Making Crafts While Pregnant: The Hidden Joys And Scary Dangers

The first thing I did when I found out I was pregnant was I consulted with my doctor. I had one million questions to ask him. Among those questions was, “Can I still use Mod Podge, epoxy, spray paint, craft glues, and crafting mediums.” Crafting is close to my heart, so these questions were important. I was elated when my doctor informed me that I could still use all of these products as long as I also use personal protective equipment “PPE.” I was given the go-ahead to continue doing what I love, making crafts.

Here are some safety tips for crafting while pregnant that will help you decide what you can and cannot do for the next 9 months!

Enjoy Making Crafts During Your Pregnancy

Making Crafts While Pregnant: The Hidden Joys And Scary Dangers

At the beginning of your pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, you will likely experience nausea, heartburn, indigestion, cramping, and lethargy. Your body is constantly changing to make room for your baby and the placenta. Your body is also processing a much higher volume of blood in order to support the growth of your uterus which receives about one-fifth of your pre-pregnancy blood supply.

You feel lethargic because your baby is draining all of the nutrients in your body as he or she continues to grow and thrive. Feeling exhausted is actually a great sign that your baby is doing well, but the exhaustion can prevent you from doing things you wish you could like making crafts. But do not fear, by the second trimester when those original symptoms of pregnancy subside, you can go back to doing the things you love and craft away!

Making Crafts While Pregnant: The Hidden Joys And Scary Dangers

If you plan to craft while you are pregnant, and you feel well enough to do it, it is perfectly safe to do so. However, it is important to make sure you are always using the proper personal protective equipment and taking the proper precautions. Each product calls for different protective equipment and precautions, so it is important to read every label to ensure you have everything you need to work with the product safely. This article will make taking proper precautions for the most widely used products a little easier for each expecting mother hoping to continue crafting. However, you should read the label of each product before using it while pregnant.

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Staying Safe While Making Crafts With Epoxy

Making Crafts While Pregnant: The Hidden Joys And Scary Dangers

If you are using epoxy, the proper personal protective equipment required includes a pair of gloves and any face mask that will prevent the fumes from being inhaled. Epoxy can cause skin irritation. Epoxy enters your bloodstream through your skin and through inhalation. Epoxy in your bloodstream will enter the baby’s bloodstream, so it is important to always wear a mask around wet epoxy and to wash epoxy off immediately if it gets on your skin.

Epoxy can seep through your skin in its liquid or powder form. If epoxy gets on you in its powder form, simply wash it off with hand soap. If epoxy gets on you in its liquid form, you can dry wash your hands with an orange cleaner from a hardware store followed by hand soap or use baby wipes followed by hand soap.

While making crafts you can use products like varsol, vinegar, alcohol, or acetone to clean epoxy off of your tools, you should not use it to remove epoxy from your skin as these products make it easier for the epoxy to seep into your skin. It is also very important to always work in a well-ventilated area when working with epoxy. If the area does not have adequate ventilation you should use a respirator instead of a mask while making crafts with epoxy.

Making Crafts With Mod Podge While Pregnant

Making Crafts While Pregnant: The Hidden Joys And Scary Dangers

If you are using mod podge products while making crafts, you should wear gloves and a mask. Although mod podge products are non-toxic, you should also work with them in an area with adequate ventilation. If you cannot adequately ventilate the area, you should wear a respirator. If the products get on you, wash them off right away to prevent the product from seeping into your bloodstream through your skin.

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Spray Paint Safety

Making Crafts While Pregnant: The Hidden Joys And Scary Dangers

If you use spray paint during your pregnancy for painting or making crafts, you should wear a mask. You will likely want to wear gloves to keep the paint off of your skin, but it is not required. With oil-based spray paint, you must use an oil-resistant mask. A paper mask or cloth mask will not suffice for making crafts with oil-based spray paint. It is best to use a respirator with oil-based paint to be sure you have sufficient coverage. If you are using any other type of paint, you can wear any mask. Check the label for the type of paint. Make sure you are in a well-ventilated area while using any spray paint, preferably outdoors.

If you use E6000 during your pregnancy, you should wear a respirator and gloves. Although the smell is not strong, the glue is toxic. A regular mask is insufficient to prevent inhalation of the toxic fumes. The glue can seep into your bloodstream through your skin as well. If the glue gets on you, wash it off immediately with hand soap. Make sure you work in a well-ventilated area.

Using proper ventilation is a key part of working with these craft supplies safely. Do not eat or drink in the room with any of these craft supplies. Limit your exposure to these substances while making crafts by leaving the room when you are done with the project and only working on one project at a time.

Try not to use multiple products at the same time. Let one product completely dry before moving on to another. A mixture of products can cause a chemical reaction that may not be safe for you and the baby. Always use caution when working with products that have chemicals in them. Chemical reactions are possible, and using one product at a time will help prevent any unwanted or unexpected chemical reactions.

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Avoid These Products When Making Crafts While Pregnant

Making Crafts While Pregnant: The Hidden Joys And Scary Dangers

Make sure you avoid any crafting supplies that contain lead, paint thinners, organic solvents such as methanol and flame retardants. These ingredients can cause complications during pregnancy, birth defects, miscarriage, and stillbirths with high exposures. Wearing a respirator can mitigate the exposure, but it really just is not worth the risk during pregnancy. Use craft products with these ingredients after the delivery. It is only nine months to wait and better ensures the health and safety of your baby.

Making crafts while pregnant can bring joy, relaxation, and personalize your nursery. Just make sure to stay safe when working with crafting materials and substances.


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Making Crafts While Pregnant: The Hidden Joys And Scary Dangers

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