Cucumber Juice: 7 Amazing Superpowers

Most people know that drinking cucumber juice is good for them. Healthline reports that cucumber juice can help keep you hydrated, aid with weight loss, and because cucumbers are antioxidant-rich, they might be able to reverse or prevent diseases such as cancer or diabetes. But did you know that cucumbers have other superpowers? Check out our list!

7 Superpowers

Cucumber Juice: 7 Amazing Superpowers

Do you have a dull pair of dress shoes? Are you tired of your bathroom mirror fogging up when you’re taking a shower? As it turns out, cucumber juice is just the ticket when it comes to dealing with these pesky irritations. But the good news is, you don’t have to juice a cucumber for these treatments to work.


Cucumber Juice: 7 Amazing Superpowers

Trying to fix your hair and makeup with a foggy mirror is an irritation no one needs to deal with. Especially, if you’re running late. Rubbing your hands or fingers on the mirrors doesn’t seem to do much. In only a matter of a few seconds, the mirror will just steam up again. Fortunately for you, all it takes to defog a mirror is a cucumber. According to Love My Salad, all anyone needs to do is take a slice of a cucumber and rub it along the bathroom mirror. The juice will prevent the steam from building back up again.

Stop A Hangover

Cucumber Juice: 7 Amazing Superpowers

With the holidays right around the corner, this next trick could be a real life-saver. While we advocate for everyone to drink responsibly, just in case you have one-too-many cups of eggnog, eat a cucumber before you go to bed. Food And Wine loves this little trick because cucumbers are high in electrolytes and will replenish whatever alcohol absorbs.

Read More: Treating A Headache Without Pills

Shoe Polish

Cucumber Juice: 7 Amazing Superpowers

Do you have a pair of dress shoes that are looking a little dull? Once again, cucumbers come to the rescue. According to Cleaning Info, cucumbers are ideal when you need to polish your shoes. Using cucumber slices to clean up your shoes might take some time, but stick with it. Cleaning Info shared one other trick about cucumber juice. It not only shines up your shoes but it will also create a waterproof coating on your shoes.

Breath Freshener

Cucumber Juice: 7 Amazing Superpowers

In addition to all the other tricks we’ve just mentioned, we also love cucumbers because of their breath-freshening abilities. Real Simple reports that sucking on a cucumber slice for about 90 seconds can help reduce bad breath. They also recommend chewing on crunchy vegetables because doing so can reduce plaque and odor-causing bacteria.

Read More: 5 Early Warning Signs Of Gum Disease

Detox And Diuretic

Cucumber Juice: 7 Amazing Superpowers

The magical powers of cucumbers continue! The next time you’re feeling bloated, trying drinking some cucumber juice. Good Housekeeping listed cucumbers as one of several vegetables that act as natural diuretics. Because they contain sulfur and silicon, eating a cucumber or drinking its juice will increase urination. And because cucumbers are also high in potassium, they can aid in the reduction of swelling.

Natural Fever Reducer

Cucumber Juice: 7 Amazing Superpowers

In addition to acting as a diuretic, cucumbers also have some natural healing abilities. According to Medical Medium, the electrolytes in cucumbers act as a natural cooling agent that can help bring fevers down. However, we always recommend you speak with your doctor or pediatrician before administering any kind of treatment to yourself or a loved one.

Pest Deterrent

Cucumber Juice: 7 Amazing Superpowers

Any gardener will tell you that not all insects and bugs are good for the environment. If you’ve ever walked out to your garden and found that the leaves of your plants look like they’ve been shot up with a rifle, you probably have an infestation of slugs. The good news is, there’s a natural, chemical-free, way to rid your garden of this pesky problem. Thrifty Fun recommends placing cucumber slices inside a tin pie plate. Put the plate out in your garden. The odor produced from the combination of the cucumber and tin will send slugs and grubs packing.

