How to Choose The Best Replacement Windows For Your Environmentally Friendly House

Eco-friendly windows are great for modern houses. Not only do they help keep your rooms well-lit and beautiful, but they also allow you to go green. They not only use sustainable and eco-friendly materials, but they are also more energy efficient and increase the value of your home. Read on to learn everything about eco-friendly windows from what they are to their advantages and what to consider when installing eco-friendly replacement windows in your home.

What Is An Eco-Friendly Window?

Simply put, eco-friendly windows are units made with eco-friendly materials. They reduce your impact on the environment. They are also energy efficient. This is environmentally friendly because it decreases your overall home energy use. All windows have energy-efficient ratings to tell you things like how much heat passes through the window, how much solar energy passes through the window, and how much visible light passes through the window. Windows that reduce how much heat is being lost or have higher solar energy passing through help keep your home eco-friendly because it reduces your heating and air conditioning needs.

How To Choose The Best Replacement Windows For Your Environmentally Friendly House

When looking for eco-friendly replacement windows, it is important to look at the entire window unit, which includes the window frame, panes, and the type of glazing or coating being used on the glass. To properly understand eco-friendly replacement windows, it is important to look at each of these window unit components.


Window Panes

The window pane has a say on how eco-friendly an overall window unit is. Double-pane windows contain two single-pane windows and an air gap that helps limit heat transfer. Windows with double panes are often considered the standard for an eco-efficient window. This is because they help retain more heat than single-pane windows.

However, when compared to triple-pane windows, double-pane windows are less eco-friendly. With triple-glazed casement windows by Ecoline, you get three glass panes with Argon or Krypton gas injected into the sealed glass unit, which limits heat transfer more efficiently than double-pane windows, reducing your heating and cooling costs by up to 20%. These products are approximately 15% more expensive than other windows, but allow maximum energy efficiency and help you save significantly in the long run.

Glass Coating

Another feature to consider when looking at eco-friendly replacement windows is the glass coating or glaze being used on the glass. Low-E glass windows are considered the standard when looking for an eco-friendly window. Basically, this means these windows have an added layer of silver oxide coating on the glass of the windows. This coat helps increase the window’s insulation while also reducing the intensity of ultraviolet light that passes through the glass.

Rooms that get a lot of direct sunlight can overheat during the day. Low-E glass reflects sun rays away from your house and keeps your home comfortable. This same coating stops heat from escaping your home during the winter, reducing heating costs. So basically, Low-E coating retains the heat inside your house while keeping the cold air outside.


Frame Material

The materials of the window frame also help in determining if a window unit is eco-friendly or not. An eco-friendly window features frames made with low-heat transfer materials. Some eco-friendly materials include vinyl, composite, or wood. They are resistant to structural and water damage that freezing temperatures might cause.

In addition to being recyclable, vinyl is easy to maintain, lightweight, and durable. While not always considered as energy-efficient on its own, when combined with wood and fiberglass its durability and efficiency goes up. Wood is one of the most sustainable and renewable window frame materials available. It is versatile and easy to customize. It just needs regular maintenance to prevent deterioration. 

Advantages Of Eco-Friendly Windows

You know what makes a window eco-friendly, but why should you install them in your home? The answer is that they come with a lot of benefits! Some of these benefits include:

  • They Help Keep Your Home Insulated

One of the major benefits of installing eco-friendly windows is that they keep your home insulated, especially during the cold months. Eco-friendly windows are well constructed to help retain heat and limit heat transfer. This means your room stays cozy when it is cold outside during the winter season.

How To Choose The Best Replacement Windows For Your Environmentally Friendly House
  • They Are Cost Effective

Another major benefit of eco-friendly windows is that they are cost-effective. This is because they help reduce heat transfer, which means the cold air from your air conditioner or the heat from your heating unit does not escape and get wasted. This helps reduce the cost of your utility bills. On average, energy-efficient windows lower your utility bills by a whopping 12%

While the initial cost of replacing the windows in your home is a sizable investment, the good news is that there are ways to reduce the cost. Rebates and incentive programs are often available from city and state governments and some utility companies offer discounts and incentives for installing eco-friendly windows. The Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE) allows you to search for programs that are available in your area by typing in your zip code.

  • They Help Reduce Outdoor Noise

It may be a surprise to learn that eco-friendly windows help to reduce outside noise. This is particularly helpful when trying to soundproof your home. Due to the fact that they are highly insulated and airtight, they reduce outside noises considerably. They are a great option for bedrooms since they can help guarantee good quality sleep at night by limiting the outside noise that can disturb your slumber.

  • They Increase the Resale Value of Your House

Eco-friendly windows are highly sought after, especially by new homeowners because installing them can increase the resale value of your home or living space. The return on investment for installing new energy-efficient windows is around 75%. The value of your eco-friendly windows can be properly maintained through regular cleaning and maintenance to keep their original look and benefits.


Choosing Eco-Friendly Replacement Windows

When searching for the perfect eco-friendly replacement windows for your home, the window style should be considered, as some window styles are more energy efficient than others. For instance, installing a sliding window would be bad when trying to conserve energy. Their sliding panes mean they have a higher possibility of leaking air than regular picture windows. Picture windows, however, are fixed, so you do not have to worry about air leakage. But a window that does not open up to let in the fresh air may not suit your bedroom, basement, kitchen spaces, or your preferences in general. Everyone likes to open the windows on those pretty spring or fall days!

Many experts say that casement windows are the most common choice for energy-efficient units. They have hinges at their sides, so you can easily open them, and they do not cause air leakages since they can be firmly pressed against window frames when shut.

How To Choose The Best Replacement Windows For Your Environmentally Friendly House

Another thing to consider when looking at which eco-friendly window is best for your home is the window’s energy-efficient rating. There are a number of ratings to consider and you may not want all the windows in your home to have the same ratings due to the particular room you are considering and your needs for that room.

A window’s U-factor is the rate at which non-solar heat passes through the window. The lower the U-factor, the more energy-efficient the window.

A window’s Solar Heat-Gain Coefficient (SHGC) rating is based on how much solar energy passes through the window and is subsequently released as heat inside your home. A window with a high SHGC rating is more effective at collecting solar heat during the winter while a window with a low SHGC rating is more effective at reducing cooling loads during the summer by blocking heat from the sun. Where your home is located, what direction your windows are facing, and how much shade your home gets determines the optimal SHGC for a particular window.

Another rating to look at is the window’s Visible Transmittance rating. This rating is based on how much visible light passes through the window. A window with a higher Visible Transmittance transmits more visible light. Your needs for a particular window should be determined by your home’s daylight requirements and whether you need to reduce interior glare in a certain space.

Whatever your preferences, make sure to analyze where you want to install eco-friendly replacement windows and what would be their primary purpose. For instance, in some spaces, you may want more visible light to pass through while in other spaces you may desperately want to reduce glare. If you are unsure what works best for your house, contact a local window company and book a consultation. They are more than happy to listen to your wants, needs, and concerns and to evaluate what would work best for your home.

Installing energy-efficient “green” windows can seem daunting. There is a lot to consider. Hopefully, this information can point you in the right direction as you are searching for or choosing replacement windows for your home. You will be making an investment that pays dividends in the long run while also living a more environmentally friendly life.

Check out 10 Sustainable Living Practices to Reduce Your Family’s Environmental Impact for more advice, tips, and tricks.



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How To Choose The Best Replacement Windows For Your Environmentally Friendly House

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