Troll Patrol: 6 Things You Can And Should Do To Shut...

Trolling online is becoming a colossal problem. You can hardly open any social media feeds, news websites, or even discussion forums without seeing them...

9 Hacks for Valentine’s Day at School

Remember Valentine's Day back in elementary school? You found the box of valentines in the seasonal aisle of Walmart with your favorite character on...

Baby’s Development: 10 of The Best Sensory Play Ideas Under $10

Creating new engaging activities for your baby may be challenging, but that doesn't mean it has to be expensive. There are plenty of...

5 Tips to Keep Your Kids Safe Online

As smart devices become commonplace at younger ages every year, establishing a family mindset for internet safety can help keep your kiddos out of...

Fall Tradition Bucket List

As we creep further into the fall season, many of us who are newer families are yearning to start fun traditions with our children...

Skepticism About Vaccines For Children Could Affect COVID-19 Vaccine Rates

Most babies grow and develop in a peaceful bubble for nearly 9 months with hardly any physical environmental exposure. Even though babies are born...

Gender Pronouns: What are They and Why are They Important?

Most people have heard of gender pronouns. Chances are you have heard people asking what someone's pronouns are or have popped on a zoom...

How to Prepare Your Child for a Sibling

Preparing for the arrival of a new baby can be overwhelming and even more so when it isn't your first child. Instead of just...

13 Fun and Memorable Things To Do at a Sleepover

Whether it is a birthday party or just a Saturday night over summer break, sleepovers are the ultimate kid get-together. Rather than rounding up...

Traveling the Road to Becoming a Happy Empty Nester: 3rd Times...

I celebrated as my son left for college to pursue his future. I did not cry. I did not mourn the younger years. It...

Mommy’s Summer Reading List: Best Books of the Season

  For some moms, nothing says summer like having your toes in the sand, and a book in hand! With kids, it's not always easy...

Maxtrix Kids: 5 Awesome Essentials for Designing The Best Children’s Bedroom

Are you facing challenges trying to design a fun and functional space for your child’s bedroom? Do you need to make the most out...

Managing Maternity Leave: Military Spouse Life as CEO

You're the Financial Director, Event Organizer, Chief Operating Officer, and CEO of your household, not to mention entrepreneur on the side. So how do...

Tips for Nurturing a Road Ready Teenager

When your child hits the age of 16, driving a car becomes a social requirement. Then again, it's still your task as a parent...

Banking For Kids: 3 Simple Steps For Success

Let’s face it- being smart with money is a skill that can take a lifetime to build. That's why banking for kids is so...

Why YOUR Continued Learning is Key to Your Children’s Development

Spring is here! With every spring season comes change; you needn’t look any further than your window to realize this. Snow banks melt and...

The Comprehensive Guide to Choosing a Car Seat

If you're a parent to younger kids, you know that car seat guidelines have changed dramatically in recent years. So much so, in fact,...

How to help your teenager deal with setbacks in life

The key element in helping teens deal with setbacks in life is to help rather than jump in and do. Because parents love their...

Maternity Leave Pay: Attention New Moms, Get Paid in 2021 &...

If you are a new momma, it's no surprise that according to recent statistics, more than 70% of women need additional income and are...

From Mainstream Classroom to Worldschooling

When you find out you will be a parent, one of the first things you begin pondering is your child's education. We were just...

4 Things to Know About Having a Baby in Germany

I remember the day we got orders to Germany like it was yesterday. We were so excited, ready to continue our married adventure in...

Teens Sexting: The Alarming Reality Of This Dangerous Practice

It's no secret that teenagers are the most tech-savvy and connected generation in history. This has led to a surge in their participation in...

Social Etiquette: Why Teaching Children Manners Early is Important

Teaching kids manners is not only important but essential to providing kids life long skills.  Kids should be taught manners early in life, even...

How Being in a Foster Home Decreases a Child’s Chance of...

Every child deserves a safe and loving home. The goal of the foster care system is to help children in unsafe environments by placing...

4 Inspiring Vegan Options To Consider While Raising Kids

Child-rearing is full of difficult decisions. Some are split-second decisions and some are consciously made after much deliberation and discussion. Deciding to practice veganism...

Raising a Child with Special Needs

Being a mother is the most important job you will ever have. Whether you work outside of the home or are a full-time mom,...

Why You Should Bake A Christmas Birthday Cake for Jesus &...

Christmas birthday cake celebrates Jesus with a beautiful tradition that children enjoy from an early age. What better way to teach children about the...

11 Nourishing Foods for Nursing Moms

If you're a nursing mama, chances are that you know the struggle of an increased appetite and the never-ending urge to eat. And hey,...

The Importance of Teaching Children about Diversity

You are at the park and your four-year-old daughter sees a parent and child with a skin color different than her own. She looks...

10 Things Your Tween Wants You to Know

As a parent, you want your kids to feel comfortable coming to you for support and advice. As they become pre-teens or “tweens,” this...

How To Be A Good Mother with 5 Simple Tips

Every mother wonders how to be a good mother even before her child is born. So what is a good mother? It is easy...

What is Operation Christmas Child?

If you are part of a church organization, chances are you have heard of Operation Christmas Child. Samaritan's Purse is based upon the story...

Sanity-And-Happenings Manager: The New Definition of SAHM

Why does “Stay-at-Home Mom” (SAHM) have such a negative connotation -- especially in a community where many spouses are rocking this title out of...

Please Stop Stereotyping My Sons

From the minute my oldest son was born, the threats began…veiled and in a joking manner mind you, but offensive nonetheless. Friends of ours,...

Worldschooling with the WildBradburys: Combat Loneliness on the Road

When I set out on this adventure, I was mostly concerned about the children's ability to make friends and feel included in this process....