Pampering With Puffy: The Best Mattress for Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings back pain, side aches, and pelvic pressure, not to mention the constant tossing and turning you do just to get comfortable!

Welcome to the next 9 months on an old (you know you need an upgrade) mattress that you have just gotten used to. Sure, it’s not bad per se, but you know it’s not the best and you are already feeling the effects of a poorly supportive mattress for your growing belly. Your aches and pains coupled with the all-day feelings of exhaustion are pretty much the tell-tale-signs that you need a new mattress. Whether this is your first pregnancy, second, or the tenth, every mom-to-be deserves to be pampered throughout the entire length of her pregnancy. Spa days and massages are great, however, they usually only provide temporary relaxation and pain relief.

One of the best options for continuous luxury pampering during your entire pregnancy is a new, supportive mattress, not a spa day. Here with just what you need is Puffy, the best mattress for pregnancy. Ranked as one of America’s 2018 Best Mattresses, Puffy gives pregnant moms the type of pampering experience they want and deserve every day!

Is Mom’s Need For Quality Sleep That Important?

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Yes. Moms NEED sleep. This will come as no surprise to mothers, but a new survey finds that women with children living at home are more likely to be sleep-deprived than women without children. Only 48% of mothers with children were able to get seven hours of sleep compared to 62% of women who did not have kids at home. Whether pregnant or in the thick of motherhood, now is not the time to dismiss the importance of quality sleep. If you’re constantly tired, your whole family will feel the ill effects of your sleep-deprivation. This is why you need to look into your options for the best mattress for pregnancy and beyond.

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According to Jodi A. Mindell, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia, lack of quality sleep and comfort really does have a profound and proven impact on a mother’s ability to function. This is not ideal for a mom-to-be and can have negative side effects such as:

  • Making more mistakes (as if pregnancy-brain wasn’t bad enough)
  • More likely to slip and fall
  • Cut yourself while in the kitchen preparing food
  • Forget to strap in other children in the car

What moms need is a mattress that not only gives her a cloud-like sleep-pampering experience every night, but also one that is conveniently delivered, easy to set up, and ready to pamper her through pregnancy and beyond. She has a long journey ahead of her with the physical changes to her body and moms need to be in optimal health for labor, delivery, and the 4th trimester.

Why Moms Love Puffy

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A spa day is simply not enough to pamper a pregnant mom because her sleep can be disrupted nightly from the back pains commonly associated with pregnancy. The Puffy Lux’s Cooling Cloud & Plush Cloud Foam provides both a supportive and soft surface during sleep and melts away the day’s stress and strain from the body’s pressure points.

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Moms love that Puffy is designed to function best for side and back sleepers, especially pregnant and breastfeeding mamas who may not have the luxury of sleeping on their belly anytime in the near future. During the early stages of pregnancy, the Puffy Lux gives one that pampering feel of luxury, comfort, and exquisite support for the spine. Then, as the baby grows, Puffy takes the pressure off of mom’s venus cava vein as she rotates onto her side. This is where the Puffy Lux’s Firm Core Support Layer is specially designed to keep her spine aligned while eliminating strain on pressure points. The Puffy Lux’s design is all about sleep health and sleep results.

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Best Mattress For Pregnancy - Puffy For Mom

The Puffy Lux provides better and healthier sleep for mom optimizing important health benefits such as improved blood circulation and maximizing the body’s natural restoration. Even if moms get fewer hours of sleep than recommended, ensure those hours are deep, revitalizing, energizing, and therapeutic zzzzz’s. Regardless of mom’s body type or sleeping habits, Puffy’s Cooling Cloud foam has adaptive and comfort properties allowing for even weight distribution and heat dissipation for a full and rich sleep, night after night. 

Qualities and benefits you’ll love with the Puffy Lux Mattress:

The Puffy Plug N’ Play

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Dad has his job to do, too, getting this mattress ready for mom, but it couldn’t be simpler. Once you have your mattress on your preferred platform, simply release it from the expert packaging. With no toxic chemical scents to dissipate, your Puffy mattress is ready within a mere  2 – 3 minutes, requiring your pregnant mama to only pick out her favorite sheets and allow the Puffy-pampering session to begin.

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Like a cloud, the Puffy Lux mattress is designed to float on any frame or surface (box springs, flat frames, slats, adjustable frames, and the floor. It is also guaranteed for as long as you own the mattress.

Time To Pamper Mom With Puffy

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Mom, you are a rockstar! It is no easy feat bringing a new life into the world and yet here you are doing it (again!). Your body changes and there are unknown factors that are constantly bombarding your everyday thoughts and emotions with life alone. These mini-stresses throughout your pregnancy can exasperate your pregnancy discomforts and you deserve more moments of relaxation than naught. Just like every day has its stresses and discomforts, every night should have its peaceful and rejuvenating sleep to prepare you for the busy days to come.  Pamper the lady in your life with a Puffy Lux mattress because she deserves it!


The Puffy Lux Mattress


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Best Mattress For Pregnancy By Puffy

Now that mom has her BEST sleep mattress, consider doing 5 Pregnancy Safe Stretches to maximize your comfort levels.

Photo Credits: AndiL.



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Andi LaBrune
Andi LaBrune
She's a country girl at heart with her hubby and 11 kids in central Virginia. She raises a small homestead of chickens & ducks with her family. If she's not hatching eggs, waiting for those adorable chicks to emerge, or tearing up the kitchen with yet another scrumptious, mouth-watering meal from her grass-fed roots, or she's sweating her sass off teaching Zumba Fitness classes. You can catch up with her and all her wild, yet introverted shenanigans over at The Skinny Mommy.

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