality, and self-discovery....