Noom Review: Lifestyle Change and Weight Loss App

There are hundreds of weight loss apps and programs out there. They all promise one thing: lose weight and lose it fast. But what about after you’ve lost that weight? What then? Noom is a weight loss app that not only helps you lose the weight but it also helps you make crucial lifestyle changes to make sure that you keep the weight off and create a completely healthier version of yourself for the longterm.

Health conscious folks will tell you that health and wellness is not a phase- its a lifestyle. Noom helps you to make those lifelong changes so that you can reach your wellness goals- whether that is weight loss or simply helping yourself to make healthier choices in your food. Designed by a behavioral psychologist, this app changes the way you think so you can change the way you eat. This Noom review will tell you everything you need to know about the up-and-coming app that has people not only losing weight but also getting healthy.

Noom Review: Lifestyle Change And Weight Loss App

Noom Review: The Weight Loss App that Sticks

How Does Noom Work?

Noom is more than just a weight loss app – it is a lifestyle app. Designed to target a person’s eating and fitness habits rather than doing what many fad diets do such as cutting out major food groups or restricting foods. It starts off by asking you your goals – how much you currently weigh, your goal weight, your age, any diseases or health conditions, how active you are, and your general eating habits. A fitness algorithm then accounts for all these factors and calculates your macros, which is the amount of protein, carbs, and fat you should be working towards each day in order to reach your goal. After that, you will be directed daily through prompts and personal coaching to track your foods as well as give you tips on how to reach your daily needs.

Noom Review: Lifestyle Change And Weight Loss App

Included in the app subscription you recieve:

  • A personalized calorie breakdown based on a series of lifestyle questions.
  • A section to track the foods you eat by searching a database or scanning barcodes.
  • The ability to track exercise, weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar.
  • In-app 1:1 health coaching during business hours.
  • Motivation with interactive articles and quizzes.

Since the app was designed by behavioral psychologists versus certified fitness professionals, nutritionists, or dietitians it focuses on changing your behaviors, habits, and mindset towards food versus your weight loss. In fact, the simple act of tracking your food on a daily basis has been scientifically found to aid in overall weight loss for participants. Noom makes it easy, too; there are over 150,000 searchable and scannable foods available in the app so you can easily log what you eat and when.

Noom also has other app features such as a pedometer tracker that allows users to see the amount of steps they have taken throughout the day (as long as they have their phones on them). And if you’re looking to share your data with your doctor, Noom can do that, too. Blood sugar and blood pressure can also be recorded which is critical for those who have a disease or illness that they are monitoring.

How Much Does Noom Cost per Month?

Noom is one of the more expensive apps out there, costing a minimum of $59 per month for users. However, there are other options that can help you save a little bit of money if you subscribe for longer periods of time:

  • Monthly auto-recurring plan $59
  • 2 month auto-recurring plan $99
  • 4 month auto-recurring plan $129
  • 6 month auto-recurring plan $149
  • 8 month auto-recurring plan $159
  • Annual auto-recurring plan $199 
Noom Review: Lifestyle Change And Weight Loss App

One of the biggest reasons for this sticker-shock price, especially when it comes to an app, is the one-on-one coaching that is available through Noom. It is more than just a food tracker and pedometer – you receive daily prompts from the app and the ability to get help from an assigned coach. These factors – food tracking, health tracking, pedometer monitoring, daily prompts, and a personal coach – all work together to create a lifestyle change for you versus just a “goal” to achieve.

What is a Personal Noom Goal Specialist?

One of the biggest differences between Noom and other weight loss apps is that each user has a personal Noom goal specialist that is available for advice, tips, or plain old motivation to help your reach your daily and long-term goals. Noom goal specialists have a variety of backgrounds including psychology, physiology, kinesiology, nutrition, dietetics, health coaching, and personal training. However, each person is approved by the National Consortium for Credentialing Health & Wellness Coaches so they are trained to give you feedback and advice on your progress.

Noom Review: Lifestyle Change And Weight Loss App

Coaches are available to users from 9am to 5pm on weekdays, so you can reach them when it’s convenient for you on a daily basis. But in addition to your personal Noom coach, you will also receive daily prompts that help give you steps to reach your goals for the day and get you one step closer to reaching your long-term health and wellness goals. These prompts include foods to focus on, and articles and research to read to help you understand the science behind your hard work. It also reminds you to log your food and log your exercise daily.

Other Cool Things About the App

There are other apps out there that offer food tracking and exercise logging, but none offer the type of community that Noom encourages. In addition to your personal coach and daily prompts, you will also be assigned to a group. This group helps to keep users accountable and provides motivation to keep on track with your health and wellness goals. You can reach your group members at any time instead of having to wait for your personal coach to get online. Your online friends can offer support, accountability, and motivation, which has been found to help people with their long-term health goals.

Noom Review: Lifestyle Change And Weight Loss App

Noom also offers a plethora of healthy, whole food focused recipes for users. These recipes are created by Rodale, Inc. which is the world’s leading healthy lifestyle company. Noom users have access to a collection of their recipes right from the app. These recipes also help you keep track of your macros and allow you to focus on what you need to maintain your newly found healthy lifestyle.

Noom provides a wonderful way for users to focus on more than weight loss. It works towards changing your behavior and your habits instead of just a number on the scale. The creators of Noom want to ensure that users are creating a healthy lifestyle and changing their health for the better by focusing on healthy, wholesome foods and nutrient dense meals versus trying to cut out foods or types of foods. They offer real-life support, a community of like-minded goal setters, and daily prompts to remind you to take care of you. These factors working together create an app that gives you more than a lower number on the scale – it gives you your life back.

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Check out this article on How I’m Handling a Weight Plateau.

Noom Review: Lifestyle Change And Weight Loss App
Lauren is a mom of three girls and a proud USMC spouse. She is the managing editor of Daily Mom Military, one half of the YouTube military spouse channel, #TheDependas, and owner of Lauren Lomsdale Creative Studios. She loves to run, lift, and do yoga in her spare time. Lauren is currently in Camp Pendleton, CA with her family and loves to meet new and inspiring military spouses.

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