Tinybeans: A Photo Sharing App that Makes Your Baby Book

We all do it- we have hundreds of photos and videos on our phones that just stay on our phone. Long gone are the...

8 Mom-Hacks Using the Amazon Echo with Alexa

Since its debut in 2015, the Amazon Echo has quickly become a household name. The Amazon Echo with Alexa wears many hats including meteorologist,...

Which Baby Monitors are the Best: Editor’s Picks

September is officially National Baby Safety Month. But, when it comes to parenting, every month is #babysafetymonth. For the Editors at Daily Mom, safety...

Daily Mom Spotlight: Chatbooks: Photo Albums for the Busy Mom

  Are you one of those moms that loves taking the time to sit down and scrapbook your child's special memories? Or, a mom who...

Creating Masterful Minds: Using STEAM to Shape our Children

The world is different from when we grew up. Technology abounds us at every turn, and our children are integrated into a world where...

Gear Guide: Withings Home and Baby Monitoring System

Having a baby can be one of the most exciting and nerve-wracking experiences of your life. One minute you’re basking in the smell of...

Meccano Robot Toy Reviews: Daily Kids Review Toys

STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Math has infiltrated our homes, becoming a huge part of our public school curriculum and introducing many of our...

Keep Film Alive: Capture Your Summer the Old School Way

  Think back to summer camp when you were a child. Chances are your mom had stuck a few disposable cameras in your backpack and...

The Hottest Kids Tech at CES 2019

The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) just wrapped up but the technology that was unveiled at this year's event will be talked about in the...

BrainTap Headset: Bio-hacking Your Brain for Optimal Health and Function

Each year people spend thousands of hours preparing healthy meals and working out in an effort to take care of and improve their bodies....

NordicTrack Vault – The At Home Gym Machine of your Dreams

Working out can often feel like a chore. Combine that feeling with the stress of making it to the gym and many people quickly...

Proform Elliptical Machine – Everything You Need To Know

Many people find themselves far too busy to hit the gym every day. HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training, workouts, which consist of intense,...


If you could enjoy the luxury of massage everyday, anytime, wouldn’t you? Of course you would. Massage has amazing health benefits that everyone can...

16 Snazzy Tech Gifts For Everyone On Your Shopping List

If there has ever been a year that your inner techie has come out, this would be it. Even if you are not a...

Cool Gadgets For Your Tech Savvy Toddler

If you have a tech savvy toddler at home who is laying claim on your iPad, camera, laptop or even the TV remote control,...


Added to the Oxford Dictionary in 2010, you are most likely familiar with hashtags throughout social media, but do you know where the term...

10 Tips for Working On-the-Go

These days, most of us find that whether we work out of an office or stay home with the kids, we’re all doing some...

Little Engineer: A Fun New Way to Teach Programming Logic

Today’s youth will be required to know and employ certain skill sets beyond anything we’ve expected from previous generations. As such, it’s up to us...

The Easiest Way To Back Up iPhone Photos While Charging

This post was sponsored by SanDisk as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in this post are my...

10 Best Finance Podcasts for Money Wellness

Podcasts are great - you can listen to anything you want, wherever you want. But instead of listening to stories or chit-chat, why not...

Educational Apps Your Kids Will Love with Playing Forward

This post is sponsored by Playing Forward. All opinions are that of Daily Mom. Technology is all around us. Unless we put ourselves off the...

Momtrepreneur 101: Making Money on Amazon Merch

Did you know that Amazon offers a fun way to sell products without actually operating a store front? Amazon Merch is a print on...

Back to Work Basics

    As a non-mom, back to school makes me nostalgic for the days when shiny new binders and crisp bright sneakers where the most important...

7 Apps for Saving Money While Shopping

Whether you are a shop-a-holic or a lady with a budget there is always room for finding more ways to save on your purchases....

13 of the Best Crime Podcasts for True Crime Lovers

True crime has become increasingly popular over the last decade or so. In fact, so many people enjoy watching documentaries about real-life murders and...

Feed Your Brain in 15 Minutes a Day

You’re curious. You have always loved learning. Being a mom, especially to a demanding baby, can be mind numbing. Some days you go all...

7 Podcasts to Inspire Your Side Hustle

Building a business is hard, but finding ways to stay on track and motivated doesn’t have to be. No matter what type of entrepreneur...


Is there an awesome professional photographer in your life? Maybe an aspiring photographer or a just for fun “mom-tographer”? Well, you have come to...

The Best Tech Gifts and Gadgets for the Techie In Your...

It's a safe bet to gift a device or cool gadget for the holidays. But we all know those loved ones that are just...

Momtrepreneur 101-Understanding Google Analytics

    Having a website is a necessity for launching a new business. Whether you are a photographer, blogger, or a consultant, creating a place for...

Somavedic Review: The Science Behind the Best EMF Protection and Mitigation...

Somavedic Technologies and the Rise of EMFs In our fast-paced, technologically driven world, we are constantly surrounded by electromagnetic fields (EM fields, or EMFs) emitted...


If you ask most people what they want for Christmas, there is bound to be a techy item or two on their list. Everyone...

How to Cut the Cable Cord

If budget living has you looking to cut expenses, doing away with the $100+ cable bill might be a great item to remove from...

Great Gifts for the Momtographer

From smartphones to fancy digital SLRs and everything in between, moms are snapping pictures everywhere you look. Whether she shoots candid shots of her...

Mother’s Day Gifts for the Tech and Photo Savvy Moms

  A mom’s interest can come in a variety of styles. Some may love to read, entertain, exercise, chat politics, or march for worthy causes,...