ABC’s of Safe Sleep for Infants

Recently newborn loungers have come in to play to help aid parents in lulling their newborn to sleep. Are these sleeping tools safe? Here we will breakdown the ABC’s of Safe Sleep for Infants, to help put aside your worry and help you and your babe sleep better.

Abc’s Of Safe Sleep For Infants

Nothing is sweeter than a newborn baby; the softness of their skin, the cooing, and the adorable snuggles as you cuddle them in your arms. Simply put, newborn babes are the best. However, their adorableness doesn’t take away from the fact that parenting a newborn is hard work. The waking all night long, the sore nipples, aching backs, and simply the overwhelming feeling that you just aren’t doing enough. Parents constantly worry about their new babies and the one thing they often worry about most is safe sleep for infants.

Breaking down Safe Sleep for Infants with the JoJo Newborn Lounger

A: Always Consult your Pediatrician

First and foremost, the basics of safe sleeping conversations should be between you and your doctor. You know your baby the best. The relationship between you and your provider should be open and honest one based on trust. As always, follow the guidelines provided by your physician.

B: Sleep on Back

Pediatricians across the board agree that babies should be placed on their backs for sleep. The JoJo is only intended for supervised sleep while the child is lying on his or her back. This is because babies that sleep on their stomachs are at higher risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.

Read More: Five Safety Tips for Sleeping Babies
Abc’s Of Safe Sleep For Infants

C: Co-sleep or not?

In general, co-sleeping is not an accepted practice among medical professionals. However, some parents find that co-sleeping is what works best for their family. Families that choose to co-sleep with loungers such as the JoJo notice that the sides help create a safe boundary between the infant and parent.

Read More: 5 Rules for Safe Co-Sleeping

D: Don’t Place on Soft Surface

The American Academy of Pediatrics has declared that the safest place for a baby to sleep is in a bassinet, crib, or play yard in their parent’s bedroom for the first year of life. Hard surfaces are always best when placing a baby down to sleep.

E: No Extra Toys or Blankets

A baby’s sleep area should be free of toys, blankets, or anything else that can obstruct a child’s breathing. The same goes for the JoJo Lounger, the baby should not be left unattended with extra items in the lounger.

Abc’s Of Safe Sleep For Infants

Intended use of Newborn Loungers

Newborn loungers are not intended to be used for unsupervised sleeping. While they are aides that may help your baby learn to sleep better on their own, you are encouraged to never leave your baby unattended. Safe sleep practices should always be used when putting your child to bed. The JoJo should not be placed in cribs or beds.

Read More: Don’t Judge Your Motherhood

Why use the Jojo?

The JoJo Infant and Toddler Lounger was created to create a peaceful environment where your child can play, lounge, and cuddle. Its barely padded center is perfect for tummy time or back lounging on any surface. The raised and firmly padded outside keeps the baby in place. The egg shape allows the JoJo to grow with your baby from infancy to toddlerhood.

  • It is the only lounger that stays with your child from infancy to toddlerhood
  • The smaller end of egg shape keeps babies from rolling
  • The larger end allows for play and wiggle room
  • Made with the highest quality 100% cotton
  • Ease of care
  • Long-lasting design
Abc’s Of Safe Sleep For Infants

JoJo Infant and Toddler Lounger
Nicole and Co. | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest

Finding ways to help your newborn fall asleep and stay that way can be tough. Remember to review and utilize the safe sleep for infant guidelines provided via the American Academy of Pediatrics. Newborn loungers such, as the JoJo, may not be for long nights of sleep, but are great resources for lounging while parents are nearby during the daytime hours. The JoJo is a comfortable and relaxing lounger that grows with your child giving them a clean and safe space to play, explore, and develop in a soft, nurturing environment.


Motherhood is a beautiful but trying experience. Read our Song of Motherhood about remembering the sweetness of newborns.

Abc’s Of Safe Sleep For Infants



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