Read More: Eco-Friendly And Unique Ways To Garden

5 Cucumber Juice Recipes

Cucumber Juice: 7 Amazing Superpowers

Now that we know all about the superpowers of cucumbers, let’s talk about cucumber juice recipes! We’ve got a list of tasty, guilt-free cucumber juice recipes that you’re going to love! And the best part is, all of these recipes can be made in a blender.

Cucumber Juice Recipe By Feel Good Foodie

Cucumber Juice: 7 Amazing Superpowers

Feel Good Foodie has a super, simple cucumber juice recipe. It only uses three ingredients: cucumbers, mint, and lemon. Feel Good Foodie recommends you peel the cucumbers before placing them in the blender. After blending for at least two minutes, the juice can be pressed through a strainer, if you so desire.

Cucumber Orange Juice Recipe By Recipe Vibes

Cucumber Juice: 7 Amazing Superpowers

Recipe Vibes has a number of cucumber juice recipes on their website but the Cucumber Orange Juice recipe was the one that struck our fancy. Once again this a three-ingredient recipe: cucumbers, oranges, and honey. All of the ingredients are placed into a blender and after blending, it’s recommended the juice be poured through cheesecloth for straining.

Watermelon Cucumber Juice By Food With Feeling

Cucumber Juice: 7 Amazing Superpowers

On a hot, summer day, nothing sounds more refreshing than watermelon. But what about cucumber watermelon juice? For this thirst-quenching treat, Food With Feeling has the recipe. Made with watermelon, cucumber, and lime, this recipe varies just a bit from those previously mentioned. Unlike the other recipes, the cucumber in this recipe isn’t peeled before placing it in the blender. Also, you’ll definitely have to use cheesecloth to strain the juice.

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Creamy Pineapple Cucumber Smoothie By Minimalist Baker

Cucumber Juice: 7 Amazing Superpowers

For days when you need something more substantial than juice, Minimalist Baker has the recipe for this yummy Pineapple Cucumber Smoothie. It differs from the other recipes we’ve mentioned because it uses six ingredients instead of three but the addition of banana, kale, and coconut is sure to make you think you’re sitting on a tropical beach.

Cucumber Ginger Juice By Fooduzzi

Cucumber Juice: 7 Amazing Superpowers

If you’re suffering from indigestion or an upset stomach, this cucumber juice recipe might be just what you need. Fooduzzi uses cucumber, honey, and ginger to make this juice. Ginger has long been on a list of natural foods that can help with nausea and morning sickness. Its use in this recipe is one reason why we love it. The recipe’s simplicity is the other reason we love it.

Read More: Juicing 101: What You Should Know About Juicing

Cucumber Juice: 7 Amazing Superpowers

Cucumbers have amazing superpowers. Whether you’re using them to protect your garden, shine your shoes, or you’re drinking cucumber juice to reduce swelling and bloating, it seems that cucumbers are nature’s magical vegetables. Let us know how you’re using cucumbers in your life. Tag us on Facebook or Instagram! We want to see what magic you’re making with cucumbers.

Check out this article on THE POST COVID JUICE CLEANSE & DETOX.

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Cucumber Juice: 7 Amazing Superpowers

Photo Credits: Unsplash | Pixabay | Feel Good Foodie | Recipe Vibes | Food With Feeling | Minimalist Baker | Fooduzzi |

Sources: Healthline | Love My Salad | Food And Wine | Cleaning Info | Real Simple | Good Housekeeping | Medical Medium | Thrifty Fun | Feel Good Foodie | Recipe Vibes | Food With Feeling | Minimalist Baker | Fooduzzi |



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A.Marie Silver
A.Marie Silver
A. Marie Silver is a mother to three dragons, wife to a Navy man, and author of Snark, Sass, & Sarcasm - a blog dedicated to putting a humurous twist on the mundane. In her spare time she fantasizes about taking naps, is a contributor for Daily Mom, and is working on her first novel.