7 Creative Tree Stump Ideas to Decorate Your Yard

It is totally reasonable to want to have a tree stump removed from your yard. They are an eyesore jutting out of the ground, especially when they are in a prominent location like right in the middle of your yard. The problem is that depending on the size of the tree stump, it can cost upwards of $500 to have it removed. An alternative to removal is to turn that tree stump into something else. Consider these creative tree stump ideas to turn that eyesore into a cool decorative feature in your yard. 

Fairy Garden

7 Creative Tree Stump Ideas To Decorate Your Yard

The most adorable of the tree stump ideas is to turn that ugly tree stump into a magical fairy garden. Use the tree stump as the fairy house and plant flowers and succulents all around it. Then create a miniature wonderland with a little rock pathway, a tiny mailbox, a tiny table and chairs, and anything else that would attract a magical fairy to take up residence in your yard. 

Natural Planter 

Turning tree stumps into beautiful natural planters is another one of the creative tree stump ideas that can transform that eyesore in your yard into a beautiful garden feature. This idea is super easy if the center of the stump is rotting out. Just clean it out a bit and add potting soil. If the tree stump is not rotting or already hollowed, you can still turn it into a planter by carving out a rough bowl before filling it with soil. Then plant away. 

7 Creative Tree Stump Ideas To Decorate Your Yard

Besides just planting in the tree stump, you can turn what was once an ugly stump into the focal point of a garden. Plant flowers and ground cover around your new tree stump planter. Spread some mulch. Place some stepping stones and add a garden border. Soon you will have a gorgeous garden that was once the part of your yard that you wished you could cover up.

READ MORE: Magical Homemade Fairy Garden Ideas

Garden Feature

7 Creative Tree Stump Ideas To Decorate Your Yard

If hacking up the center of a giant tree stump is not for you, turn your tree stump into a garden feature by using it as a base for some beautiful pots and planters. Find a pot that fits the size of your tree stump perfectly. If you have more than one tree stump in the same general area, especially ones of different heights, you can create a cool tiered garden effect. Add some larger planters and maybe even a little gnome or a gazing ball next to the formerly unsightly tree stumps and, like with some of the other tree stump ideas, turn it into a focal point of your garden.

Rustic Outdoor Table

7 Creative Tree Stump Ideas To Decorate Your Yard

If you need tree stump ideas to cover up a larger tree stump, consider turning it into a table. Use the tree stump as a base and add a tabletop. Be sure to make the stump level first. Then add a tabletop that you make out of wood, a wooden pallet, or repurpose an old patio tabletop.

For this idea to work best, the stump needs to be a decent height and be fairly large in diameter. But even a short tree stump would work as an adorable kid’s table. Add some chairs (maybe even out of some portions of the tree that was cut down to create that stump in the first place) and you have a homemade outdoor table unlike any other.

Envelope it in Plants

If crafty tree stump ideas are not for you, you can still creatively hide that tree stump so that you do not have to look at it every time you look out your kitchen window. Envelope that tree stump with plants! Plant tall things like beach grass that will grow so tall around the stump that you will forget it is even there or plant climbing plants like million bells, ivy, jasmine, wisteria, and morning glory that will crawl over the tree stump and turn it into a mound of gorgeous flowers and vines. Once your flowers and plants have had a little time to grow and spread, that stump will be a distant memory.

READ MORE: Gardening With Kids: 5 Fun Ways to Get Your Kids Involved

Birdbath or Fountain Base 

7 Creative Tree Stump Ideas To Decorate Your Yard

Similar to topping a tree stump with beautiful pots or turning it into a table, these tree stump ideas use the tree stump as a base. Simply level the top of the stump and use it as a base for a basin to serve as a birdbath. You can use an actual concrete birdbath basin or find a large, open piece of pottery or a wide pot or bowl that is open and shallow enough to serve the same purpose. 

If the tree stump is wide enough, you can use it as the base of a beautiful pot fountain that you can purchase at most home improvement stores or if you are a little more DIY savvy, you can create your own outdoor tiered fountain. Using the tree stump as a base for one of the basins, add a few pots so that you have different levels for the water to spill down. Add a water pump and some plastic tubing and the water will cycle back up and through the fountain over and over. Now, rather than having an ugly old stump in your yard, you have a cool water feature. 

READ MORE: Beekeeping: One Major Way to Help Save Our Planet

Decorative Feature

If you like to paint, do crafts, or otherwise be creative, rather than trying to hide the stump or turn it into something else, turn the stump itself into a piece of art. Think about this idea like the trend of painting rocks and hiding them for other people to find. In this case, the difference is that the tree stump will stay in one place. You can paint it to look like a gnome or a woodland creature. Decorate it in a more abstract manner with bright colors and shapes. Paint flowers and butterflies all over it. Whatever you like and whatever matches your existing garden decor will work. The tree stump ideas here are limitless! 

A tree stump might seem like a problem in your yard, but rather than thinking about it in a glass half full sort of way, think about it as an opportunity. Depending on the size and location of the stump, you may want to feature it or hide it, but these creative tree stump ideas are a chance to do some cool landscaping in your yard or garden. Now every time you see that once problematic tree stump, you will think about your beautiful and unique garden feature.

Check out this article on Creating a Fantastic Vertical Garden for Your Home.

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7 Creative Tree Stump Ideas To Decorate Your Yard

Photo Credits: unsplash.com



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Michelle Frick
Michelle Frick
Born in Massachusetts, Michelle currently lives in North Carolina. She has two teenage boys who are growing up way too fast. Besides her love of writing, she enjoys running, practicing yoga, watching hockey, and cheering on the Boston Red Sox.