Review of DAILYLOOK: Our First Month Unveiled

Choosing your look for the day ought to be easy, trendy, and stylish, as well as complementary to your unique signature fashion statement. Our DAILYLOOK review gives you the tools to not only strut like your clothes were tailor-made just for you, but you don’t even have to leave the house! Whether you are a busy mom at home, on the go constantly, or commuting to work, sometimes there isn’t enough time in the day to really sit down and personalize your wardrobe. We are talking about your inner fashionista that wants to unveil herself as if you were strolling down the Victoria’s Secret runway to get to the kitchen. Now you can, Diva-Momma!

Review Of Dailylook: Our First Month Unveiled

Why You Need To Do A DAILYLOOK Review For Yourself

So many times you’ll find yourself upgrading your kids’ shoes, clothes, and even their accessories. When was the last time you treated yourself to a premium service? Would that be selfish of you? Absolutely not! You are a role model and your kids are watching you. Let them see you take care of yourself and even indulge a little bit. You need clothes anyway, so it really is a priority and a necessity.

Where To Start

Take some much-needed “me” time and revisit your likes, favorites, preferences, and lifestyle. Through DAILYLOOK’s online style-profile guide, take a moment to focus solely on yourself. In this busy, fast-paced, 3-second attention span world, sipping lazily on a cup of tea and letting someone else style you just the way you want, is time worth taking. A simple online survey tells your personal stylist (yes, your very own stylist!) exactly what you desire, your best shape for the most flattering clothes, and how they can make your personal statement pop without saying a single word. From there, it’s as simple as 1-2-3.

Review Of Dailylook: Our First Month Unveiled
  1. Open your personally styled box once it arrives (free shipping, of course) and try everything on.
  2. Tell DAILYLOOK what you love and what you’ll send back (again, free shipping).
  3. Finally, conveniently drop the box off or request a home pick up.

Bonus: Rock your new trendy, styling self any day of the week you like.

Review Of Dailylook: Our First Month Unveiled

Need styles for your kids? Our spring fashion guide is perfect for summertime too!

Your personal box comes loaded with an assortment of your personalized, trendy clothing. From tanks to blouses, to skirts and dresses, your bedroom will be transformed into the ultimate dressing room. Each DAILYLOOK review box also comes with a free gift with your purchase.

Your personal stylist sends along their personal notes as well. During your DAILYLOOK review, not only do you get the perfectly-matched clothes to your unique personality, your personal stylist sends along their notes on how to dress up or down a certain item. Imagine having at least 3 different looks with only one piece of clothing! Most of their suggestions already use clothing you most likely have, meaning you do not have to go out and buy anything else. Their suggestions were so spot-on, it was exciting and fun in a dress-up kind of way!

Review Of Dailylook: Our First Month Unveiled

Once you’ve set aside your must-have looks and have locked in your non-negotiable favorites, it’s time to let DAILYLOOK in on it too. Your online personalized box has all your items beautifully laid out so you can give your stylist your first-hand thoughts on each item. This way they jot down notes on their end to send you exactly what makes you want to strut in heels or flats every day you decide to get dressed.

Every outfit needs some accessories, which would look best with your styled look?

Review Of Dailylook: Our First Month Unveiled

There’s no mistaking it, when mom is happy and feeling good in what she is wearing, everyone can tell. You don’t have to schedule extra time just to run to the store and grab a ‘new shirt’ because your everyday favorite has finally succumbed to its last washing. Having a personal stylist who knows your style better than you is actually comforting. It takes the guesswork out of figuring out whether a particular outfit “looks right”. You don’t have time to be second-guessing yourself. You do have the time to look absolutely amazing, even if it’s just to drop the kids off at school. Getting that one or six amazing outfits isn’t selfish, it’s necessary!

This is how moms take time for themselves without feeling guilty about it. After all, reading time can be a notification-free moment for yourself and sanity.

Review Of Dailylook: Our First Month Unveiled

Take some time for yourself to do your own DAILYLOOK review to see how it fits into your lifestyle. Even if you take the first step to personalize a look for your stylist, it’s enough to say to yourself, I’m worth it. Life is fast and busy, but it doesn’t have to always mean only throwing on leggings and a t-shirt! Be sure to use the code: DAILYMOM20 for an exclusive discount! How do you like the finished styles?

My Daily Look Box

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Ready to update your wardrobe? We have the insider tips brought to you by our very own Secrets From A Wardrobe Stylist.

Review Of Dailylook: Our First Month Unveiled



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Andi LaBrune
Andi LaBrune
She's a country girl at heart with her hubby and 11 kids in central Virginia. She raises a small homestead of chickens & ducks with her family. If she's not hatching eggs, waiting for those adorable chicks to emerge, or tearing up the kitchen with yet another scrumptious, mouth-watering meal from her grass-fed roots, or she's sweating her sass off teaching Zumba Fitness classes. You can catch up with her and all her wild, yet introverted shenanigans over at The Skinny Mommy.

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