How To Be Resourceful With Little Space and Create Your Own Personal Space

You have heard of man caves but what about a space for you…something that is unique to your needs and desires, a special space that helps calm and center you whenever you need a little downtime.  Even if you don’t have an extra room to create your own “cave” you can create a space that is uniquely yours.  We have the tips to create your own personal space with limited space in the home. You can create the perfect spot just for you, that is only yours!

No Space-No Problem!  

How To Be Resourceful With Little Space And Create Your Own Personal Space

You don’t need a ton of space to create an area that is just for you. All you need is a corner or even a small hall closet that is all yours. Corners are perfect because you can either choose to make it a cozy boxed-in nook with your back facing the wall, or you can create a personal space facing towards the wall with a room divider for a little extra privacy.

When thinking about where you want your personal space to be think of the ideal location, most likely this is either in your bedroom, sunroom, sitting room, office, guest room, or other space that is ideally in a location where you will not be disturbed by others in the familySince you are looking for an area to create a space for just you, you don’t need a whole room, literally just a corner with enough space for a chair, cushion, or pillows to create the space you need.  If you are crafty you can even build a window seat, building in your own personal space while adding a little something to the room.

Often homes have a hall closet under the stairs, which is great in theory but most of the time it just ends up being a space for random junk that doesn’t have a home elsewhere.  This can easily be turned into your personal space, with a little TLC.  Start with taking everything out of the closet to see if the space is roomy enough for your desires. If it is, then find homes for everything that was inside.  Most likely you will be able to get rid of most of the stuff in there as if you didn’t even know it was there; do you really need something that you didn’t even know you had?

Read More: A Couch For A Small Space: Meet Elephant In A Box

Selecting Your Personal Space

How To Be Resourceful With Little Space And Create Your Own Personal Space

When you think of your own personal space to escape, what comes to mind?  Maybe it is a light and airy space, or maybe you prefer a darker corner with mood lighting. This is your personal space and you can make it whatever you want and need it to be. Close your eyes and picture yourself in your new spot, take a moment to feel what it feels like to be there and what you want to be doing in your personal space. 

It could be a quiet place for you to read or journal, or mediate without any distractions.  Even if you just want a personal space where you can be still and quiet, drink your tea and let your thoughts flow.  Finding the spot for your personal space might come to you easily or maybe you have the perfect spot in the corner of your room but your bed is there.  With a little rearranging, you can have the perfect space you need even with limited room in your home. Since you literally only need a four-square-foot area (or more), you have the space you just have to get creative, especially if you have limited space.

Ideally, you will want to create a spot that is away from anything you are trying to avoid while in your personal space. Away from household members and distractions such as tvs, computers, etc. You will need an area that will allow you to do what you want in that space, and electronics or tv will defeat what you are trying to accomplish in your own personal space.

Read More: 7 Tips for Maximizing your Space with Baby

Creating the Perfect Spot-Just For You

How To Be Resourceful With Little Space And Create Your Own Personal Space

When you picture the perfect spot that you want to create for yourself, most likely it was simple.  A simple spot that is just yours without kid toys, your husband’s random objects, or the dog’s chew toys.  When designing your personal space, less is more.  This is a space just for you, so you only need what you want to put in it.  Start first with furniture, maybe you want a big comfy chair to curl up in, or you could forgo the chair for a bunch of plush floor cushions and pillows.

Think about how you want to enjoy your personal space where you will be reading or meditating, or simply unwinding after a long day.  You might want a little side table to be able to put your coffee or water on, keep a stack of books or a small speaker if you want to meditate with background music. The best part of this space is you don’t have to share it with anyone!  So, if you want it dark and cozy, put blinds up if needed, add some pillows in richer shades such as dark navy, maroon, and forest green. 

To keep it light and airy you can put some gauzy fabric on the wall or drape over the windows to create that perfect soft light. For more privacy, add a room divider to really create your own sectioned-off personal space.  This will feel even more like you are able to shut everything else out, regardless of where your space is.   Add a picture to the space to convey what you want the space to bring to you such as a picture of the beach or lakes for serenity, the night sky for dark and cozy, or a vision board for motivation. 

Read More: How to Use Negative Space

You have learned that you don’t have to have a huge house or even an extra room to create your own personal space. Creating your personal space is relatively easy and you will be surprised at how much you can get from your own personal space. Think of it as a small investment in your daily mental and emotional health and wellbeing.

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How To Be Resourceful With Little Space And Create Your Own Personal Space
Sabra Ritter
Sabra Ritter
Part event planner and marketing guru, part stay-at-home mom, and part blogger. Mom of two toddler girls, who are always keeping her on her toes. On the weekends you can find her at Southern California beaches or hiking with her family. Sabra loves to cook and is always creating something new!

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