A Healthier You in 2017 with Muscadines


It seems like once the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Day, the resolutions begin flying around. Maybe you’ve vowed to unplug a bit in the new year and spend more precious time with your family. Or perhaps you’re going to finally start that business you’ve been dreaming up in your head for years. Whatever your goal is for 2017, we can’t wait to help you dominate the heck out of it! If your mom goal is to work on becoming a healthier version of yourself, we can’t wait to tell you about the health benefits of little known muscadine. A Healthier You In 2017 With Muscadines 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

What is a muscadine?

Muscadines are known as American wild grapes that typically grow in the hot, humid Southeast section of the United States. They are not a bunch grape, and unlike their other grape cousins, they are resistant to most fungal and bacterial infections due to the production of antioxidants by the plants. Muscadines are two chromosomes different than typical bunch grapes, and grow and ripen in clusters (like cherries) rather than bunches. Muscadines have a softer aroma and taste. The thick skins and numerous seeds can frustrate the modern grape eater who is spoiled by thin-skinned, seedless grapes that you typically buy in a grocery store. Muscadines are used for a variety of food products: wine, fresh fruit, jams, jellies, pies, and nutritional supplements.

A Healthier You In 2017 With Muscadines 2 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

But, what makes these grapes so special? 

  • Muscadine grapes have about six times more resveratrol than standard grapes. Remember resveratol? Research has shown that reservatrol may protect against numerous diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and cancer. (1)

Basically, muscadines take all the health benefits of drinking red wine and eating grapes, and kick it up to the next level. Some of the benefits of red grapes and red wines may include:

  • Boosting heart function and promoting a healthy heart
  • Helping to reduce or balance cholesterol levels
  • Helping to regulate blood pressure
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Protecting against mild memory loss
  • Reducing the signs of aging

A Healthier You In 2017 With Muscadines 3 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Product Recommendation

A Healthier You In 2017 With Muscadines 4 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Paulk’s Pride began in 1970 when “Papa Jacob” planted their first ever muscadine plant alongside their “row crops.” Thirty years later, Paulk Vineyards was featured on the Food Network show, Food Finds. The Paulk family had established a legacy in the muscadine industry, growing from that first vine to over 600 acres of muscadines and scuppernongs harvested for fresh produce sales.

His grandson came up with the idea to think outside the box in 2002, and went to Papa Jacob and convinced him to venture into additional products that would benefit from this amazing superfruit of the south. Now, Paulk’s Pride offers an array of products such as dietary supplements, juices, and jellies made from muscadines. The muscadines don’t have far to travel, as they are freshly harvested at Paulk Vineyards, then processed at MPC, right in the middle of the vineyards. Healthy and fresh muscadines that come straight off the farm is what you’ll get when you sample any muscadine-rich product from Paulk’s Pride.

A Healthier You In 2017 With Muscadines 5 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

You can rest easy that Paulk’s Pride Muscadine Juice is safe and beneficial for your entire family to enjoy. Skip the sugary juice boxes that are 5% juice, and give your child a small cup of this for an antioxidant boost in the morning. Or, use some in your morning smoothie or juicing routine.

A Healthier You In 2017 With Muscadines 6 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Instead of getting those mainstream brands of jellies for your child’s lunch PB&J, try out Paulk’s Pride Muscadine Preserves instead. They also carry many different supplement forms as well, so you can reap the benefits in a way that fits your family’s lifestyle.

Daily Mom readers can receive 20% off their entire purchase throughout 2017 using coupon code: DAILY2017

Win It!

Head on over to the giveaway for your chance to win some Paulk’s Pride for yourself!

A Healthier You In 2017 With Muscadines 7 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families


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Are you a nursing mama? Check out this post on Unconventional Supplements for Lactation!

Photo Credits: Andi, Paulk’s Pride



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Megan lives in Michigan with her husband, daughter, and son. Her days are spent hanging out and doing family projects on her real-life farm, and spending time on the Great Lakes. She loves swimming, celebrity gossip, University of Michigan and Denver Broncos football, trashy reality TV, and writing. In addition to being a Mommy and self-proclaimed urban-farmer, she owns a photography business located in Southeast Michigan, Memoirs Photography, and is a partner in a niche Michigan wedding photographer team called Mulberry & Sage.

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