How to Find & Keep Motivation For Entrepreneurs

Being an entrepreneur and your own boss sounds like a dream for most, but not everyone will have the motivation for entrepreneurs that is needed to be successful. With no one telling you what to do, what time to be at the office, and the chance to make more money, is a dream come true for a lot of people. At the same time, a lot of hard work goes into being an entrepreneur and having the motivation needed to be an entrepreneur is only sometimes there. In order to be a successful entrepreneur you need commitment, drive, spirit, and motivation for entrepreneurs in order make it.

Motivation for Entrepreneurs – How to Find Yours

How To Find &Amp; Keep Motivation For Entrepreneurs

Even if motivation comes easy, entrepreneur motivation might be more challenging than you might expect. Motivation for entrepreneurs is more than just being motivated to do a good job at work or complete the extra credit for the class program. It is keeping yourself motivated even when the going gets tough and things are not going your way. When it feels as if every door has been shut in your face, you somehow manage to dig deep and keep going. Motivation for entrepreneurs is knowing that you have a gift that is worthy of sharing with others, you just have to figure out the best way to share that.

Being an entrepreneur is not for everyone and not every entrepreneurial endeavor works out for even the best entrepreneurs. If you desire to be an entrepreneur you need to have the motivation to not only stick with it but to be able to dig deep in yourself to know that you have a passion for your business. In order to have true entrepreneur motivation you need to be passionate about what you are doing. This needs to be something that feeds your soul, makes you happy to get up, and wants to do most days.

Of course, even the best entrepreneurs will have off days, but that is okay as long as you can bounce back in a reasonable amount of time. Only you can find your motivation and you will need to rely on yourself for that. You will need to be honest with yourself in your entrepreneurial mission, with what you are able to take on and realistic goals for what you want to accomplish. Motivation for entrepreneurs will quickly run out if you have unreasonable expectations or are doing things for the wrong reasons.

Everyone works to earn money, but if you are not wholeheartedly passionate about what you are doing then that will come through to your brand as well as motivate you to do what you have set out to do. It is important to always stay one step ahead of yourself as an entrepreneur, which is easier said than done for sure, but it’s important to look ahead at what you want to be doing not only long term but on a daily basis as well. Motivation for entrepreneurs is what will keep you running and knowing the end goal will help with the bumps along the way.

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Creating a Schedule for Entrepreneurs

How To Find &Amp; Keep Motivation For Entrepreneurs

Even if you are just starting out your entrepreneurial endeavors, it is important to establish a schedule from the beginning. Instead of waiting for the workload to establish a schedule, create a schedule for the workload you wish to have. Everyone has different ideal working situations and what works for someone else might not work for you. Maybe you are a night owl and prefer to do your work later in the day into the night hours as that is your best working hours. Or you could be the person who prefers to rise with the sun and is most productive during the daytime and like quiet evenings at home without work.

Motivation for entrepreneurs also means knowing yourself best and being honest with what makes you tick. Once you make the decision to go out on your own it is vital that you treat your new business as your job, not just some hobby that one day you wish will provide you the income you need for your lifestyle. Especially if you being an entrepreneur is your bread and butter and you don’t have a backup option. Even if you do have a backup option, create a daily, weekly, and yearly schedule that fosters your career and business goals.

Each day set a schedule for your work hours if you are starting your entrepreneur journey part-time while working another full-time job while you establish yourself. Create a schedule that works around your work hours. Write down everything that needs to happen each day, figure out how much time every activity takes, and then work on your side hustle. Treat your entrepreneurial journey as a job, not a hobby, not something you do occasionally but what you want to be doing full-time. Even if you can’t afford to do it full-time, have the mentality that it is your full-time job while you are working on it.

If your entrepreneurial endeavors are your full-time job, then you must treat it as your full-time job. You don’t have “work” to do, read, network, and learn about how to better yourself in your chosen career path. Create a weekly schedule of checking in with yourself, your goals, if you are on track for long-term and short-term goals, and any projects you may be working on. When you feel burnt out or tired of your routine, shake it up, take a walk in the middle of the day, reevaluate your work schedule to make sure it’s working for you, and evaluate that you are on track for your goals by your daily work activities.

Motivation for entrepreneurs also means taking care of yourself, you must also create time for yourself, family, and friends. Entrepreneurs can easily get sucked into a nonstop work mentality thinking more is better, but it is not. Work smarter, not harder and be honest with yourself during your entrepreneurial journey. Ask for help and taking breaks as needed will only support your motivation for entrepreneurship.

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Advice and Tips from Top Entrepreneurs

How To Find &Amp; Keep Motivation For Entrepreneurs

Motivation for entrepreneurs involves consistency, hard work, and believing in yourself and what you have to offer others. Read on for some great quotes and motivation for entrepreneurs straight from successful entrepreneurs.

Collin Vargo, Founder & CEO of QuickTutor says “Patience and persistence are the two most important factors for success”. Keep your head down and keep carrying on. Set your goals extremely high says Skylar Lear, Co-Founder of TLSL Brands.  “My biggest advice in business is setting your goals extremely high and having a “whatever it takes mentality” to reach those goals. How can you run a race without a finish line? If you aren’t working towards your goals then you are aimlessly spinning your wheels in no particular direction. Never be satisfied. Comfortability awards complacency, always pushing for the growth of new ideas and products, etc.”

Also know that at the same time, not every opportunity is for you Kaivan Dave, Founder of Glyder, and creator of Staying Uncomfortable says “I’m an advocate for dreaming very large. However, on your journey to achieve these dreams, you really don’t need to take advantage of every opportunity that is presented your way. In fact, the greatest people in the world will tell you that it is actually the opposite. Many opportunities require you to say no. You must let go. Life will still go on.”

If you start to get stuck and are wondering where others have found their motivation for entrepreneurs when you just aren’t getting to where you want to be in the time frame you expected, remember what Steve Jobs once said-“If you really look closely, most overnight successes took a long time”. If you are looking for more advice from entrepreneurs check out this article Advice From 10 Successful Entrepreneurs.

Read More: What I Learned by Going on an Entrepreneurial Retreat

Motivation for entrepreneurs comes from within you and you only, others may be able to help facilitate and foster your motivation, but at the end of the day it comes down to you. Create a solid business plan, have a backup plan, and realize the potential uphill battles that you will come across. If you are honest with yourself and the ups and downs of entrepreneurship the easier you will find the motivation. The motivation for entrepreneurs is there for you to find and hold on tight to during your entrepreneurial journey.

Check out Daily Mom’s Article on Empowering Women Entrepreneurs.


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How To Find &Amp; Keep Motivation For Entrepreneurs
SOURCES: Knowprogram
Photo Credits: Unsplash, Pexels



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Sabra Ritter
Sabra Ritter
Sabra is mom, event designer extraordinaire, explorer, writer, hostess with the mostesses and chef for her family. She has been writing for Daily Mom for over 4 years, sharing her wisdom and experiences with her two little girls and life along the way. From breastfeeding, postpartum anxiety to staying happily married during the trials of newborn life, sleep deprivation, working full time and volunteering more than she probably should, she candidly shares her own experiences on the topics you most want to hear about. You can find her spending time with her family, learning new things and exploring everything northern Arizona has to offer her.

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