Coronavirus memes. Who would have thought at this time last year that our lives would be pushed into a global pandemic? The situation we are facing is nothing short of scary and definitely unprecedented. They say laughter is the best medicine. We are all feeling uneasy, unsure, and a bit anxious with the Coronavirus hitting closer to home each and every day. If you find yourself or a loved one in need of a giggle, we at Daily Mom have compiled the 30 best Coronavirus memes to shed some light and laughter upon your day. Since we are all in this together, we can all join in the laughter that Coronavirus memes and their creators have to offer.

Toilet Paper Coronavirus Memes
Who in their wildest dreams would have ever thought that toilet paper would be the talk of the world or that we would ever have a toilet paper shortage? Although a necessity, the shortage has caused several laughs when it comes to Coronavirus memes. Hopefully you were stocked up prior to the beginning of this global pandemic. If not, you most likely feel the pain in these silly toilet paper focused Coronavirus memes.

Coronavirus Memes For Gaining Weight
There are two ways we all will come out of the pandemic- fit as ever or the largest we have ever been in our lives! While many people have hopped onto home workout programs and routines, others are loving the fact that their family can cook! Have you packed on an extra few pounds, so far? As with anything in life, balance is key. If you find yourself with a double chin that you never had, you will laugh at the following Coronavirus memes pertaining to weight gain during quarantine.

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Coronavirus Memes Pertaining To Sports
Even America’s favorite past times are put on hold! How can this possibly be funny? The internet is crawling with Coronavirus memes pertaining to our loss of sporting events. Whether you are an avid sports fan with season tickets to your favorite team’s games or you have never attended a sporting event in person, you understand the impact that canceling sports has had upon our society. Someone you know is feeling the impact of Coronavirus on sports. Of course, if there is a sports fan in your life, chances are you have heard their complaints.

Coronavirus Memes On Working From Home
Have you heard anyone say lately that they will never again ask a stay at home mom what they do all day?! If you are working from home and have kids, you now know what stay at home moms do all day. You now know that they deserve an award- or at the very least- a spa day once all of this is over. We at Daily Mom have compiled some of our favorite Coronavirus memes pertaining to working from home. The good news is that working in pajamas is now socially acceptable.

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Homeschooling During Coronavirus
We all love our kids more than life itself. Unexpected time with them at home has been precious and we are forever grateful for the extra snuggles and love. However, as moms we know the struggle. Your kids are stuck at home and going stir crazy! We, as moms, are holding it all together. We have become teachers, doctors, nurses, chefs, custodians, and administrators. Life as we all know it has changed. We have to laugh through the chaos. Coronavirus memes have allowed us to do just that!

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Coronavirus Memes And Social Distancing

We have no choice but to embrace the time we are spending at home with family that we would not have had, otherwise. Hopefully, we at Daily Mom were able to bring a smile to your face and some laughter to your home with the above Coronavirus memes. Nobody actually knows when life as we knew it will resume. Will it ever be the same? Perhaps this change will wind up being better for us all. All we can do, in the meantime, is to embrace the situation we are all facing and take comfort in knowing we are all in this together.

Are you feeling the stressful effects of Coronavirus and Quarantine? Check out The Ultimate Quarantine Survival Guide.