Editors Top Picks from the JPMA 2017 Baby Show

This spring, JPMA, the Juvenile Products Manufacturer Association, put on its first ever baby show. Incredible brands offering the newest and greatest products for babies and young children all came together at the Anaheim Convention Center for a trade show that also included a consumer day! Daily Mom editor, Elena, went there to check out all the exciting innovations happening in the world of prenatal and baby care. She met with so many brands, manufacturers, and designers. She asked the questions we all want to ask. She looked for products that really make life with a baby easier and shared what she found with us. Here are our Editor’s Top Picks from the JPMA 2017 Baby Show.


This brand stood out to us because it is so unique. Mima creates products for parents that make life easier. However, these products are high fashion! You feel like you could push one of their strollers down a runway at fashion week. The Xari and BO are sleek and fierce in design. The fabric and leather choices are nicer than a lot of shoes and bags that many moms end up carrying. Just because you have a baby doesn’t mean you can’t look gorgeous in every way, and Mima celebrates that. Their high chair, Moon 2g, looks amazing no matter how modern your decor is in your home. Skip the bulky plastic chair. Moon 2g can be used as a newborn lounger and then adjusts through babyhood until it is a chair just for your child to use at the table until he is 99 pounds. Mima products stand out because they are smart and beautiful.

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Mima | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram | YouTube


Babies have to eat! B.Box makes feeding from infancy through young childhood simpler and less messy. And all the mamas said “Amen!” While at the JPMA Baby Show, we were happy to see feeding solutions for formula feeding and eating healthy on the go. The Bottle + Dispenser from B.Box is a dream for formula feeding on the go. The container at the bottom of the bottle holds the powder. Put the water in the top and when baby gets hungry you only have to plunge and shake, without trying to pour powder into the bottle while wrangling a fussy baby. No mess, no fuss. Just a bottle ready when you need it.

If your child is a little older and eating solids, we love the utensils that are safe for toddlers who want to eat independently. If you have an extra messy eater or you are just a clean freak kind of parent, you are going to wonder how you ever lived without the Smock Bib from B.Box. Baby is covered in this long sleeve smock that is even long enough to cover the top of their legs. It is waterproof and wraps up into its own little bag for clean eating on the go. This company has so much to offer parents, and that’s why we love them!

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baby deedee

Babies need to feel warm and secure in order to sleep well. However, babies need to be safe when they sleep, so you can’t cover them with a quilt like you would yourself. baby deedee was created by a mom who followed her instincts to help her baby sleep soundly by creating comfortable sleep bags that are safe! baby deedee offers sleep nests for every season, and they come in sizes for babies and toddlers. We love that a baby deedee sleep bag can become part of your child’s bedtime routine. Getting snuggled up and cozy in the sleep sack will signal that it is time to sleep. baby deedee does not use flame retardants in their sleep bags. The cotton they use is amazingly soft, and we love the gorgeous gender neutral color combinations offered. In addition to the sleep sacks, baby deedee has pajamas and bedding made with the same care, safety, and design.

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Baby Deedee | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


Our love for Clek is no secret! This company makes car seats that exceed expectations in safety and style. Our kids are safe and secure, can rear face for longer, and stay in a 5-point harness for longer with Clek. Their seats look great with all the amazing color choices. This year Clek launched their new purple and forest green colors, and we are still swooning over those choices. Clek has two convertible seats, Foonf and Fllo, that can be used from 14 pounds to 65 pounds! Big kids aren’t left out though. Clek’s booster seats are just as safe, comfortable, and cool.

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Clek | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube


Dadware is a brand created by a parent in order to solve a problem he was experiencing with his own baby. Those are the best kinds of products. Dads want to enjoy the benefit of skin to skin contact with their newborns just like moms. The dad behind Dadware was uncomfortable sitting around topless with his baby. He wanted to wear a comfortable shirt and still be able to snuggle, skin to skin, with his newborn. The ingenious design of the Bondaroo shirt makes that possible. The chest opens up from the shoulder to let baby in or can be worn closed like a regular shirt. It is stylish, comfortable, and functional, and Daily Mom loves it. We are all about dads who want to be just as connected with their baby as Mom!

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DadWare | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram


This product is cool, literally cool. Noggle is an ingenious solution to your child being too hot (or cold) in the back of your car when rear facing. With more and more parents understanding the importance of rear facing for longer than two years, the creators of Noggle knew there had to be a way to keep young kids comfortable when facing away from the vents in the car. Noggle is an easy to install, flexible hose that directs air from the vents in the front to your child in the back. You choose the length needed for your car, and it installs with no tools needed. We think Noggle is great for forward facing kids too when you don’t have rear vents in your car, and if you drive with a dog in the way back, you can shoot some cool air his way too! There are fun patterns to choose from. Being able to keep everyone comfortable on the go is why Daily Mom is part of the Noggle nation!

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The Noggle | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

We hope you were able to watch some of our interviews with these brands from the JPMA Show live. If you missed the action, check out the videos on Daily Mom’s Facebook page. You can go back and watch to see these products and more up close and personal. Make sure you like us on Facebook so you never miss one of our events again!

Do you love learning about new brands and products? Check out DISCOVER.

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Photo Credits: everyavenuegirl

Daily Mom
Daily Momhttps://dailymom.com
Daily Mom is an online parenting magazine for women who are looking for information and education to be a better mother, parent, wife for their family. It's a combination of your favorite parenting and mom blogs, shopping, fashion and cooking Pinterest boards, parenting advice websites, how-to and DIY posts, product features and the best fashion magazines all packaged neatly into short easy to read a rticles with gorgeous photos We are a team of passionate women writers and editors on a mission to educate, inspire and help women, moms and parents all over the world by providing informational articles on all aspects of womanhood and motherhood

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