8 Meaningful Mindfulness Exercises to Improve Your Mental Health

We're all a bit stressed, run-down, and tired. We have so much going on day-to-day, and no time to reflect. If you have any...

Relief for a Family of Allergy Sufferers

We are proud to be working with CVS Pharmacy to help spread the word about how to #BeGreater with #SensimistAtCVS. All opinions expressed are...

4 Mind-blowing Facts About Raw Milk Benefits

It’s quite likely you’ve heard someone talk about raw milk. Maybe you wondered what it was, and when you learned, maybe you wondered why...

9 Signs That You Need a New Mattress

There are some big purchases that we all have to make. Some things are just necessities, and even though we might not like opening...

Debunking the 5 Second Rule

Picture this: it’s lunchtime, and you just whipped up grilled cheeses, pretzels and ants on a log for your hungry kids. Your 4-year old...

The Importance of Hydration and Why it is so Critical to...

You have probably heard that you need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to be properly hydrated, but do you...

Morning Health Routine: 25 Of The Best Items to Help You...

Are you looking to start your day on a healthy note? Then you've come to the right place. A proper morning health routine is...

Baby Blues, Postpartum Depression, and Postpartum Psychosis: What’s the Difference?

Having a baby is supposed to be the most blissful time in a new mom’s life. She brings her sweet cherub into the world...


Our culture is a little obsessed with cleanliness, especially when it comes to our children. Everywhere we go, we are reminded to wash our hands...

10 Reasons to Run a Turkey Trot This Year

Everyone knows that Thanksgiving is the best holiday for shamelessly filling yourself with layer upon layer of savory meals and satisfying sweets. What fewer...

Legalization of Medical Marijuana and Parenting

Medical Marijuana is a hot topic everywhere these days, from social media and college campuses to politics and doctors’ offices. Many states have legalized...

Getting Off The Pills: Pain Relief Without Taking Any Form of...

There was once a time when people lived in fear of falling ill. Even simply getting a cough and cold would make people fear...

Don’t Forget Your Breasts: 6 Things to Know about Breast Exams

Raise your hand if you were able to use the restroom alone today. When was your last shower? Last sit-down meal? Anyone? As a mother, you have very little alone time. If you can’t go to the bathroom alone, you probably aren’t getting to your dentist or doctor as often as you should. While it seems physically and temporally impossible, taking care of yourself is imperative. When it comes to breast health, we have the intel for breast exams and mammograms.

They Seem Convenient But Are On-demand Services Worth It?

On-demand services let us get practically whatever we want whenever we want it. The prevailing idea is that these services make our lives easier...

3 Ways To Teach Your Child Sun Safety

It's already the middle of summer and for many areas around the country, prolonged sun exposure has become a way for many families to...

6 Family Winter Health Habits To Stay Well This Season

Winter brings fluffy snow for sledding, building snowmen, and even a good friendly snowball fight. Winter also brings colder temperatures, the peak time of...

Moon Gatherings: All You Need to Know to Experience One

New moons represent new beginnings and people have been celebrating new beginnings with moon gatherings for eons. These gatherings are set to manifest goals,...

The Skinny On Natural Sweeteners

We all need a little sugar to get us through the day. It's actually a great source of energy for your body, when used...

7 Ultimate Ways to Use Protection Crystals 

Protection crystals aren’t new. Nothing about crystals is new—while some crystals form in a matter of days and others form over years, this process...

Yoga Nidra For Sleep: 4 Healthy Ways To Center Your Life

It's no secret that moms are exhausted, stressed, and overworked. People are constantly reminding us that we need to take care of ourselves to...

5 Things to Consider When Choosing Healthy Snacks for Back-to-School

“Hey mom, can I have a snack?”  Sound familiar? That is likely the first question your child asks the minute they come home from a...

The Whole Truth About Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy in women is more complex and multifaceted than in men. If a man needs only testosterone for substitution, a woman needs...

4 Inspiring Vegan Options To Consider While Raising Kids

Child-rearing is full of difficult decisions. Some are split-second decisions and some are consciously made after much deliberation and discussion. Deciding to practice veganism...

3 Ways to Win the War Against Mosquito Bites

You can hear them coming like Valkyrie riding on the wind, buzzing their mighty presence in your ear, and coming to take your life...

Plant People: A Mom’s Solution for Stress, Gut Health, Focus Support...

Moms often struggle with balancing the daily stress of taking care of their families and finding time for themselves. To make matters worse, these...

How Often Do I Get a Pap Smear?

Up until 2011, pap smears were considered an annual event. The anticipated event that women clamored to schedule every year. The American College of...

Physical Symptoms of Stress

You’ve been experiencing physical symptoms like headaches, back pain, upset stomach, and trouble sleeping. You visit your doctor, thinking you may be coming down...

Guidelines for Shelter in Place and What it Really Means

The entire world is experiencing a unique situation that is unprecedented. Many states have enacted a shelter in place policy in which they are...

Yoga During a Move: 5 Poses for Your PCS

Whether you're moving across town, across the country, or across the world, your body is going to feel the effects, but you can still...

Understanding Your Thyroid

What is the thyroid? The thyroid in a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland that is normally located in the lower front of the neck. The purpose...

11 Nourishing Foods for Nursing Moms

If you're a nursing mama, chances are that you know the struggle of an increased appetite and the never-ending urge to eat. And hey,...

The Dirty Dozen and The Clean 15

Eating healthy starts with making sure that plenty of fruits and vegetables are a part of your family’s diet. It’s widely accepted that eating...

The Diagnosis That Leaves A Legacy

  In the summer of 2008, one July morning, I woke up feeling very dizzy. It was a hot day so I thought it was...

Disinfecting Wipes Have Now Become A Sacred Product

During any natural disaster, humans have a tendency to over-purchase items they fear they might never see again. Panic purchasing is a response that...

4 Benefits of Fenugreek That You Should Know About

Fenugreek is an herb similar to clover, which smells and tastes a lot like maple syrup. It is native to the Mediterranean, as well...