How to Get Fit and Make Friends

Making friends as a child is a lot easier than making friends once you are an adult. If you’ve moved to a new city,...

10 Amazing Activewear Brands to Get You Moving

There is nothing more motivating to get you to the gym than the impending summer weather. There is just something about the sun shining...

The Barre Fitness Craze

Do you ever spend time flipping through photos of your pre-baby body, wishing you could return to the days of having an actual waistline?...

The 30 Best Wireless Headphones for Every Need

Whether you are a podcast officianado or need music to get you moving during the day, wireless headphones are a portable blessing. The varying...

The Cure for the Postpartum Body

There are a number of reasons that our bodies look and feel different after pregnancy - the weight gain, hormone fluctuation, fluid retention. We...

Ten Habits of Fit and Healthy Moms

They are everywhere: moms that run, moms that strength train, moms that say no to artificial ingredients, and moms that say yes to health....

5 Things You Need to Know When Running with Dogs

When you're looking for motivation to get out there and log some miles, nothing beats heading out the door with your best 4-legged friend....

Top 5 Ways On How To Avoid Overeating

There is literally food everywhere! The temptation to eat and eat and eat some more, even when you aren't hungry, can feel rather overwhelming. It may...


Getting fit and caring for our bodies is a passion we all share at Daily Mom. We are always are the hunt for the...

The 2 Most Important Fitness Tips: Taking a Break and Embracing...

Many fitness tips focus on all the workout strategies, exercise ideas, staying committed, and sticking to it. It may be shocking and seem conflicting...

A Beginner’s Guide to Golf

Do you have a spouse or partner or even child who eats, sleeps, and breathes golf? Golf is a widely loved sport both for...

Pickleball for Beginners: Why It’s the Perfect New Game for Families

Have you ever wanted to try something new for your family time? Something that will bring everyone together and get them running around and...