Can Intermittent Fasting Help You Lose Weight?
The buzz of intermittent fasting is still going strong. Some claim they lose weight, others claim intermittent fasting helps them focus better and there...
5 Rebounding Benefits: Unleash the Fitness and Fun by Bouncing
Remember the excitement of stumbling upon a trampoline in your friend's backyard during your childhood? The sensation of defying gravity with every gleeful jump?...
Unlocking Your Hips: 3 Benefits to Hip Mobility Exercises for Better...
Hip mobility exercises sound a little boring and, if we're honest, like something your parents or grandparents need, not you, right? But the reality...
The Art of Racing (A Newbie Guide for Running your First...
Whether you're new to running or have simply never run a sanctioned road race, it can be a daunting experience! Most of us don't...
Team USA Athletes Your Kids Should Know
With the 2018 Winter Olуmрісѕ wrapping up last week in PуеоngChаng, South Kоrеа, you’ve likely spent hours learning the nuances of figure skating scoring,...
How to Start Running (Or Pick It Back Up)
You've decided you want to start running. Yay! You're psyched! You're motivated! You're clueless. You just — well — run, right? Maybe? Umm..what do you do? Whether...
Getting fit and caring for our bodies is a passion we all share at Daily Mom. We are always are the hunt for the...
Why Busy Moms Need Exercise – How to Get in Quick...
Being a mom is a full-time job, and it can be challenging to make time for yourself, let alone for exercise. However, prioritizing your...
5 Things You Need to Know When Running with Dogs
When you're looking for motivation to get out there and log some miles, nothing beats heading out the door with your best 4-legged friend....
Holiday Hacks for a Happier, Healthier, Holiday You
The holidays seem to start earlier and earlier each year, and as soon as that first PSL drops at Starbucks it's off to the...
So You Want to Be a Spartan?
There are few things more motivating for a mother to work out than that pesky baby weight still hugging those hips. Yet, as frustrating...
Health and Happiness Tips Directly to You
Do you feel like there is always new information out there when it comes to staying healthy and fit? You want to make the...
The 2 Most Important Fitness Tips: Taking a Break and Embracing...
Many fitness tips focus on all the workout strategies, exercise ideas, staying committed, and sticking to it. It may be shocking and seem conflicting...
12 Effective Ways to Improve Lumbar Strength and Stretches for Flexibility
As life continues with busy schedules and a never-ending to-do list lingers, we know how difficult it may be to consistently make time for...
Pickleball for Beginners: Why It’s the Perfect New Game for Families
Have you ever wanted to try something new for your family time? Something that will bring everyone together and get them running around and...
How to Survive Winter Running
The frost is on the pumpkin, and you're starting to get cold on those crisp autumn mornings. You, runner, know what I'm going to...
Everything You Need To Know About 5 Fitness Classes You’ve Wanted...
Maybe you have wanted to try a few new fitness classes but are too intimidated because you have no idea what it is about....
Winter Fitness: An Awesome Exercise to Lose Weight Plan When It’s...
You know, as the frosty winds of winter start rolling in, those of us struggling to lose weight in winter often find ourselves facing...
Is a Work Out at Night Bad For You? -Try Exercise...
A workout before bed might sound counterintuitive; you might wonder if exercising at night is good for weight loss or if working out at...
Ancestral Supplements: Align to Natural Health
In today’s society, we seem to have lost our way and veered away from the natural in favor of the artificial. Ancestral Supplements understands...
10+ Reasons Why Soccer is The Best Sport for Kids to...
Soccer is known as a beautiful game for a reason. It is not like all of the other sports for 4-year-olds; it is a...
Unlock the Healing Power of Sleep Yoga for a Better Night’s...
If you're looking for a natural way to improve the quality of your slumber, look no further than sleep yoga. This relatively new practice...
Got Knee Pain? Enhance Your Knee Mobility with These 5 Effective...
Have you ever found yourself plagued by knee pain, particularly in the knee cap or the front of your knee? Knee pain can be...
Propel Playtime: 5 Power-Packed Exercises for Kids
Parents are always looking for exercises for kids and ways to get their kids to be more active – without it feeling like a...
Dog Workouts Made Fun: Your Complete Exercise Plan to Getting Fit...
Looking for the perfect way to exercise with your dog while building an unbreakable bond? Getting active together offers amazing benefits for both two-legged...