Ways to Live in the Moment With Your Baby

Ways To Live In The Moment With Your Baby 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Photo Credit: Lilac Saloon

They say time is fleeting and the baby years pass by so quickly. You have probably already experienced this as you look at your little one in amazement at how much they’ve grown. Where has the time gone?! When we are tired, busy and also trying to be great mothers, it is easy to multitask and get distracted.

Maybe you catch up on your favorite show while baby plays on the floor, make a phone call while pushing the stroller, and answer emails while nursing baby to sleep.It’s not bad to do these things but sometimes it’s nice (and important!) to take a time out from distractions and to truly be in the moment like your baby is. Here are a few very simple and enjoyable ways to be in the moment with your little bundle.

The bonus? These are great bonding activities that will bring you closer together and remind you just how much you love your child.

Feed & Cuddle

Ways To Live In The Moment With Your Baby 2 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Photo Credit: Lilac Saloon

Remove all distractions while nursing/feeding and focus on baby. Be alone together if you can. Turn off the tv and put away your phone. Hold his hand, rock, hum or sing to baby, gently stroke his back or head.

Infant Massage

Ways To Live In The Moment With Your Baby 3 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Photo Credit: The Art of Making a Baby

Give baby a soothing massage. Infant massage has wonderful physical and emotional benefits for baby and emotional benefits for you as well. Use the power of touch to connect with your baby. While massaging, talk to your baby. Tell her what you’re doing and tell her how much you love her.

For techniques on massaging your baby, see Infant Massage Techniques Made Easy on baby zone.

Floor Time

Ways To Live In The Moment With Your Baby 4 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Photo Credit: The Art of Making a Baby

Lay on floor at their level and share playing with a toy. Let them guide the play and show you what they’re interested in. Hand toys to each other, stack and roll things, and be silly. Laying down at their level is fun for them but it also brings you into their world. Crawl and play with them for as long as you can – you may get distracted and lose track of time. That’s exactly what you want to gain from this, to get lost in the moment!


Ways To Live In The Moment With Your Baby 5 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Photo Credit: Lilac Saloon

Take a bath together, splash, pour water, and be silly. Bath time can be approached as all business. Stick them in the tub, scrub down, rinse and get out. Or, you can take a bath together and observe how they splash and enjoy learning the physics of water. Pour water, squeeze sponges, watch as toys float or sink. All while getting clean!

Dance Party

Ways To Live In The Moment With Your Baby 6 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Photo Credit: Lilac Saloon

Turn on some energetic dance music and bounce around the room together. It doesn’t have to be kids music, either! Anything you enjoy that is fun to bounce around to is great! Hold baby and turn in circles, bounce to the beat and watch them light up! Talk about a mood lifter, too!

Explore & Narrate

Ways To Live In The Moment With Your Baby 7 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Photo Credit: Lilac Saloon

Take a walk around the block together and talk to them about everything you see. Explore the outdoors together and notice the details. Remember, every little thing in this world is new to them! Pluck a leaf and show her, tell her what it is, where it comes from, what color it is and anything else you can think of! Let her touch the bark of a tree. Tell her that the sound she hears is a dog barking. Explore and go slowly, stopping often to show her things. You may even notice new things you’d never stopped to see before!

Story Time

Ways To Live In The Moment With Your Baby 8 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Photo Credit: The Art of Making a Baby

Don’t forget about one of the most important activities you can do with your baby – reading! Choose a story book you actually enjoy, and narrate it with excitement! Make sounds or voices where it may apply. Point to pictures on the page as you read or move your hands to help narrate. Getting into the story is a great way to be in the moment with your baby as she learns about books, reading, stories and language!

Does your baby’s library need refreshing? Check out The Coolest New Baby Books to discover more to add to your collection!
For more inspiration on activities to do with your kids, explore our NURTURE category.



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Megan V.
Megan V.http://www.lilacsaloon.com
Megan is a fashion industry drop-out turned stay-at-home-mom to a baby girl named Luna. Her days are filled with creative endeavors such as embroidery, calligraphy and photography in between changing diapers and nursing sessions. She has a passion for all things handmade, eco-friendly, unique and modern. You can peek more into her life and projects at her blog, Lilac Saloon, and follow her on Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram!

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