6 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Closet

No matter where you live the changing of the seasons is the ideal time to reevaluate your closet and make a plan for the months to come. Even if you have enough space for your entire years’ wardrobe to fit into your closet it’s best to put away items like heavy sweaters that are not currently in use. This way everything remains neat and organized with plenty of space for any new or seasonal additions.

We’ve put together a few of our favorite tips for spring cleaning your closet to inspire you to get moving on your closet makeover this season.

6 Tips For Spring Cleaning Your Closet

Closet Spring Cleaning Tip 1: Is your Closet Configured Properly?

Depending on the layout of your home, you may need to use your closet for more than hanging clothing. Identifying the best way to make good use of your closet space is the perfect way to start with decluttering for a new season.

Modular Closets makes easy to assemble closet shelving and storage solutions that will allow you to easily configure the closet of your dreams. There are dozens of assembly options, including tower shelves perfect for handbags or shoes, or much needed drawer space for additional folding.

6 Tips For Spring Cleaning Your Closet
6 Tips For Spring Cleaning Your Closet

A drawer unit will allow you to use up the dead space under hanging clothing and optimize your overall folded storage areas. This can ensure that your clothes stay neat and clean no matter how busy you get throughout the spring and summer.

Cubby Unit with Shelves | Set of Wood Drawers

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Closet Spring Cleaning Tip 2: Donate or Dispose

It can hard to part with favorite clothing but if you are no longer wearing the items or they are not in good condition there is no reason keep them. Marie Kondo would recommend that you first remove every item from your closet and lay it out on your bed. Depending on how much clothing you have that may not be necessary.

6 Tips For Spring Cleaning Your Closet

Another method of evaluating clothing is by progressively moving through hanging clothing looking at each item individually. Touch every item of clothing as you work your way through the entire closet. As you sort, replace hangers if necessary and move all clothing to face the same direction.

Look for stains, pilling or holes in clothing. If it is in bad shape place those items into the disposal pile. If you wouldn’t want to wear it again there is no reason to donate it to an organization that will ultimately have to trash it later.

For items that show minimal wear or no longer are your style or size, a donation is a better way to go. Eliminating clothing in our landfills while contributing to a non-profit organization is good for both the environment and community. Make sure all donated items are washed and folded before donating so that they have the best chance of earning your chosen organization quick money.

Closet Spring Cleaning Tip 3: Organize and Straighten

Now that all the hanging clothing is properly hung and facing the same direction it should be easy to reorganize. Determine an organization method that works best for you. Some options include organizing like items together (pants with pants, etc.), sort by color, or length. Determining a strategy for organization that works best for you is an individual choice.

6 Tips For Spring Cleaning Your Closet

Once things are properly organized it is equally important to maintain the organizational structure over time. Despite how easy it feels to load an entire batch of fresh laundry into the same place taking the time to re-sort with each fresh load will keep you organized for months to come. Think about how much time you will save if you take a few extra moments to properly place each item in its determined space.

Closet Spring Cleaning Tip 4: Properly Refold Items

If you are a fan of Marie Kondo you’ve probably heard of the KonMari Folding Method. This tidying technique is one of the most revolutionary parts of her decluttering methodology. This process is built with the mindset that properly folding clothing and placing it upright in a drawer will ensure that each item of clothing is less wrinkled, takes less space and ultimately brings more joy to your life.

While the thought of spending hours folding clothing may not sound like joy at first, the finished look is one you will be proud of.

The KonMari Folding Method for Shirts

  • Lay the shirt down flat in front of you.
  • Fold the right side toward you.
  • Fold back the sleeve halfway.
  • Fold the left side away from you and fold the sleeve the same as the right.
  • Fold the neckline up away from the hem.
  • Fold halfway twice.

Once folded in this way the shirt should stand upright allowing you to place it properly into the drawer where you can see the design and know quickly if you wish to wear it.

Interested in other Marie Kondo folding tricks? The Goop has full step by step instructions and videos for each item in your wardrobe!

Closet Spring Cleaning Tip 5: Evaluate your shoes

The shoe section of your closet can easily become one of the most cluttered areas in your closet. At the beginning of spring looking through your entire shoe collection can help identify which items need to be replaced and what shoes may no longer be a part of your style.

6 Tips For Spring Cleaning Your Closet

Begin by matching up all of the shoes you have in your closet. If any are missing dispose of those immediately.

Determine which shoes you wear most often. Evaluate the seams, soles, and tread. If they are in good condition return them to the closet in a row or on a shoe organizer. Next visit with the shoes you do not wear frequently. Determine if you still have clothing that matches with these shoes and if not, consider donating the ones that are still in good condition. Most likely you have several pairs of shoes saved for special occasions. Check the heels and soles of these for wear. It’s better to replace special occasion shoes before an event than scrambling the day before you need heels for a wedding.

Check through boots and sandals. Now that it is the end of the winter season it may be the perfect time to replace boots with amazing new items on sale. If this is what you wish to do, place any boots you no longer need into the donate or disposal pile.

Closet Spring Cleaning Tip 6: Head to the Donation Center

Complete your closet spring cleaning by loading all the items you wish to donate into your car. Before doing anything else head to your local donation center. This will keep you on task and ensure that those ‘things you no longer want’ don’t continue to clutter up a garage or entryway.

Finding the time to organize can be difficult, but once you do you’ll find that getting dressed in the morning is so much easier. Once you know where everything is, you won’t need to waste precious time shuffling through drawers or racks!

Check out this article on Natural Cleaning Tips.

6 Tips For Spring Cleaning Your Closet

Photo Credit: Pexels, Rocky Mountain Bliss



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